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Time to Chat Day by Day

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    The benefits of sorting out clothes - £4.70 in a jacket I hadn't worn for years!

    EmptiER Daisy! 2 more wardrobes not yet started on
    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


      Wow, what will you find next?
      What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


        Daisy, I have bloods taken a few times and it always as it should be. Maybe I am just getting old!!

        I have been to aqua. The place where I do the coffee are busy with tax forms for a few weeks and they asked if I could be there for them on a Monday afternoon, I told them THAT is my aqua afternoon! They said they could find someone else to do it, but, as I know the kitchen, men etc etc they would like it to be me. I asked at the desk (pool) if I could just pay when I could go, it wasn't the friendliest of women today. I had to go and see her after the aqua, the young man had said could I go on a Wednesday morning, according to her he had no right to say that, oh dear, now we were both in the dog house. After a while she got the manager to come down, Paul, the first time in 10 years I have seen him. He was so friendly, I have got his permission to go on a Wednesday, only, if it is full I won't be allowed in, which I understand. I will ask my friend to ask the young man which lesson isn't as busy, I see there are 4 on a Wednesday morning, I can always go to the circuit training another day. All this for a bit of exercise

        It is a lovely day, sunny and warm on the bike, we had a good bike ride to the pool. With all my carrying on we were later than usual and the schools were leaving, it is so nice to see the young, from 4 years old, children next to their parents on their way home from school.


          Lovely here too Lizzie,but so much standing water in the fields and quite a lot on some of the country roads.
          What a carry on at the pool!

          Well we had lunch out at one of our favourite tearooms, went the garden centre ( which doesn't have a cafe) and bought a nice big pot for DD1, then to Sainsbury's for a few things. I could do to go to the card shop in the village but that can wait for another day. Can't have all my fun at once!
          “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


            Gem, I forgot to mention, when you said what you had found in your pocket, when I worked at the charity shop we used to empty the pockets, unbelievable what people left in them! Pleased you enjoyed your lunch.


              Well i don't know where today has gone. I got the windows cleaned.
              Pottered about doing little things.

              This afternoon hubby had his annual review at the clinic.
              I went, but didn't go in the clinic. Had a browse in the charity shop and the coop across the road.
              All i bought was a bunch of daffodils from the coop.

              Someone let me know a cousin had died yesterday. She was 85.
              We hadn't seen each other for about 20years, but we always sent Christmas cards to each other.
              Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                Lizzie, what a to-do about the aqua class. I'm glad the manager was more helpful than the lady! It's kind of you to re-arrange your commitments to fit in the coffee making as well. What was the strangest thing you ever found in a pocket at the charity shop?

                Gem, you've had a good day, as you say, the card shopping can wait.

                Plant, it was nice to see our neighbours back - they had been away for nearly 5 weeks! The greenhouse collection and delivery went very smoothly, and so far (touch wood) no glass broken. DS2 has ordered wood to make the base to rest the greenhouse on. He's keen to get it up because he's got seeds that need potting on and he's running out of window sills in the house!

                I got some washing done and a few odd jobs round the house - not as much as I'd hoped, but I felt quite tired after lunch, and I may just have had the tiniest little doze this afternoon!

                We've got an early start tomorrow. We're going round Southampton's Titanic Story. The Titanic, of course, left on its ill-fated voyage from Southampton and many of the crewe were local. I'm not sure how I'll cope with watching the ship sinking though. We're going for lunch afterwards which will be nice.

                "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                (Marianne Williamson)


                  Lizzie, what a palaver with the aqua class.

                  Daisy, glad the greenhouse moving went smoothly. I bet the Titanic story will be interesting.

                  Going into town this morning. Hubby will meet his pal then we'll meet up later for coffee.
                  Just need a few things from the butchers, and need to take the dress to be done.
                  I'll have a browse round the other shops.

                  Have a good day ladies.

