Ouch Oma, that sounds sore. It bloomin' well hurts when you knock your toe.
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Morning ladies , toe sore but not as bad as last night just a bit of bruising and nail a bit black , 😊
meeting friends for coffee &chat this morning then my Brother coming over after lunch , love seeing him don't get together often enough .
went in the shower got sorted come downstairs and Brian said do you know you still have paint in your hair 😲 so had to go wash it again 😊Im not fat just 6ft too small
Good morning everyone. I'm on a mission to get a load of odd jobs done before picking GD2 up from playgroup at 12, so not much time this morning, but lots of things I want to catch up on from yesterday. I'll be back tonight!
Gem - what a pity the weather is so poor - I've been in Cornwall for October half-terms and had glorious sunshine - and I won't tell you that because it's not fair!! I hope you enjoy yourselves irrespective of the weather, and you will love the theatre tonight. What are you going to see?
We had a lovely but fairly quiet day with DS1 and family yesterday - they were all exhausted for various reasons, even GS1 when he got back from his camping trip was subdued and had dark circles under his eyes. Eva took the first opportunity this morning after garden and breakfast to go back to sleep - on our bed!
See you all later, have a good day.
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
(Marianne Williamson)
Daisy, to be totally honest, I didn't really want to come to Cornwal! It was OHs idea. It's a long way, snd we have lovely places much closer to home. The fact that the weather is miserable has just confirmed all my predjudices. However, I know it is a beautiful place, we are here now, and in fact the sun is shiningOff to find the beach this morning.
The play is Our Town, by Thornton Wilder. The cast are from Massachussets. The last 2 nights we have eaten (-in a different pub each night) surrounded by American voices ! They will be onstage every evening now, so the pubs will be quieter!
I hope you get your jobs done
“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
Originally posted by Libra Gran View Post( Drum roll) ta da. Today I officially typed out my letter informing my boss I shall be leaving MC on or before 18th October, depending when my last shift falls. We had discussed it and she knew my plans, but today it is official. So excited.
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Out with my 3 good friends for lunch one of them being my best friend with terminal cancer I know there will be lots of tears and it's one of my friends birthday too very mixed emotions we have only spoke through text since her diagnosis didn't want to invade her privacy too much and she has chemo every week, birthday girl has chosen a pleasant quiet restaurant with a pianist playing so we can talk and blow our noses and seated in a booth phew lump in throat already
Lovely morning here when the sun comes through. Had a lovely walk through the nature reserve with my furry friend. So peaceful hardly anyone around. Washing blowing on the line and I have picked a big bowl of yummy strawberries from the garden-happy days."What doesn't kill us,makes us stronger."
Afternoon. I'm looking for a really comfy chair. I got a G Plan one but I'm not getting on with it (about £500's worth of 'not getting on'). I was looking at the Stressless ones on Ebay today. Do you have a comfy chair? Can you recommend one? I wrote to the makers but no joy. No returns on furniture now."Good friends help you to find important things when you have lost them....your smile, your hope, and your courage."
(Doe Zantamata.)
Qwerty, it has been I (and still is) a lovely sunny day here, so never fear they do happen in this country occasionally! The rest of the week not looking so good, but I hope it's wrong. We took a picnic and went to the beach for the dayWe have come back now so we can eat early and get back to the outdoor theatre in plenty of time to get good seats.
I hope you and your friends had a good lunch, how was your best friend?“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
Gem, sorry you haven't had the best of weather, hope it's not too bad for the rest of your holiday.
Done housework at in laws this morning, came home and cut the grass, went in the shower, then made something to eat.
Did intend to get some jobs done in the house this afternoon, but went to see friend who has breast cancer. I know she didn't feel too good over the weekend, but she was feeling a lot better today. Her chemo has finished, but it's left her with a bit of a weak heart. She has an appointment for a scan on Thursday, to see if her heart is strong enough for the mastectomy operation.Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.