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    Morning All . By this time tomorrow I should be on a coach with the local seniors club , off to Cork till Thursday ................. I still haven't packed , no idea what to take . My friend told me her DD packed her case for her a week ago . There is so much else to do , people to check , OH to tell over and over and again ! , DD3 is coming to keep house so all will be fine really .............. I think


      Enjoy AGGIE a break will do you good xxx
      Im not fat just 6ft too small


        Have a lovely time with your friends Aggie, I am sure everything will be fine.
        What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


          Enjoy your time with your friends Aggie, i wonder if any of my DD's would ever pack my case for me, i doubt it there would have to be lists of what they put in it, i like to do lists.... have a lovely time..

          Can anyone direct me to where i can learn to do graphics please, bet it is staring me in the face.....
          How does a child spell Love..........T.I.M.E


            Aggie - have a wonderful time and don't worry about anything at home. Just relax and enjoy your well-earned break.

            Pearl - there are some instructions somewhere, but I can't put a link in at the moment - my connection keeps going down. I'll try again later.
            "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

            (Marianne Williamson)


              Hi everyone.

              Aggie, have a lovely time. It is well deserved and it will do you good

              My just under 24 hours with GS1 is over... until the next time in few weeks time!
              Mostly he was a very good boy. He is amusing and good company.
              Taking him in with me to the vets wasn't the best idea though. He loves animals so I thought he would enjoy it. We saw a new vet, exceedingly boring and long winded. I thought we would be in and out or wouldn't have taken GS in. He got bored and tried to climb on the examining table then to mess about with the heater dial. When I suggested he went out to Auntie S he hid under a chair and we couldn't get him out. S bribed him with the duck pond over the road. We had such an easy GD who we took all over the palce with no problems, we keep being surprised! All in all he wasn't bad. He's an early waker though, so one night is enough. Daddy can cope from now on.

              All 3 DDs are having a wonderful time in London
              “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                Pearl this is where you want to be -

                If you practice you will soon get the hang of it. It's fun!
                I can only do it on my laptop though, if I'm on my tablet, I don't do pretty pictures!

                “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                  Pearl I can do it on the lap top , not my Kindle , I click on someone elses graphic and it takes me to the site


                    Enjoy your trip Aggie.

                    very wet here today but hopefully will be better later. GS is an avid supporter of our local football team and today he is being "12th man". It's a package he had for his 18th and includes meeting the team, walking on the pitch with them and sitting in the dug out. Should be fun for him.

                    yesterday we bought a new car! Have been thinking about it for a while so now it's done and DH is very happy. Had a good deal so would have been rude not to
                    "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." - Dr Seuss


                      Thanks for the link will go and have a little play around, if you see loads of pop ups it's me
                      How does a child spell Love..........T.I.M.E


                        Gem it's just as easy to do on your tablet
                        Im not fat just 6ft too small


                          I'll bring it with me tomorrow and you can show me!!
                          “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                            Opened the fridge and all was very dark in there !! looked at the microwave ...... dark... tried kettle no luck ....Phoned DS2 and he and I peered into the fuse box , something was down that should have been up , quick click and power restored lol
                            This is a relief but what was it tripped the switch we wonder


                              Just a light bulb going out can do it Aggie. Have a look to see if any are out.
                              Have a lovely break. 😉
                              Women are like tea bags; you never know how strong they are until they are put in hot water.
                              Eleanor Roosevelt.


                                That happens to my electrics Aggie, usually when I turn the lights on, fortunately I can reach the fuse box and deal with it. There is usually a bulb blown.
                                What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare

