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    Morning ladies what a night I had, felt my tummy going off at 9pm and was pacing the floor at 2am awful stomach cramps had hot water bottle clasped to my tummy too much bread and cream I reckon, I can't tolerate certain foods now most annoying. Went to sleep eventually awoke at 5am for the loo and it came back on but because I was so tired I managed to sleep just feel like I have been punched in the stomach
    Sorry to disappoint grandmas but all leftovers are going to DS this aft when kids are back from Geronimo Festival
    Glad you had a lovely holiday and a good break Daisy
    Oma take it easy today I shall be conserving my energy that is the onslaught called kids one coming tonight and staying over 2 nights, and 2 more tomorrow and Wednesday last count that was 3 🙃
    Plant champagne on a Sunday afternoon sounds like heaven afraid it was tea and coffee at this abode
    Dd should have had plumber to put new boiler in last Saturday after letting her down on the Tuesday before but never turned up , her OH is in Portugal but he rang plumber who has half the money too and gave him a piece of his mind, said he would come today but hasn't turned up , all I know is my water bill will going up with the frequency of baths and showers 💧💦🛁🛀🚰🚿
    wont be around next 2dys will be knackered me thinks hope weather picks up for those of us child minding and they can play in the garden , ooh lovely pic LG now that's cricket , off to load up food to make room in the fridge for childlike snacks etc
    Gem enjoy B&Q we are going on Thursday to look at garden furniture if I have the energy 🤣


      Oh dear Qwerty, I often suffer at nights from things I have eaten. One of the penalties of getting older!
      I hope your childcare days go smoothly. You will need a good sit down once they are over!
      As it is bank holiday today I don't have GS1, so it is only Friday childcare for me this week,
      I m going out on Wednesday with DD2, who is looking after GS1 as well as her 2 children, so there will be childcare involved in that day I'm sure Looking forward it it though, it's not often I see all 3 grandchildren together.
      “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


        Qwerty I can also suffer at night if I eat anything after 6pm . Going out for an evening meal is a nightmare, I know that I have to sit up in bed all night trying to nod off. If I lie down I get severe chest pains and acid forming in my mouth . A you say its all about getting older. I hope your stomach pains have now gone away and your child minding isn't to exhausting

        Oma , will you do as Daisy suggested ?

        Its a dull day here with the threat of rain at any moment . Don't know what we going to do today, whatever we do it will involve an umbrella unfortunately
        Bring me sunshine in your smile.


          Mimi I'm too tired to do anything , DD rang could we have dog they going to Cinema as its raining and they cant do much else ,so said yes as not going anywhere although if we had plans I would have said no and her in laws would have had him , He's lying in the rain so will have to dry him when he decides to come in
          Brian is making bread it smells lovely in hear
          Im not fat just 6ft too small


            Cooler today,dark and wet.
            Streets quiet as a graveyard, too quiet for me.
            Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


              I'm making bread as well Oma, very therapeutic I find. Not using the unused bread maker, just used my big mixer as it has a dough hook. Just waiting on second rise, also blind baked a pastry case for my cheese & bacon quiche which is tomorrows dinner.
              "What doesn't kill us,makes us stronger."


                Good evening!

                Oma, I hope he was a good doggy for you today as you are tired!
                Nan2, I don't like things too quiet either.
                I bet it smells lovely in your house Libra

                We went to mums and took her plants and audio books and OH did a bit of weeding in the back garden while I chatted to mum.

                Ladies, don't forget to read Journals and consider starting one of your own. It is for anything you want to write and as often or as infrequently as you like, so having one is no pressure to write in it!
                “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                  Looks a bit brighter this morning.
                  Just the usual stuff for me today doing housework, unless something crops up.
                  Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                    Morning ladies dull but very stuffy ,
                    Popping to hairdressers this morning to have my fringe trimmed before I go blind and may get the straggly ends trimmed at the back,
                    Dog was very good yesterday I lay on the sofa and had a Nana nap and he curled up on his blanket next to me we had a good hour till he licked my nose to wake me he wanted to go out and B was upstairs .
                    No Doggy or GS duties this week DD has taken the week off .
                    Have a good day ladies xxx
                    Im not fat just 6ft too small


                      Good morning everyone.

                      Dull here, but a couple of nice weather days forecast ahead I believe.
                      I am golf widow again! OH playing today, tomorrow and Thursday. Today and Thursday involve an evening meal as well.
                      Today I have various pottering at home jobs planned in the house and garden, including colouring my hair. I will pop out at some point as I need a birth congratulations and new home cards.
                      Tomorrow I am going out with DD2, GD, and both GSs. Thursday is my usual afternoon with mum, so I won't be bored while OH is awol

                      Have a good day everyone.

                      “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                        Just found out yesterday that today is my DS and DIL 25th Wedding Anniversary so I will be off to get them a card and a bottle of champagne. Very low key as both the boys are studying for very important exams. I will call and drop it at their house, I do have a key if nobody is home.

                        Had a lovely cuddle with the baby yesterday, he was fast asleep, they had had a bad night with him, so he was catching up on his sleep, I do hope they all had a better night last night.

                        Magpies, Jays and Squirrels are all queuing up to raid my bird feeding station this morning. I wouldn't mind if they only ate the peanuts and left the rest for the small birds.

                        Have a good day all whatever you are doing.
                        What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                          Happy Anniversary to them Plant
                          Well as its cooler I took the opportunity to give the upstairs a good clean , I say upstairs its only two bedrooms and a bathroom so not on a grand scale , I thought I would get under the beds done ,
                          Spare room bed is a doddle its a wood and metal frame on legs so the hoover goes right under that one, Ours on the other hand is a Super king size electric bed that goes right down to the floor , its a ton weight and although it has little wheels its almost impossible to move , the only way I could do it was take both mattresse's off ( it has two singles ) then lift each slatted base with a heavy motor each off to get to the floor under to hoover ,
                          Firstly I had to move all my handbags I keep under there and the photo albums I store under to one side and dust them , lordy the dust I got off could fill a pillow Hoover the floor then put everything back ,

                          I then had to remake the bed ,by this time I wished I had never started .
                          Everything done now but memo to myself wait till SIL is around next time to help .Brian was in the shed so didn't know what I was doing ( no idea what he does in that shed ) he wasn't pleased with me but its done ,
                          I hate this getting older and not having strength anymore its so annoying .
                          Im not fat just 6ft too small


                            Last week I moved the bed so that I could take off the mattress protector off to wash it. The valance , sheets, pillow cases and duvet cover was also changed . By the time I had done this I was exhausted . I had to sit down for a while before I could put the clean bedding on . Who knew changing the bed could be so hard, when did that happen, it never used to be like that.

                            Its very muggy here even though its breezy . I have been busy in the garden tying up sweet peas and hoeing the boarders because OH had trampled over them when he was cutting the hedge.
                            Bring me sunshine in your smile.


                              Happy anniversary to your DS and DIL.
                              Mimi, that was one heck of a job.
                              Keep having the odd small shower here.
                              Downstairs loo been cleaned and the back porch.All hard floors have been steamed cleaned. Oh, did the ironing as well.
                              Off to get some competitions done now.
                              Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                                Oma, wait for SIL next time!!

                                Bed making is tiring Mimi, I'm glad my mum has a single bed as she is reluctant to ask for help with that sort of task, although I sort of insist at times, especially when she needs the electric blanket putting on for winter.
                                “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown

