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    Good to hear you are feeling better Oma. Rain free day here as well today. Had plenty of sunshine after a bit of rain yesterday, but it wasn't really warm.
    Daisy,hope Eva's eye problem is clearing up.
    Gem, hope they have a lovely time in Canada, although i know you will miss them.
    Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


      Morning everyone
      Sunny with no rain forecast here too. The first of two washloads is in the washing machine!

      Mums shopping for me, then going with mum to see my sister ( which means mum leaves the house!!)

      Sounds as though you are on the mend Oma! But don't overdo it today, all the same.
      “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


        Good morning everyone. So much for me to catch up on!

        Oma I do hope you're back to your old self today, but please do take it easy. Give yourself a break. Poor GS! I hope his ear isn't too sore this morning.

        Gem - I know you will miss your DD very much, but 6 to 8 months will go by very quickly, and they will be restricted by their visa from staying for years and years. I like Canada, too. We nearly emigrated there many years ago, but in the end the thought of the winters put me off. You know we'll be here for you every inch of the way, and you can start planning your visit as soon as you know where they will be. We're looking forward to welcoming our Canadian friends over here next summer. My first thought when you mentioned the Sardinian restaurant was "I love Sardines!!" but I'm sure they serve other goodies!

        Plant - I parked in a puddle yesterday as well - and it was a muddy one on an unmade parking area! It sounds as though you've been working really hard on getting everything back in place. Well done - you certainly deserve your Aqua class this morning. I was wondering about how you would feel about losing your dear little cat now you're back from holiday. They leave such a hole in our hearts. Big hug, dear. GGS is making good progress. But I bet his babyhood is going far too fast for you.

        Mimi - I hope your hyper active 6 year old sleeps well to give you chance to recover!

        Well, for the first time since 21 July we have the house to ourselves - OH, me and Eva! My head's spinning and I was quite literally too tired to sleep last night! It's all been enjoyable, but I suppose we get used to our little routines etc and even a visiting dog throws everything out of kilter. But we've got a short breathing space before DS2 arrives sometime over the week-end. We've got a friend coming for dinner tomorrow, and I'm wondering what to cook - something easy. He likes traditional 'school grub' and pudding will be jam sponge and custard. Any ideas that take little or no preparation would be great!

        Poor Eva was terrified and panicky at the vets yesterday. We had to muzzle her in the end, and then she seemed to calm down a bit. I felt quite sad that her trust in us still only goes 'so far' - we can stroke her neck and back, put on her collar and harness and she tolerated me looking at her poorly eye, but no way was she going to do that in the vets! What on earth has happened to the poor girl in the past to make her so fearful. As I suspected, she has conjunctivitis and has 5-days of AB gloopy drops. We probably wasted 2 days' worth getting them into her eyes last night. We haven't tried yet this morning.

        The GDs enjoyed their 2 night sleepover. We took them back home last night. The extra day was because their other Granddad had a hospital appointment and needed someone to drive him. So the other Grandma obliged. The appointment was early but they had no idea how long they would be, and it meant DS2 or DIL taking at least the morning off work. They have had 3 days with their print machine down and now it's working again they have a huge backlog of work to catch up on, so taking time out was a real problem. So the girls stayed an extra night and day with us. Unfortunately it was pouring with rain all day, so we couldn't even take them out - and I hand't packed their wellies either.

        "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

        (Marianne Williamson)


          The sky is blue and the sun is shining here!!! Yesterday was like a Winter's day. Hospital for OH, consultant running late, but news was good! Doesn't want to see OH for 2 months, he has to have his bloods taken every month and collect his medication, but unless there are any problems, he's happy to delay the visits. Quite a relief all round. Went to Waitrose afterwards and treated myself to a nice bottle of wine and a ginger muffin to celebrate!!WHy do I always spend much more money in W'rose than I do in another supermarket?
          Went to doc on Tuesday re my cough. He thinks it may be an infection of the upper respiratory tract, but gave me antibiotics and arranged an xray. The antibiotics are making me feel really sick, but I shall finish the course. Cough a bit better, but not completely gone.
          DS also visited doc re his xray. Seems he has an extra bone in his foot which has been the cause of the swelling and pain!! Always knew there was something different about him!! Anyway, he's walking much easier now and can wiggle his toes and move his foot quite freely. Planning to go back at beginning of September all going well.
          Doggo arrives at the weekend for his annual holidays. He seems to have recovered from his back problems but DD says he's still not too keen on long walks.
          Hopefully the washing I put out earlier is dry and I can do the i****** later. Need to make spare bed for weekend. We've been in there while decorating was being done. It's nice to get back in your own bed though isn't it?
          Hope all poorly people/animals feeling better.
          Believe you can and you're halfway there.
          Theodore Roosevelt.


