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    That awful poem is recited by our local Brownies, they love it.
    What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


      Off to North Devon this morning with DD and eldest GD, hope the traffic is reasonable and the weather is good. I don't know what the signal is like, hope to keep up with you all.
      What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


        Originally posted by Qwerty View Post
        Yuk Daisy that poem is worse than my g/s actual deed !!!
        LOL, yes, I agree, but it was great for keeping small boys entertained on long car journeys before the advent of portable DVDs etc! I bet it kept Plant's Brownies amused as well.

        Plant, safe journey, and have a lovely time. I hope the weather perks up a bit for you. xx
        "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

        (Marianne Williamson)


          Morning ladies wet and dull again , popped to Morrisons then B&Q then picked Storm up. he's hanging over the fence again waiting for next doors cats , he never gives up even though they are house cats and will never come out to play 😊. Nothing much to do today so having a quiet day
          Im not fat just 6ft too small


            Safe travels and a fun holiday Plant

            I overslept this morning GS1 due any moment Talk to you later!
            “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


              Morning. Good way to start the day with a laugh over squashed insects. Sounds like you're all on form 😂 Enjoy your hols Plant....The fresh air will help your recovery. Oma, sounds like it's all go at yours. Heartwarming to hear of medical successes.
              First time picking up GS2 from Nursery & then sleepover. Excited.
              "Good friends help you to find important things when you have lost them....your smile, your hope, and your courage."

              (Doe Zantamata.)


                Daisy no idea what phone I will get, our contracts ended in May so I will go in and see what they have available. Not really that bothered, I have my work phone which, to be honest, I use most.

                Strange that since I mentioned the prospect of getting one of those sonic zappers for the little yapper downstairs it has been quiet! They must have heard me!! The Jack Russell does sometimes howl especially after neighbour goes out but it is never for long.

                It is dull and overcast here, I nipped into the high street earlier on to get some potatoes, bread and my ticket for Birmingham for next week. So I got the tickets, I went to the bakers. Stood there while they were serving at the food counter, stood there, stood there. Young girl came in wearing a dinky little cream lace dress and enormous fascinator and the highest shoes I have ever seen, clearly impossible to walk in. She got served, obviously taking supplies to Ascot (train goes straight to Ascot from here), so I stood waiting, then someone else came in and got served. I know it is naughty but I just said loudly "Well clearly I have become invisible" and walked out of the shop. Then I went to the greengrocers but there was a huge funeral in the church next door (horse drawn carriage etc.) and there was nowhere to park so I ended up going to the village shop which was a mistake because I parked outside and someone drove past and smashed my wing mirror! GGGRRRRR.
                If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together


                  That doesn't sound very polite of people pushing in, clearly you should have been wearing high heels and a fasinator.
                  What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                    Well we have arrived in northDevon, cottage very rustic, a few hazards for me to negotiate. Sunny so far, we are a long way from a main road, narrow lanes and one had grass up the middle. Tescos delivered our grocery and said there was a hen party staying in three of the cottages and he had just delivered 40 boxes to them, that is going to be some party. GD is going riding tomorrow.
                    What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                      Well relentless rain again today, supposed to improve tomorrow fingers crossed. We are out to dinner tomorrow night with Matt & Jay and Sunday DD is doing Fathers Day lunch. So no kitchen duties for us for the next 2 days I have spent hours scouring the net for curtains before trying to decide what I want before hitting the shops next week. We are decorating the spare bedroom and putting twin beds in there,currently it only houses the dogs enormous crate and husbands computer. Time to turn it back into a useable bedroom for when the wee ones sleep over. I admit my old enthusiasm for decorating has disappeared, but needs must.
                      "What doesn't kill us,makes us stronger."


                        Must be the week for curtains Libra , I have decided to wait till my matching cushions come before I put them up . We going out with family on Sunday for lunch , looking forward too it need a rest from decorating . SIL came to pick Josh up at tea time and helped put mirror back up in dining room so another job done
                        Im not fat just 6ft too small


                          Originally posted by Plantaholic View Post
                          That doesn't sound very polite of people pushing in, clearly you should have been wearing high heels and a fasinator.
                          Would have looked a bit daft in leggings and baggy tee shirt Plant!!!!
                          If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together


                            Go carefully Plant, no falling at the cottage! I hope you have a lovely time and the weather is kind. GS1 was here today, he was funny, as usual. We talked about holidays, and I said it would be nice to go together someday. He said no, that wouldn't be possible, but that I was invited to his birthday party. Guess I should be grateful for small mercies
                            “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                              Good morning, looks like we've had rain during the night.

                              Have a good holiday Plant.
                              Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                                Plant have a lovely time in Devon, it's a beautiful place . Hope the weather is kind and all this rain goes away.
                                Gem , little ones are so funny aren't they.

                                Our two eldest GC are doing a paint run for the local hospice this morning and we are going to watch, keeping well away from the paint 'throwers' DIL being one of them ! Fingers crossed that the rain stays away.
                                At the moment it's cloudy and very muggy outside.
                                Bring me sunshine in your smile.

