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    Good morning ladies, you all sound busy

    It rained here overnight but now the sun is out, as well as clouds. OH is on the golf course with friend. I have had a lazy start to the day. I am doing a couple of wash loads now and must tidy around the bedroom and spare bedroom a little. All the mess is mine, OH tidies as she goes! Nothing much planned today, although we may go out for a drive later if the weather stays good.

    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


      Fantastic day today,beautiful sunshine and very warm. I have done loads of potting up of flowers etc,should have a lovely display when they all flower. Lounge is now finished hooray!! I have spoken with ZIZI she sends her best wishes and will be back when she feels up to posting again.
      "What doesn't kill us,makes us stronger."


        Oh, i remeber well all the dust when hubby has done work in the house. over the years he has knocked walls out,bricked up doorways, installed central heating, the list goes on.
        i don't think i could face any big jobs now.
        Oma, i can understand your niece not coming to terms with the stoma, but pleased to hear she is on the mend otherwise.
        Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


          It certainly was a lovely day
          We took some garden rubbish to the local tip, picked up my latest dressings from the pharmacy, then I sat in the garden with my Kindle. Bliss! I cooked lamb chop and rhubarb crumble, and am now and relaxing in the conservatory while OH watches some sport in the living room!
          “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


            Lovely day here, GS and his girl friend were here for lunch in DD's , joined them all on their terrace for some bubbly, this is a new GF she is very nice. Getting very cited here, youngest GD will be back from Canada Friday morning.
            What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


              Good morning - I think we had rain overnight, too, but slept through it. In fact I didn't wake up until after 9 am - I knew I was tired last night but didn't realise I'd sleep for 10 hours! So now have to get moving since a friend is coming for coffee in half an hour.

              Thank you all ofr reassuring me about all the dust, smell and general mess. I still feel I need a combined visit from the Bleach Babes but am doing as much as I can in the meantime. but the sun is shining and the garden calls this afternoon - an attack on weeds might be a bit easier now it's not so dry!

              Will catch up properly later.

              LG - I've posted you a link on FB to a video by Dr Nick Tompson about the Trust Me I'm a Vet programme. The voice of reason and sanity!

              EDIT I wrote this this morning but it didn't arrive at GRU HQ. I'm getting very fed up with our broad band service - currently an upload speed of 0.92 MBS! The weeds lived to annoy me another day! DS1 phoned late morning saying could they all come down to see us (yes, of course they can!) because it might be the last chance before DS has to go to San Fransisco on business. If he goes for 9 days he will have to go next week end, but he might go just for the day of 31 May. Yes, it's not a typo - going to San Fransisco for one day! Anyway, we had a lovely afternoon - lots of sunshine and quite warm out of the breeze, and our first BBQ of the season.

              "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

              (Marianne Williamson)


                Looking a bit dull this morning,but the birds are singing.
                Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                  Morning ladies Hospital at lunch time so just pottering this morning , we got Patio pressure hosed yesterday and I hoovered the grass and cleared the last remnants of leaves from the side of house and shed , still have my new pots to sort but they will have to wait for another day , the garden is looking nice and tidy need to clean patio door glass from all the splashes was too tired to do them yesterday will sort them after Hospital .
                  Have a good day ladies xxx
                  Im not fat just 6ft too small


                    Good Monday morning, everyone. It's raining here, but the garden is looking grateful - and hopefully the allotment will benefit as well!

                    I need to get a couple of loads of washing done before going to pick GD2 up from playgroup.

                    Oma - I hope you got a good night's sleep last night - don't overdo the cleaning this afternoon. Hope all goes well at the hospital. How is your poorly niece today?

                    Plant - I bet you can't wait for Friday when your youngest GD gets back from Canada. Reading your post about builders, I've only just realised that none of the current lot of builders have used radios - it was quite peaceful apart from drills etc. We had a big extension done 17 years ago and OH was working from home then, and I don't know how he was able to concentrate or make phone calls with the noise!

                    Gem - that sounds like a nice relaxing day. I hope you're feeling less sore. xx

                    Nanto - I'm trying very hard to get my OH to get someone in to decorate the hall, stairs and landing, but he's determined to do it himself. I know some people would love to have such a handyman around, but he's got so many other things he wants to do which would be more fun for him. Perhaps he'll change his mind by the time he's sanded the dining room floor and decorated in there!
                    "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                    (Marianne Williamson)


                      Daisy shes doing ok so far thanks for asking
                      I always do my own decorating but we had the decorators in to do the ceilings right through a few weeks back and it was lovely having no messy rollers and brushes to clean I'm really considering having him back when the stairs hall and landing need doing again
                      Plant will your GD get to see the new baby ? is she staying long or back for good ,
                      Im not fat just 6ft too small


                        Good morning everyone.
                        I will write more when I get up, as this tablet has a habit of losing all I write!
                        No GS1 today as he is poorly with a temperature

                        Back in a bit.
                        “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                          My GD has been in Canada for almost a year Oma, part of her university course, she is returning home for good to finish her course in London in September so will be here until then, she shares a flat with friends there. As for the baby, she can't wait to get her hands on him although she has seen him on Facetime.

                          Hope little one will feel better soon Gemini
                          What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                            I'm back!
                            Plant, how lovely that your GS (is he the one who went to Australia) has a nice girlfriend and that your GD is due back from Canada
                            Daisy and Oma, our next decorating job is hall, stairs and landing. I would like us to get someone in too - but think I will be overridden!
                            Plant and Daisy, my mum won't tolerate radios from workmen in her home! I can see both sides, mum has every right to peace, but builders like some amusement as they work. I can't say we have had anyone working here who has used a radio.

                            It is dull and rainy here.
                            It is GS1 day but as he's not well his mum is working from home and keeping him there.
                            As I am now free I will go with OH back to the car garage. There is a car of the type she wants in Aberdeen which she is considering getting sent over to try.
                            No sitting in the garden today, unless it is under an umbrella
                            “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                              Rained here most of the day too. Sorted out my hospital folder so I can take it with me on Wednesday for my Thursday appointment with my eye Consultant. Tomoro I must clean the kitchen floor. I've put it off for too long. There again I need to finish a sewing project.😉
                              "Good friends help you to find important things when you have lost them....your smile, your hope, and your courage."

                              (Doe Zantamata.)


                                We had showers here yesterday,don't know what today will be like.
                                Nana, hope your appointment goes well on Thursday.
                                Gem, hope GS is better soon.
                                Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.