            Glad all is going well WG. My week has not been as quiet as I thought, DD and sil have rented a house out for many years but have decided to sell now as they want to buy a villa in Spain well I'll drink to that !!! so we had extra childminding duties so they could get house valued and show folk round someone has already offered cash but don't know if they have had to come down in price it is tempting, so we are both tired OH has been asleep for the last 2hrs but it is his birthday and I'm about to hit the sack, will have to read posts another time yaaaawn


              Plant GGS will be changing every time you see him I bet .
              Qwerty Happy Birthday to J hope your spoiling him hope they get a good fair price think of all that Spanish sun .
              Daisy poor Eva hope she's ok now how's her eyes tonight ?
              WG such good news about hubby you can relax a little now ,
              Gem how was your sister ? hope she was well xx
              finally catching up with everyone
              Im not fat just 6ft too small


                WG - that's great news about your OH. I do hope your cough gets better with the ABs. The 'cure' sounds almost as bad as the cough. You'd never think of someone having pain because they had an extra bone in their foot. What an interesting son you've got.

                Oma - it sounds as though you're feeling better. Thank you for asking about Eva. Her very poorly eye is looking a bit better, but getting the drops in is not for the faint-hearted! Little monkey.

                Qwerty - it's a good job you got that swimsuit - you'll be jetting off to Spanish sun at the drop of a hat!

                My day didn't quite go to plan. My friend, M, who looks after Eva if we go away came round for a coffee and we had a good old chat. Then it was virtually lunchtime so we had lunch. The sun was shining so I mowed the lawn afterwards - it was so long I couldn't even put the blades down on the mower, so it will need doing again in a day or so. I then spent the rest of the afternoon pottering round the garden while OH prepped runner beans for the freezer. We took Eva out for a good run in the paddock, came home and had dinner. All that fresh air has knocked me out, so just off to bed! I've still got no idea what to make for dinner tomorrow night for our guest. Any suggestions for something tasty but easy to prepare would be most welcome!

                "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                (Marianne Williamson)


                  Sun is shining, but i heard it will be wet and windy later.
                  Weegranny,good news for hubby.
                  Went to visit friends yesterday afternoon,which turned into a longer visit than was planned, but it was enjoyable.
                  Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                    Good morning, everyone. Love the graphic, Nanto.

                    We've got sun at the moment - I hope it lasts!

                    Nanto - it's lovely when a visit is so nice . I think it does us the world of good to sit and chat with friends.

                    I'm going to get that sucky up thing out of the back of the cupboard this morning. The house is still covered in black fur from Bailey, as well as Eva's ginger locks, of course! I promise not to overdo it though!
                    "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                    (Marianne Williamson)


                      No Daisy, don't go mad. I hope Eva's eyes are getting better, very difficult to treat animals, they don't understand that you are trying to help them.

                      Warfarin Clinic for me today then a quick visit to W, I don't need much, famous last words! At least it is sunny atm.

                      Hope your cough is getting better WG. Good news about your OH's check u
                      What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                        Good morning everyone

                        Daisy, our house is frequently covered with black, white and ginger fur. Mostly black as we have a long haired black cat! Sadly this necessitates the hoover coming out far more often then I would choose!

                        Lovely graphic indeed Nan2!

                        WG, I'm very pleased to hear the news was good for your OH. I hope your cough clears up soon. These things can hang on.

                        Qwerty, Spanish villa, how exciting! I would love someone in our family to buy one! DD2 and SIL are considering buying a holiday cottage in Whitby. Lovely, but not quite the same

                        I am taking my mum to have her ear syringed later, apart from that it is a cleaning day. We will be out at a wedding tomorrow, then away for 2 nights. We need to prepare for the cat sitter! Eating out tonight, with a friend who we are meeting after work.
                        No GC as they are still in France.

                        My sister was fine thanks, Oma. It was quite festive, as one of the carers who has been there for several years was leaving that day, to take job with special needs children. Sad to see her go, but as she is a mum, the hours will suit her a lot better. So, mum and I benefited from the food for her leaving party Mum coped well with being out, but admitted it was quite stressful to be out and was glad to be home!
                        “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                          Sorry to hear your mother is not happy going out Gemini, sounds as if she has lost her confidence. You are always eating out Gemini, you and OH have lots of friends who like your company.
                          What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                            Morning ladies , dull and overcast hear ,
                            GS1& Dog day ,

                            We did intend on going to our big park today let GS & Dog have a good run but B has had to go to hospital got up this morning covered in red blister like spots , had 1 on Monday and showed Dr who gave him cream but they have popped up all over this morning ,
                            He's due for a top up of Bone Marrow on Wednesday but if its Graft V Host that wont go ahead , we rang Hospital and they said to go along and they would have a look then decide ,
                            This man if its not one thing its another
                            Plant don't spend to much
                            Gem sounds like a good day yesterday but bet your Mum was tired ,
                            Daisy what is your VACCUM doing at back of cupboard it should have pride of place at the front hahaha
                            Have a lovely day ladies whatever your up too xx
                            Im not fat just 6ft too small


                              Hope B is ok Oma.
                              Cloudy here now,after a sunny morning.
                              Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                                I do hope B is okay.

                                Sunny here so far but it is beginning to cloud up.
                                What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare

