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    Mine love squid also Gem , I like when children will try different things ,
    Even if I could eat it I don’t think I could 😁
    Well done him knowing exactly what he wanted,

    Lizzie that looks lovely hope your well enough to enjoy it now .

    I was in Boots this morning and there was a women in front of me and she asked the girl for Fentanyl
    The girl looked shocked and said we don’t sell that over the counter ,
    This woman said , yes you do I’ve bought it before,
    So the girl said hang on I will get the pharmacist, then this woman pointed to a packet on the shelf and said that’s it
    Travel sickness tablets.

    Both myself and the girl started to laugh the girl in relief I think 😁 it was Phenergan she wanted .
    I said to this woman do you know you asked for a first class drug there that’s why the girl is panicking,

    She was horrified when we explained what it was , she said wait till I tell my Daughter she won’t let me out alone again .

    We had a good laugh and joked about finding it on street corners sold by drug barons 🤣🤣
    Im not fat just 6ft too small


      Hilarious Oma!!
      “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


        Aww bless the lady in Boots.

        Hubby is the best person in the world for getting words/names wrong.
        Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


          Lizzie, glad to hear you're feeling better. I imagine your DS1 has been worrying about you though. Your air fryer meal looks lovely.

          Gem, I hope GS3 iss feeling much better now, and back to being his usually cheerful little self. I remember the first time I had squid - it was at a beach front cafe in France. I didn't know what "calamar" on the menu meant and asked the waiter. He drew a squid on the (paper) tablecloth for me! It was very nice!

          Nanto, you're getting there with the freezer. Well done on finding the nice cards.

          Plant, did you hear from GD1 later on? I hope she and H are ok after yesterday's shock. It's surprising how long it can take to sort freezers out!

          Oma, did you get all your shopping?

          We had a dog food delivery today. I'd ordered the minimum because our chest freezer was still quite full, but I'll be using some things up when we have visitors later in the week (our food, of course, not the dog's). So I took the opportunity of moving the beef joint, an apple tart and a large bag of green beans up to the top, and found some hake, which I thought we'd used up. I took that out to defrost for tomorrow, and also took out an enormous recreational veal bone for Eva for tomorrow. There's plenty of room in the freezer now!

          "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

          (Marianne Williamson)


            Good morning.

            Lizzie, glad you are feeling better.

            Hubby taking some milk down to friends later.
            They are feeling a bit better and say they are hoping to be able to go shopping tomorrow.

            My plans are to do the last two drawers in the freezer.
            There is a pile of ironing with my name on.

            Dinner is pork chops, roast potatoes, veg and gravy.
            Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


              Good Sunday morning, everyone. It's damp and dark here, but at least it's not cold.

              Nanto, cute graphic. I'm sure your friends will be pleased when they can get out and do their shoppings, but they're lucky to have good friends like you and your OH to look after them. I hope the last two freezer drawers get done today. I've got a pile of ironing as well.

              We were hoping to prune the buddleia bushes in the front garden today - they're sprouting like mad already. We'll see how the weather goes. We've got a busy week ahead so I want to get some odd jobs done round the house. Window cleaning is most urgent I think.

              "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

              (Marianne Williamson)


                Good morning everyone.

                Dinner sounds nice Nan2, but not the ironing!

                Daisy our window cleaner came on Friday, making us realise we need to clean the insides soon too.

                We are going to Liverpool today. Check in at the hotel is at 3 but we will probably arrive a bit earlier and have a look round. We are driving over so are relaxed about timings - and not worried about train strikes!
                “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                  Morning everyone

                  Gem have a lovely stay see as much as your knee will allow,
                  how’s the other injuries are they easing ? Xx

                  I have ironing but not a lot ,
                  Pleased to hear your friends are feeling better,
                  Will you do the pork chops in the air fryer ? I fend they keep their tenderness in the air fryer.

                  Another busy week for you
                  How’s the kit car coming on ,is it nearly ready for the road ?

                  Have you spoke with GD are they ok now xx

                  How are you feeling now did you manage to eat your meal xx

                  I have done a dark wash that’s dry and sorted , towels on a hot wash and I’m popping to Lidl but apart from that doing not much ,
                  I had a bad night sleep wise so too lethargic to do much today ,

                  GS coming before he goes back later ,
                  he came home Friday , went golfing with his Dad yesterday and out for lunch with both and Lucie today.
                  Im not fat just 6ft too small


                    Oma, in the mornings the pain is worse, as apparently injured chest muscles are when you lie on them! I take painkillers and use and ice heat. It's not bad during the day unless I cough or laugh. It radiates under the armpit and shoulder. I have read it can take weeks.
                    Have a good rest today after your poor night.
                    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                      Good morning, I managed to eat my meal thanks, I am feeling a lot better but not yet 100%.

                      Gem, enjoy Liverpool. DS1 was there this last week, he loves it there.

                      It is dull and drizzly here so trying to get some sewing finished.


                        Not long woken up, I will get showered and dressed and return later.
                        What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                          Very quiet here, family out visiting eldest GS and his family. I don’t know why I slept so long, still feeling sleepy eyed. Very sunny and mild here, not sure what the forecast is.

                          Gemini, have you got definite plans as to what you want to do in Liverpool, how far is that for you to drive?

                          Lizzie, pleased to hear you are feeling better and enjoying your meals, it looked very yummy.

                          Oma, GD and H were here yesterday. H was her usual self, I think it will take a bit of time for GD to get over it.

                          Daisy, we only have one buddleia, sil just hacks it back, I keep out of that one.

                          Nanto, love the graphic. I am sure your friends are very grateful for your help.
                          What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                            Plant, it's about 2 and a half hours drive .

                            We are safely in our hotel now. It's the Mercure, next to the Liver building and with a great view of the Mersey and the ferry. It is very windy ( frighteningly so on the motorway, with speeds down to 40mph) We had planned a river trip this afternoon but it's just too windy. We have The Beatles Experience booked tomorrow morning. We will go out and have a little walk round now, eating out tonight
                            “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                              Windy here as well Gem.
                              Enjoy Liverpool.

                              Oma, i did the pork chops in the air fryer,i always do now.

                              Daisy, the last two freezer drawers did get done,but i'm not sure if i am happy,might have to do some more organising.

                              Oh, and i forgot to do my ironing.
                              Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                                Nanto, forgetting to do your ironing! Tut, tut, (secretly, I think it's great to forget the ironing! xx). Use the freezer for a few days and see if the layout works for you.

                                Gem, one thing you can nearly always expect in Liverpool is wind! To think I used to walk up from the ferry into town every day, in the depths of winter, often wearing hot pants! The Liver building is quite impressive, isn't it! I hope you enjoyed your walk round - where did you go?

                                Plant, you've had such a busy time just lately, to say nothing of a hospital procedure. I think tiredness just accumulates until you have to sleep to catch up a bit. So glad H is ok after her unexpected dip. Hopefully GD can put it behind her now and just be thankful that it wasn't any worse. I think now it the time to hack back buddleias. Ours are already sprouting, but we cut them down to the ground and they grow to about 7 foot in a season!

                                Oma, the kit car isn't ready for the road yet! It's making progress but there still quite a bit to do. A friend in the motor business has promised to put it on his low loader to take it to the upholsterer soon - OH decided that needed an expert!

                                I seem to have had a busy day - and I even did the ironing (sorry, Nanto!). I cooked the hake I got out of the freezer yesterday, plus new potatoes, spring greens, peas and parsley sauce.

                                "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                                (Marianne Williamson)

