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    I know what you mean Oma, about getting up late, it knocks all your day out.
    Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


      I feel like the day has been wasted but its raining so the jobs I had planned for outside I couldn't do anyway , as Plant said theres always tomorrow
      Im not fat just 6ft too small


        Had a bit of drizzle here,but not enough to water the garden.
        Heard from the doctor, and he says dads potassium levels are slightly low. Sending district nurse on Monday, going to test for potassium levels again.
        All other tests came back fine.
        Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


          Funny old day, quite warm and at times sunny but driving to the shops they have had heavy rain in places. We desperately need some but be careful what you wish for.

          Pleased to hear they are looking after you dad Nanto
          What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


            We had a huge big fat honey Bee sitting on our Patio door ledge for ages , I read somewhere if they settle for a while mix some water and sugar for them to sip on to get their strength back ,
            I mixed the sugar and water hunted for the eye dropper I had and went out ,put a few drops beside it and the blooming thing flew straight off 😲😃 .
            There I was helping nature and it didn't want it , how ungrateful hahaha
            Im not fat just 6ft too small


              If it was a huge fat bee, it probably wasn't a honey bee Oma, it was probably a large bumble or a solitary bee, honey bees are quite small. sorry it didn't appreciate your sugar water.
              What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                Yes Plant it was very big and fat at least as big as a 50p piece , huge wings , very pretty whatever type it was
                Im not fat just 6ft too small


                  Oh not sure what that could have been Oma
                  What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                    Some kind of Bee Plant B said was it a Queen but I have no idea , I don't think a Queen would be out alone could she ? and are queen Bees that big ? wish I had thought to take a photo
                    Just looked it up it sounds like a Bumble bee , apparently they hibernate and grow quite big before they come out this time of the year Plant
                    Last edited by Oma; 12-05-2017, 11:47 PM.
                    Im not fat just 6ft too small


                      Morning ladies off to bed soon try get a few hours will catch up later xx
                      Im not fat just 6ft too small


                        Good morning ladies.
                        Oma,hope you managed to get a few hours sleep.
                        Don't know what the weather forecast is,but the sky looks a bit watery.
                        Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                          Well done Oma, there are a lot of different bees but if it had been a queen there would have been a swarm with her.
                          What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                            Morning ladies , Nanto I managed 3 hours
                            Done housework cleaned mirrors and had a shower not doing anything else I'm too tired , I will wash the floors after tea as B waiting to see if it brightens up if it does hes going to Pressure hose the patio and he will no doubt come in with his wet overalls and somehow get my floors dirty again
                            Have a good day ladies xx
                            Im not fat just 6ft too small


                              Good morning everyone.

                              We have called a halt on the painting today, most of it has been done, we just have to paint the built in cupboard door and I appear to have run out of gloss paint .

                              I hadn't had a look at my emails for a few days and what a surprise I had . I had received an email from The Courtyard Theatre with an offer that was too good to past by. I have brought two tickets for the price of one to see Strictly Murder starring Brian Capron ( remember he was Richard Hillman the mad murderer in Corrie ) . We have got seats right close to the stage , we hate sitting up in the gallery . As a treat OH suggested we have a meal there before the show so we are really looking forward to it.
                              Also on Monday afternoon we are going to 'have tea' in the posh hotel in town. DIL brought us a gift voucher for Christmas for afternoon tea there so hoping the weather is nice as the tea room looks out on to the gardens and small duck pond which usually has its fair share of swans there .
                              (Couldn't resist this , keeping in with the bee theme )

                              Have a lovely day everyone
                              Bring me sunshine in your smile.


                                Originally posted by Libra Gran View Post
                                We have had rain hooray, the garden needed it badly. I have several things to get on with, but energy levels seem to have deserted me. Brightening up later and the plan is to plant up all my tubs and baskets, I have loads of plants waiting to be planmted out. Got one last coat of paint to do and the glossing in our lounge, that will be another room done. Daisy do you watch trust me I'm a vet, found the item about raw feeding rather alarming. But obviously need to be super careful when handling dogs raw food, bowls etc, the cnclusions on the amount of bacteria on your dogs mouth, bowls etc was scary. Wondered if you watched it Daisy and your thoughts on the results.
                                LG - I was going to reply to this last night, but I couldn't get a connection! I didn't watch the programme, but so many people on the raw feeding group I'm on have been talking about it that I feel as though I have. It sounds as though it was one-sided and it was felt that the vets interviewed were very much in bed with the kibble manufacturers. Vets are given very little tuition in canine nutrition during training, and get most of their 'knowledge' from kibble suppliers. Yes, you have to be careful handling raw meat - whether it's for humans or pets, but I bet you've had no problems and neither have I. It sounds as though the programme didn't talk about dogs having a very acidic stomach environment which enables them to cope with the sort of bacteria that would floor us, and a short digestive tract, or the fact that if the only way was kibble the species would have died out centuries ago! I must admit, I prepare dog food in the utility room and have separate chopping boards, knives etc. But I only clean in the same way I do when preparing meat for us. I've seen photos of some of Shiloh's meals and it all looks like human grade food, which is the same as Eva's - apart from green tripe! My vet isn't against raw feeding, but says it's one of the most debated topics in the veterinary world. I don't think the programme mentioned that raw fed dogs make fewer visits to the vets, have no dental problems and nice glossy coats.

                                "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                                (Marianne Williamson)