                  Dinner is beef stew with pancakes. Both homemade from the freezer.
                  Last edited by Nanto2girls; 13-02-2024, 06:37 AM.
                  Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                    Good morning everyone.

                    Daisy, I hope you enjoy your day out, and your trip town Nan2.

                    Library for me this morning..
                    Clothes sorting this afternoon! GS2's school is having a bring a bag of clothes collection next week. This has given me the impetus to carry on as I can just give the bag to DD on Friday! I will keep a few very good items to go to the local charity shops, but the rest can go with DD.
                    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                      Daisy, In Cherbourg there is a mock up of the Titanic you can tour around. Apparently it spent some time there before moving to Ireland. It should be an interesting experience with some sadness. That was a very long holiday for your neighbours, they are lucky to have you as neighbours, they know you will keep an eye on things. Do they board the dog? The dogs must have been pleased to see each other.

                      Gemini, you are making me feel very guilty sorting out your clothes, what criteria are you using?

                      Nanto, enjoy your trip to town, you have reminded me it is Shrove Tuesday.

                      Ex Guiders Trefoil meeting this afternoon, I pick up a friend. We have all known each other for years, involved with running both Guide and Brownie Units and Packs. Sadly we are all getting older and we have had some sadness recently.
                      What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                        Afternoon everyone,
                        Seems a busy day for all of us , shopping , trips out, meeting up , Hope everyone enjoys there day.

                        I have been to the Farm shop then spent a lovely few hours with my Sister ,
                        lot of laughs , would have stayed for lunch but B has blood tests so had to leave ,

                        I took her two Cardigans I bought from Damart in the summer ,
                        I never wore them they are to heavy for me ,
                        I was looking in my wardrobe this morning and thought it was a shame they just hanging there and I knew she would like them .

                        The sun is out but it’s cold , we passed the river Wear coming home it must be low tide ,
                        never seen it so low for ages , usually it’s a torrent .
                        Im not fat just 6ft too small


                          Another day seems to have gone in the blink of an eye.

                          Had a good couple of hours in town,shopping and browsing in other shops.

                          Took the dress to the place where they do alterations. Charging £13, which i didn't think was bad, considering there are 2 layers to do.

                          I treat myself while in town, bought some new oven gloves. I certainly know how to live.
                          Oh, and just after we got home,i had 2 pairs of shoes delivered. I only ordered them on Sunday night from Pavers.

                          Anyway meat has been sorted and is in the freezer.

                          Oma, nice of you to give the cardigans to your sister.

                          Had a chat with my cousin who lives in York. She is a sister to my cousin who died on Sunday.
                          Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                            That was a good price for the alterations, worth the money.

                            I got all my downstairs windows inside done and mirrors ,
                            Couldn’t do upstairs my Karcher ran out of charge so I will do them tomorrow ,

                            Its grey and wet again, didn't think the sunshine would last 🙄
                            Im not fat just 6ft too small


                              Plant I procrastinate too much with wardrobe clearing and if were not for OH nudging me it would never get done! I have got rid of things which don't fit or that I haven't worn for years. I also moved all my dresses to my trouser wardrobe and the trousers to where to dresses were, with skirts and long cardigans. It makes more sense. I didn't know how many dresses I own
                              I hope you have a nice afternoon.

                              That sounds very reasonable for the alteration Nan2.

                              Oma, I think its rain, rain and more rain for the next few days

                              Busy morning at the library. I enjoy it very much and it's nice when it's busy . As long as I get plenty of opportunities to sit down I am OK.
                              We haven't had any pancakes yet but I am hoping OH will make some later!
                              “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                                It's been a busy day for us - I'll read all your posts later, but just to say we've had a good day (despite the rain) and I'll write up about the Titanic Tour later as well.

                                OH's car wouldn't start this morning, so we had to use mine, and the AA have just been to it. It was just a flat battery. We were worried that because it's got a leak, or leaks, somewhere it was also affecting the engine. OH has just taken it out for a run to help it charge up again.
                                "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                                (Marianne Williamson)

