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    Ejoy your break both of you. Hope the weather keeps fine.
    It clouded over here about 6ish,and it's cooled down now.
    Loely to have a surprise visit Oma, even if it done prevent you having a nana nap.
    Last edited by Nanto2girls; 13-08-2017, 06:47 PM.
    Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


      DS2 arrived this afternoon, and both GDs are having a sleepover tomorrow, so it's going to be a busy couple of days. It's a good job they all get on so well. Also the 2 little girls next door will be around and ready to play. GD2 will be surrounded by girls, but I'm sure he will take it in his stride!
      "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

      (Marianne Williamson)


        Good morning all.
        I'm back after a hectic last few days, when I say we have had the company of a whirling dervish AKA my 6 year old GS you will undoubtedly understand why I have been absent.
        Its all to easy to forget how a 6 year old can have so much energy . The only time he stopped when he was sitting at the table eating, well when I say sitting what I really mean is sitting down swinging his legs and generally fidgeting. But I would do it again in the drop of a hat. I haven't laughed so much in long time, talked endlessly about things only a six year old could think of . In between games of cricket (thankfully it wasn't his other latest sporting interest, rugby) we have had lots of cuddles.
        I don't mind one bit being woken up at stupid o'clock when a little boy creeps into my bed , cuddles up to me and says "I love you nanny" . Life doesn't get any better than that does it ?
        Bring me sunshine in your smile.


          Thats lovely Mimi, fun with your GS.
          We were up early this morning,and both of us felt packish, so we had an early breakfast.
          I'll be off to parents in about an hour.
          Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


            Good morning.
            The weather was perfect here in Haworth yesterday. This morning it is quite dull and has rained overnight. Off to the parsonage and generally mooch around Haworth today. Breakfast first though
            Last night we ate here at the hotel. The food was really good, but portions rather small! We were the only ones in the dining room (there are 2 small rooms, so it's not as bad as it sounds) In one way it was nice to have a private dining room, with table in the window overlooking the countryside .In another way, rather odd!
            I think we will eat in one the the Haworth pubs tonight. Coming back after the meal is downhill
            I got bitten 3 times by a damned mosquito in the lounge after dinner last night! I am plagued by these things in Spain, but I didn't expect it in Yorkshire! I have brought nothing for bites, so am using Oma's toothpaste method, plus an antihistamine,

            It sounds as though many of you are busy with GC. I hope it goes well with all of them Daisy.
            We knew you were busy with GS, Mimi! It all sounds lovely - but I bet you need a rest now!
            “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


              Morning ladies , damp and dull hear ,
              Mimi a 6 year old is quite a handful but they are so funny how they see the world
              Nanto early breakfast ! you will be starving by lunch time I bet
              Daisy poor lad all them girls around him hahaha

              Well waiting for GS1 to wake we taking him to Fenwicks in Newcastle today he has seen a Jacket he wants for his Birthday next month , I have a feeling this is going to be very expensive , last jacket he had his eye on was £250 told him no way are we paying that for a jacket , he said its cheaper than that but his cheaper could be £1 off couldn't it ,
              See how lighter B's wallet is when we get back have a good day ladies xxx
              Im not fat just 6ft too small


                Sunny here again, out to lunch with my Guiding friends, I will have to leave the party sharply as I am playing bowls in the afternoon. I intended to get up early today but here we are nearly 10.30 and I am not dressed, bed changing will have to wait until tomorrow. Lovely BBQ with family yesterday, GGs was his usual entertaining self, he has found he can scream, just little ones. He still isn't pooing for days, they were told to keep off the baby rice and as we said on here to give him water and a little prune juice.

                Hope you get away with a not too expensive jacket Oma but a lad wants to look smart.

                Oh Mimi nothing nicer indeed, very pleased you didn't have to play rugby.

                Hope your GS is coping being surrounded by girls, he will love it when he is older Daisy.

                Enjoy your day today Gemini, sorry to hear about the bites little blighters, they love me too.

                What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                  Morning ladies.

                  Not been around much for a couple of days as DD,SIL and GC here on a flying visit. We managed to pack in quite a lot though. A trip to the beach where GS braved the sea! We then visited DS1 and admired his new flat. Everything is new and co- ordinated. He and his semi- live in partner have worked so hard assembling furniture etc. We then all went over the road to Pizza Hut. We know how to have a good time!
                  The next day we went round to the local craft and farmer's market and after lunch had a long walk round a valley park and woods.Home for tea then they were off home leaving me with lots of leftover food,three beds to change and countless towels to wash.Oh yes a sandy bath where they had to wash the dog at the last minute.

                  Hope me everyone is well and surviving childminding duties.


                    Good morning everyone. Just a couple of minutes quiet here while all 3 are playing on DSs or Fire. What a dreadful grandma I am, but can't resist putting my feet up for a couple of mins.

                    Clover, your house sounds like ours when the family have stayed, but it's worth it. 😀

                    Oma, I bet j will look great in his new jacket. Hope B's wallet isn't too badly wounded😉

                    Mimi, what a lovely time you've had and you are also building wonderful memories for your DS. There's fairly recent research to say that fidgeting can help concentration.
                    "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                    (Marianne Williamson)


                      Well took less than a hour to spend £230 quid , The jacket he chose was £190 then he saw a jumper for £40 hes a very happy grandson at the minute , not his Birthday till 10th September but hes already wearing the jacket , told him hes only getting a card on his actual Birthday
                      Im not fat just 6ft too small


                        Oma its frightening how quickly £230 can be spent, it would have taken me almost 2 years to earn that sort of money when I left school. ( Now I can see that written down it makes me soooooo old )
                        Bring me sunshine in your smile.


                          Fear not Mimi.I feel exactly the same.


                            Clover, all part and parcel of having visitors,i bet you don't mind though.
                            One happy grandson there.
                            Had a bit of rain this morning,but the sun came out about 11ish, and still shining.
                            Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                              We had a lovely day in Haworth. I find it so moving to be here where they all lived, wrote and painted, and apart from Patrick Brontes case, lived far too short a life. The Parsonage where they lived, and the church where Patrick was vicar and all the family worshipped, and Anne excepted, were buried.
                              We also browsed the many lovely little shops, and had a nice cuppa and scones with jam and cream in Haworth. Too full from our hotel breakfast for lunch! Relaxing in our room now, before heading back up the hill later for dinner, at a pub with excellent TripAdvisor reviews

                              Clover, I'm sure it was lovely to have the family stay, despite the mess they leave!
                              Oma, lucky GS!
                              Busy day for Plant!
                              “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                                Oma , can we hold you to that ? We might hear differently mid Sept lol

