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    Good morning ladies. It is still morning - just!!

    But it's dark, cold, wet and just like November.

    After 2 very busy days with the GDs I'm having an easy day. OH is in his shed - sorry, workshop - woodturning with a couple of buddies and they'll be in for lunch soon. They take it in turns to provide lunch so I don't have to do anything - except eat. I'm going to try and finish my book so I can start on How to Measure a Cow - that's my task for this afternoon.

    The birds make a mess in our garden by scratching and pecking at the bark mulch and leaving it all down the edge of the lawn - but I do enjoy watching them pottering around. OH let Eva and Bailey out about 11.30 last night and they both went haring off down to the far corner of the garden. OH saw something jump onto the compost bins and over the fence - hopefully it was a fox, not a neighbour's cat. But I don't think Bailey would have chased a cat as he lives with one, and next door's cat who is tiny and elderly has taken to coming into the front garden rather than the back.

    Oma - I think GS1 sees your home as his home, which is lovely.

    "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

    (Marianne Williamson)


      He is still in his PJ's Daisy I asked when he was going to have a shower and get dressed , No need I'm not going anywhere was his reply so I think he's hear for another day and night
      Im not fat just 6ft too small


        He's very comfy there Oma!

        All good at the dentist I got all the ironing done, but it rained on my washing!!
        “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


          Just watched the weather forecast on BBC1. She showed the map for Europe and they are all having very warm temperatures, then she went on to our map, showers ,windy and cooler.
          Off to parents later as usual on a Thursday.
          Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


            Good morning, Nanto and everyone.

            Oh the weather!! There doesn't seem much improvement in sight either! As fast as one band of rain and wind clears the south coast another sweeps in. I hope when DS1 and family come back from Portugal on Saturday they bring some of their sunshine with them. We didn't even manage to take the dogs out yesterday.

            I've got to portion up some food for Eva after breakfast and then I'll try and do some work on my craft project. I was chatting to one of OH's wood-turning buddies yesterday and he is very handy with a fretsaw and he's kindly offered to make me some pyrography blanks, including some flower shapes. You can buy them ready made but not in the shapes and sizes I want. I should really be catching up with a pile of washing, but it's too wet to dry outside - good excuse which I'll regret when we run out of clean t-shirts!! OH has some paper work to do, but hopefully later on we can take the dogs out for a run without getting blown off our feet.

            Oma - did GS1 stay the night?

            Clover - it will be lovely to see DD and family next week - you're very organised making meals in advance.

            Gem - glad you 'escaped' at the dentists Was OH pleased you got the ironing done?

            "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

            (Marianne Williamson)


              Good morning.
              Daisy I keep putting off doing the washing too,each day hoping the next will be a good drying day.However I must do some at least today or the dirty washing basket will collapse under the weight.
              We've bee n having to snatch walks whenever the sky looka a bit brighter..It's very windy here today too.
              Nothing specific planned for today just what I call "general" chores
              Hope you all have a stress-free day.


                Good morning all!

                Don't get me started on our weather, Nan2 and Daisy! If you hear me talking about booking another UK holiday next year, stop me!

                Usual Thursday for me, mums shopping then time with her. OH at a golf dinner tonight so meal for one for me!
                “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                  Morning everyone. Yucky weather here too. Going to spend today making a memory bear for my neice. Her friend died of cancer leaving a huband & two children (4 & 2yrs old) recently. She bought my neice's baby a Baptism outfit & hasn't the heart to just leave it in a drawer. I suggested I use the materials to make a 'memory bear'. She's thrilled & so that's what I'm doing today. I've already used first outfits to make a giraffe & lion for GS2 & GD.

                  OH said he'd save me a job before he goes to work & put the washing in for me. Great...then "Does this go in with the blacks? Where does the powder go? What number does it go on? Is that the left or right?" Me thinks I spoil him.😂

                  Enjoy your day ladies.
                  "Good friends help you to find important things when you have lost them....your smile, your hope, and your courage."

