Enfys, sorry to hear you are poorly as well. Hope everyone is feeling better tomorrow.
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I leave you alone for a few days and what happens! You all get sick! <sigh>
Seriously both the cold bug, the 24-hour bug and Enfys's poorliness sound really horrible. Big hug to you all and get well soon.
We got back this afternoon after 3 very relaxing days. The caravan has earned its place in the family! We went to a site in Blandford Forum (not far from Libra Gran) which was very quiet, very peaceful and had very hot showers! We've enjoyed breakfast in the awning every morning with enough sun to make us think it's still summer - until this morning when it rained just as we were packing up. We had a couple of minor problems - getting lost on a marked woodland walk yesterday. It was supposed to be 2 miles but we think we walked 5 or 6. Eva slept well al night.Then last night I had an accident with a sharp knife - I was chopping carrots and one slipped and I managed to cut my wrist with the point of the knife. It was about a millimetre from a main vein, so I was very lucky!
Tomorrow we're going up to DS1's for the day, and then on Monday it's back to the usual routine.
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
(Marianne Williamson)
Moning all. Welcome back Daisy, ouch about the wrist, and thank goodness it wasn't worse!
Cute cats there Nan2!
Day 2 of GDs birthday celebrations. SIL is now able to come along, so we don't need to, but we want toMeeting to travel from DDs at 10.30 with 6 little girls for a day of fun
DD1 is looking after the baby. He is so cute, I could tell yesterday she couldn't wait to have him!
I hope the poorly ones are recovering. I will check in again tonight.“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
Good Sunday morning everyone.
I hope everyone is feeling a bit better this morning.
Gem - I'm sure you will all enjoy GD's birthday treat. Have lots of fun.
We're going up to DS1's for OH's birthday lunch lunch today - his birthday's tomorrow and I still don't know what to get him! He says there's nothing he wants. Does anyone else have this problem with birthday presents - men always seem harder to buy for."Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
(Marianne Williamson)
Welcome home Daisy, glad it all went well but watch those knives! I find men especially DH very difficult to buy for, so it's usually a day out/meal out and we both enjoy that.
feeling a bit better this morning as long as I keep upright I'm OK. Lovely sunshine here, I fancy a trip to the garden centre for some autumn bedding and maybe coffee (and cake?).
"Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." - Dr Seuss
Morning ladies , welcome home Daisy glad the injury wasn't serious you were were lucky my stomach did a little flip when I read that it could have been very nasty,
Gem have a lovely day 😊
Enfys no lying down stay upright your safer that way 😉
Well I'm feeling a little better today , 5 am before I could sleep because of cough I lay on sofa most of night so not to disturb OH even in the spare room he would have heard my Seal impressions . Temp is lower and dizziness isn't so bad , headache still a problem and so is chest but one step at a time . I have another BP check tomorrow Lord knows how high that will be
DS coming today with my babies so I'm downing the headache tablets to keep me going , at least I have stopped crying and feeling sorry for myself 😊xx
Im not fat just 6ft too small
Sounds like a nasty bug some of you have, hope you will feel better soon.
Daisy, so pleased you enjoyed your first venture in your caravan, watch those knives, I presume you had first aid equipment with you.
I went to a charity ball yesterday evening with some bowling friends, enjoyed the occasion but it was very noisy, was dying to get up and dance but thought better of it. We had a large taxi to take us and the step was so high I was unable to get in or out without help, bit of a laugh, taxi driver pulling and friends pushing.What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare
Oma, glad you af feeling a little better. A good nights sleep is so precious, shame you've missed out. Take care x
a nice evening for you Plant.
After er an unexpected chat with DS in Oz we went to the garden centre and have come home with 3 large chrysanthemums, DH will have to plant then as I can't bend over.....so I'm in charge now"Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." - Dr Seuss
Sounds as if there have been some particularly nasty bugs whilst we have been away. I know DD2 was also poorly for a few days. Hope everyone feeling a bit better today.
Saw two of these being put to good use on our holiday. Judging by the reactions I think they must be fairly new to the States. A friend of mine has been unable to drive all through the summer and had a lot of activities curtailed because of a painful foot. http://www.feneticwellbeing.com/?pos...FcMW0wodzLMDwA You would probably have to be impervious to comments and stares but at least you would be able to get around.
Good evening
We had a lovely day. Girls were all well behaved and enjoyed the film, which was a new one 'Stork'. I actually really enjoyed it tooOH wasn't so keen and SIL had a snooze during it!
Then to Pizza Express for a meal followed by birthday cake. All back to DDs for a bit more playing until the guests were collected at 5. Baby GS was an angel for his auntie and GS1 was mostly very good about sharing mummy's time with the baby. Although DD said he did at one point ask if they could 'just put him down' as if he could just be switched off
Oma glad you are on the mend and I hope your lovely GC haven't tired you too much. I slept in the spare room for 2 nights when I had that cough. I hope yours improves soon.
Daisy I hope you all had a good birthday lunch for your OH. I find men very difficult to buy for too. Now I don't have dad or a husband it's just the 3 SILs for me.
I'm glad you made it (with help!) to your ball Plant. I'm sure it would have done you good
Glad you are a bit better Enfys and got your plants bought.
Gosh Shem, I have never seen anything like those knee walkers. I wonder if they will catch on here?!“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown