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    Surprised to see it foggy when I got up this morning.
    Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


      Another lovely morning to wake up to. Off to visit Mottisfont house and gardens near Romsey today. Their gardens are beautiful so should be a good visit. Taking a picnic but will probably have a cuppa and a cake in their tea shop . Hope you all have a good day, enjoy the sunshine.
      "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." - Dr Seuss


        Sounds like a lovely day Enfys, enjoy.
        Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


          Morning all.
          Off for a day out with OH, GD, our friends and their 2 GDs. To the seaside, I hope it warms up a bit! GD is staying the night. I will be back before bed. Have a good day
          “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


            Morning ladies a bit overcast today but supposed to get out later , i do hope so we plan to go to the beach and have fish and chips for tea down there .
            Gem hope you have a great day im sure she will enjoy it no matter what the weather ,
            Went to Aldi this morning and they have all the plants outside , a elderly gent pulled up in his car walked casually over chose about 4 large pants took them to his car and then drove off , people just stood there open mouthed we set off in fit of giggles , He had some cheek i tell you , a woman went in to tell the girl on the checkout and all she said was , it happens all the time and didnt seem bothered . Maybe thats why this man did it because he could get away with it
            Im not fat just 6ft too small


              Hope everyone enjoys their day's out. I could do with one.

              Oma I can hardly believe the cheek of the man! Just goes to show how society is changing for the worse these days I'm surprised it was an elderly man.The shop worker's answer just sums it up.

              Plant, have a virtual cream tea for me please.


                I spent two hours on a skype conference today with other community managers and someone from the department of work and pensions. She talked a LOT and said "from our perspective" about three hundred times. Not really sure what the outcomes are going to be and whether it will have been worth the length of time on the "phone".

                it is very hot here, later we are going on the bus to Staines which is not far but a pig to park there especially in the school holidays. We have an appointment with a financial advisor as we have decided to release some money from pensions. I was not in favour first but husband has some good reasons so we are going to look into it.

                Wren kitchens have at least come clean (think it may have something to do with me contacting the finance company - interest free for a year although we could have paid outright, thank goodness we didn't). They are completely reinstalling and as I told them I would not allow anything to be done until we had a resolution re the floor they have found a "possible solution". I should think so considing they were accusing us of lying about the damage being done by the fitters. I also told them I am not going to be held captive in my bedroom while all their replacement cabinets etc. Are filling my sitting room as happened with the first installation. I don't think they like me much as I am the account holder and they only phone the husband, think they realise he is less likely to cause trouble than me!

                The rest of the week, unless something happens will be spent working at home. I am having a "be good to myself" week. I am having difficulty getting a decent nights sleep, nightmares all the time and I am sure it is the stress of this bruddy kitchen. I am quite busy next week with two bid meetings which can be stressful as th bid writers want everything and do not consider that I am the only one to deliver so I have to be careful not to overload myself. I am supposed to be slowing down not speeding up!!!
                If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together


                  Don't count your chickens Zizi but at least things are moving xx
                  Im not fat just 6ft too small


                    Just came back from DS new flat, it's very small but very clean, even Oma would have a job looking for something to clean. !

                    Ive got a sore swelling on the side of my left foot, I haven't got a clue if I've tripped or twisted it at some stage, it just seemed to gradually get bigger and more uncomfortable. It's ok when I've got my slippers on but when I wear my shoes it makes my whole foot ache . It's quite warm to touch also. Obviously as I'm getting older things don't work as well as they used to !
                    Bring me sunshine in your smile.


                      Ladies - just a brief post to explain my minimal contributions to GRU this week. We have both GSs staying until Sunday and today and tomorrow have both GDs too. Hectic isn't quite the right word, plus GS2 sleeps in my computer room so I don't even get to browse much in the evenings - not that my brain is capable of anything other than appreciating a glass of red wine by the time they are in bed.
                      "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                      (Marianne Williamson)


                        Mimi sounds like some kind of infection if it's hot , maybe need to see someone about it .
                        Had a nice afternoon one of Brians Army mates dropped in , we were supposed to go to another army friends wedding last weekend but couldn't go Brian wasn't up to it, so his friend kindly brought the wedding favours and little name cards for us , then we had a drive down to the beach and had Fish & Chips for tea 😊
                        Im not fat just 6ft too small


                          Looking a bit grey this morning,(the weather not me) and it's drizzling.

                          Good you got your fish and chips Oma. The cheek of the chap at Aldi.
                          Daisy, certainly a busy week for you.
                          Hope everyone has a good day.
                          Last edited by Nanto2girls; 18-08-2016, 05:35 AM.
                          Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                            Had some rain overnight, not much but it feels fresher.

                            DD has just texted me to say they are in their way to pick up DGS' A level results. Fingers crossed for him.....then he's off to Uni. Can't believe it!
                            "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." - Dr Seuss


                              Good morning everyone.
                              Mimi, how is your foot today?
                              Daisy, I know you are super-busy at the moment, take time to breathe!!
                              Oma, how nice that Brians friends came round.

                              We had a lovely day at the seaside with GD, our friends and their 2 GDs. It was hot and sunny. All 3 girls were totally immersed in the sea. Even we adults had a paddle!
                              DD and baby are coming round later, then this afternoon shopping with my my mum, then taking her out to tea.
                              “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                                Morning all.
                                My foot is still about the same, I have been doing a lot of walking in those silly flat (pump type ) shoes so I'm thinking maybe I've bumped or twisted without realising. These type of shoes don't really support the foot do they?
                                We have got GD for the day , DS had to pop her round very early this morning (7ish) and she has taken herself off to bed ! She isn't a girl who appreciates early mornings!
                                There is talk of rain tomorrow and for the next few days I hope it's not a signal for the approach of autumn. I've enjoyed this summer, we have spent lots of time outside, having our meals, reading and even doing the odd bit of gardening I will hate to see it all disappear .
                                Bring me sunshine in your smile.

