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    Good morning everyone.

    I must speak to Daisy and Elisi, as I notice that Qwerty was able to edit my post! Only admin and mods should be able to edit anyone's post but their own (unless Qwerty has been promoted recently )

    Today my OH and I are going to meet Oma and her OH for lunch. Really looking forward to it

    Have a good day ladies.
    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


      Bit soggy here too. WI for me this morning. Have an enjoyable day everyone whatever you are doing.
      What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


        Morning ladies nice day ahead meet Gem and S for lunch , lazy morning I have flitted around with a duster and hoover had a shower now having a cup of tea waiting for my hair to dry , thought I would give the hair dryer a rest today I'm in no rush ,although a bit overcast its nice and warm think the sun will get out at some point today ,
        Enjoy whatever your doing today ladies xxx
        Im not fat just 6ft too small


          Good morning ladies.
          Gem,Oma and partners,I hope you have a lovely lunch and chat. Any chance of a photo?
          It doesn't look too promising weather wise today.I think we've had enough rain to be going on with.


            Gem and Oma, enjoy your lunch.
            Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


              Every picture tells a story

              Its OH's 70th birthday today only he is in ( almost ) complete denial about it. He has fretted about reaching 70 since his 69th birthday last year !
              I had hoped for a nice birthday meal with him but he isn't keen but we are going for a drive with his sister and brother-in-law on Sunday and we will be stopping for a bit of lunch as well so that's something I suppose.

              As the weather is do dismal here today all my outdoor plans have been put on hold again , the most exciting thing I will be doing today will be popping to Tesco ! No I tell a lie, DS and DIL will be calling by this this evening so that will be nice.
              Gem and Oma and your OH's enjoy your lunch.

              Bring me sunshine in your smile.


                Good afternoon, ladies. I feel as though I've been away from you for ages - as you know Mon and Tues are taken up with GD care and dog training, and today we've been out for lunch and just got back! It was very nice, although usually there are about 30-40 people there and today there were only about 15. But it was teeming with rain!

                It is a horrible, miserable wet day here - I've had enough of this rain I was so grateful for on Monday. Bring back the sun, please. Some people are never satisfied, are they!!!

                Mimi please wish your OH a very happy 70th birthday, 70th birthdays are good because you can pretend to be an old person and be as outrageous as you like.

                Gem, Oma and OHs - I hope you've had a lovely lunch and not done too much chatting!

                Qwerty - I'm sure as your OH builds up his strength again he will feel much better. And you are doing brilliantly getting on here, and we're all so pleased to have you back. I know how exhausted I am after a day with just one relatively 'easy' granddaughter who is pretty independent now, but I know I couldn't cope with twins. So please be kind to yourself and get as much rest as you need. Your own health is most important. Sending you a big hug and -

                Plant - do you do any craft work through your WI?

                "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                (Marianne Williamson)


                  Well we had a lovely lunch in a really nice pub , lots of laughter and non stop chat ,we didn't even get to take photos , Gem waited a age for the loo thinking someone was in only to find it was actually just a stiff to open door
                  Came out and it was raining so sat in our car another 30 mins while B&S talked about cars in the front and me and Gem chatted in the back
                  Great to see them ,we must do it again soon
                  Im not fat just 6ft too small


                    Sounds like a lovely day but I thought Pearl was going too.

                    W.I this morning and visited a friend this afternoon who is a local care home whilst her DD is on holiday. Very smart purpose built place, very swish but very expensive, at least £1,000 a week!!!I should be going to WW this evening but it is still pouring with rain and checking my scales I haven't lost anything this week (note to myself to keep off the wine). Who said we needed rain, please stop now.
                    What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                      I'm a weakling who can't open doors
                      We had a lovely time, despite the rain. Certainly do it again Oma, maybe somewhere that doesn't close and chuck us out!

                      Nasty rain here. OH had a migraine on the way home but it's almost gone. She doesn't get the bad ones which last for days.
                      “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                        Originally posted by Plantaholic View Post
                        Sounds like a lovely day but I thought Pearl was going too.

                        W.I this morning and visited a friend this afternoon who is a local care home whilst her DD is on holiday. Very smart purpose built place, very swish but very expensive, at least £1,000 a week!!!I should be going to WW this evening but it is still pouring with rain and checking my scales I haven't lost anything this week (note to myself to keep off the wine). Who said we needed rain, please stop now.
                        Plant, you are thinkg of next Friday when we have the 'Northern Meet'. Today was just something we and the Omas had planned for when our treatments were over/.
                        “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                          Originally posted by Gemini View Post
                          Good morning everyone.

                          I must speak to Daisy and Elisi, as I notice that Qwerty was able to edit my post! Only admin and mods should be able to edit anyone's post but their own (unless Qwerty has been promoted recently )

                          Today my OH and I are going to meet Oma and her OH for lunch. Really looking forward to it

                          Have a good day ladies.
                          Lol did I Gem I had no idea wonder if I clicked on edit instead of quote,but it shouldn't have happened sorry about that I could get you into a lot of trouble 😜


                            Gem do you think it was the strong coffee gave her a Migrain or the excitement of getting a new car hope she,s ok xxx
                            Im not fat just 6ft too small


                              Originally posted by Qwerty View Post

                              Lol did I Gem I had no idea wonder if I clicked on edit instead of quote,but it shouldn't have happened sorry about that I could get you into a lot of trouble 😜
                              No problem Qwerty. I know what you did as I have done the same more than once, hit edit instead of quote. Your settings shouldn't allow you to though so we will look into it
                              “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                                How lovely to have a get together with the Omas and Geminis nice one, looking forward to next week and OH is going to just drop me off if he can he was going to take me to the train but I can do this I am a tiger gggrrrr
                                Happy birthday to Mimis other half my OH was 70 last august and he hasn't been well ever since hope you have better luck😕
                                Been to the opticians glad to say my eyes haven't changed much but broke mine by sitting on them, it's about 3 yrs since they were last tested
                                So lol I will be the owner of 2pr of glasses one a Kylie Minogue pair they are plain gold metal but I am hoping I can dance when I wear them "I'm spinning around " and the others are Red or Dead so hoping I will be red and not dead 🤓😎👀
                                Weather here pretty naff fed up with the rain as when it starts it never knows when to stop !!!