                  (Doe Zantamata.)


                    Morning ladies its tipping down hear .
                    Gem its nice when all goes well at the Dentist , although I don't mind the Dentist its Dr's I hate going too.
                    Daisy he stayed till 6.30 then his friend rang wanting to go to the cinema so off he went SIL picked his bike up this morning before he went to work ,

                    Going out for afternoon tea with my DD and mother -in -law my friend so that should be fun .

                    Went this morning at our shopping centre I went into boots while B bought a paper came out and B shouted for me as I couldn't see him he was standing by a Photo booth with a man in his 40's who didn't look well at all , a lady had gone into Sainsburys to get help so we stayed by him till the shopping centre security and first aiders came , he said he was on his way to the Dr's , to get to the surgery you have to go through our shopping mall , so security organised a wheel chair to get him there , to be honest I have a feeling he needed a ambulance he was pale and sweaty said he was dizzy and felt sick and just didn't feel in control, we left when all the staff arrived so I hope he was ok poor man ,
                    B said he was walking past and saw him slumped forward and everyone was just walking past they must have thought he was waiting for his photos, but B had a feeling something was wrong so rather than leaving it he asked if he was ok and needed help ,
                    If we had gone through another door B wouldn't have seen him , but I'm sure someone would have ,
                    Im not fat just 6ft too small


                      Poor man, not a nice feeling being taken poorly when out, his wife must have been beside herself. I am sure he was relieved to have B there
                      What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                        Oma, poor man, it must have been awful for him, and his wife. You may not think you did much, but stopping and being there are an awful lot.
                        Years ago, my mum, myself and my 2 older DDs were walking home from school one afternoon, when a lady fell on the pavement in an epileptic fit. My street was a cut through on foot from school to where many of the children lived, so the street was busy at school leaving time. So many people passed this poor woman by! We stopped, waited for her to come out of the fit, reassured her 4 year old, then invited her into my house, a few doors away. She wouldn't have any tea or anything, but at least sat inside with us until she was more herself. She told us she was on medication, but her poor face bore the evidence of many past falls, so I didn't think it was working Even if we can't actually do anything Oma, we can be the ones to be there and offer comfort at vital times.

                        Nana, the memory bear is a lovely idea. You are clever!

                        I spotted this when looking for something on glitter graphics, so had to post it here. It could be my 3 GC

                        “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                          The lady that went for help wasn't with him , he was all alone that made it worse poor man
                          Im not fat just 6ft too small


                            Hope the poorly man is feeling better Oma,but perhaps we will never know.
                            Nana, love the sound of the memory bear.
                            Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                              So kind of OH to help the man.Sounds to me like an ambulance was needed.Hope he was alright.


                                Good morning all.
                                Oma hope that poor man is ok, I agree with you, I think an ambulance should have been called rather than pushing him a wheelchair.
                                Nana that memory bear sounds really nice. I wish I had known about such ideas before. I have read about memory cushions made out of loved ones shirts . I would have loved a cushion made from dad's checked shirts he used wear.
                                We went to see DD and GSs yesterday and when we were on the train I noticed, just by my foot a small plastic card , picked it up and discovered it was a Tesco credit card. I showed OH and he suggested I give it to the gard on the train but as he was no where in sight I was going to hand it into Tesco when we got off the train. OH wondered if it might belong to the young man sitting in the seat in front of us. He asked him his name and it turned out it was his card ! It had slipped out of his pocket and down the side of his seat only for it to land by my foot.

                                We had lovely cuddles with GSs . Baby GS was a little 'coy' at first but I managed to win him over in the end. We were lucky with the weather, we managed to avoid most of the rain with the worst of the storm being when we were on the train traveling through Newport .
                                Going to catch up with some washing today as it appears we might have a fairly dry day, fingers crossed that is !
                                Bring me sunshine in your smile.

