Hats off to your son Clover, good on him.
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Clover - he's a brave (and generous) man your DS2! I hope he raises lots of money and everyone likes his new style. Has he got a nice warm hat - he'll feel the cold without his pony tail.
Nanto - Those tops are impossible to undo! Talk about child safety - you need a large monkey wrench to get into them.
Crikey, there must be something in the air - all those people busy dusting, hoovering etc. Even I hve hoovered the living room and hall - yet another cylinder full of dog hair! Much as I love Eva, I'll be glad when she's finished being so generous with her fur.
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
(Marianne Williamson)
Good morning everyone.
Sunny here but not been out to test the temperature yet. We will be going out soon. Our boy cat is booked into the vets for a makeover. He will have his claws clipped, as he keeps getting thm stuck in the carpet. Also his rear end trimmed and shaved. He cant get round there very well now, which affects his personal hygiene! Once a year or so he goes for this indignity!! He hasn't had his nails done before, not sure what he will make of that! !“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
We have that system on Thursdays Plant, but it's the day I see my mum.
The cat is back and fine, and we received a lecture on his weight, along with the bill
OH is out for lunch with two golfing friends. One of them is going to Australia for a 3 month holday and visit to family, so are having a farewell lunch.
Collecting GD for me. We will continue listening to the story CD of Mary Poppins, which we are both enjoying“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
Today is collect girls, change and straight into ballet. Hospital was great, they were running early and although my appointment was for 9.10 it was all done and dusted by 9.15. Results in a week. Sunny and chilly, but it was nice to walk the dog without getting wet and muddy."What doesn't kill us,makes us stronger."
A poorly day for me I have the dreaded S & D bug not to go into too much detail but sitting close to the toilet and hanging on to a sick bucket Is what I have been doing since 5 am . My head is bouncing so I may go back to bed I'm starving now but I'm afraid to ear anything solid just sips of water 😕😯Im not fat just 6ft too small
Oh poor you Oma.How about nibbling a cream cracker type biscuit if you're empty?I find that helps me. It's also important to keep hydrated..I hope you start to feel better really soon.
Gem I'm glad puss is fine.Can't say the same for your bank balance though!
Libra,that makes a change,going for a hospital appointment with little or no waiting! Hope the result will be a good one.
Today I had to go for a blood test prior to my hospital appointment next week to check on my lymphoma. What fun!!
What's going on with that Clover is it a wait and watch or are they doing any treatment ? Good luck next week. we see Consultant tomorrow get results of his latest scan but I'm not sure I will get there I'm feeling no better but I'm drinking water and I nibbled on a ginger snapIm not fat just 6ft too small
Originally posted by Oma View PostWhat's going on with that Clover is it a wait and watch or are they doing any treatment ? Good luck next week. we see Consultant tomorrow get results of his latest scan but I'm not sure I will get there I'm feeling no better but I'm drinking water and I nibbled on a ginger snap
Good luck with the Consultant tomorrow.I hope you do feel well enough to go with Brian but if not don't worry,you can't help being poorly.xx