Nan2 very generous thing to do for your DD ? I hope she liked your gifts. A helping hand goes a long way. As for Libra, i read an earlier post on news feed & wondered if it might be work. Hope you're feeling brighter today. Qwerty, OH has a company car which he has to change every 4yrs. He chooses, I go & sit in said choice & say comfy or not comfy. As I'm a small person I have been known to say to car salesman ' have you got some small steps so I can get in please?' Gemini can you save me an Easter bun please🐣🐣
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Just came in from a walk and noticed there was a message on our answer machine.
It was BIL, he wanted OH to give him a ring, he explained he had a new mobile phone and to ring him on that. He read out the number, said goodbye and then as an afterthought he said
" If you didn't get my number, give me a ring and I will give it you " !
Bring me sunshine in your smile.
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Hi Rosie
We are going to my DD2s house, twice! They do an easter egg hunt and lunch on the Saturday for friends and family. OH and I will go to that. On Sunday, back for Easter lunch for the family. We will go and take my mum. My DD loves entertaining
OH is golfing on Easter Monday, not sure if I will find something to do, or just eat easter eggs and watch a DVD“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
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Originally posted by Qwerty View Post
Thanks my friend good to be back
Qwerty, I had no idea you'd been so poorly and had caught the Bug. I'm pleased you're over it though, and delighted to hear that J has said his first word. He'll soon be chattering non-stop and you'll all wish for a bit of peace and quiet.
What is it about car wheels that send men into a frenzy of love or hate! All I see is round things that keep the car in touch with the road - a wheel is a wheel is a wheel! Well, actually I need another wheel there to make a full set of 4! lol
Hi Rosie. No plans for us this Easter week-end apart from OH going to a whole-day wood turning demonstration on Saturday. I shall either have a lazy day putting my feet up, or have a frenzy of activity trying to catch up on gardening, washing and possibly even a little housework.
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
(Marianne Williamson)
Good morning Bit late. Today hasn't started too well. I arrived at DS2's to find GD2 had vomited up a whole bottle of milk, mummy trying to comfort baby while cleaning up and monitoring GD1 getting ready for school. I'm not good at dealing with sick, especially milk, so I'm still feeling queasy. GD2 went to sleep exhausted, and is still snoring softly, and I have braved the Marigolds and scrubbed the high chair, done the washing and am trying to decide whether I need yo focus the carpet again. Eyes and nose are itching and streaming from the Marigolds, so I think I might leave the carpet!"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
(Marianne Williamson)
Originally posted by Daisy View Postam trying to decide whether I need yo focus the carpet again. Eyes and nose are itching and streaming from the Marigolds, so I think I might leave the carpet!
.... focus the carpet????? Oh, the wonders of predictive text on the iPad! I didn't clean the carpet again, but feel guilty because I think I should have .
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
(Marianne Williamson)
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Sorry about your day Daisy hope it isn't the bug that's going around.
Today I went for my hair cur and coloured have come out a sumptuous blonde, been for my new specs today so can see how absolutely stunning I do look, well someone has to say it!
Best news of all J &M both got their first tooth today !!!!!!!!!
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Daisy I hope your day improved , what with you and Zizi I think you both deserve a nice cuppa in the ...... I know we have the Grannys Rest but do we have a cafe ? Oh well you will have to have your cuppa in the Grannys Rest for now.
We have had a busy day OH has been busy outside with his beloved lawn ( he has a mug which is inscribed with "The Lawn Ranger " ) and I got on and cooked lunch for us and eldest DS spent the day with us. Then OH and myself looked on the internet for paint for the garden bench, he ordered some wood stain from a garden centre and I got fed up and found myself on the Debenhams web site and ended up buying two pairs of shoes and a dress in the blue X sale . Result !Bring me sunshine in your smile.
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Originally posted by Qwerty View PostSorry about your day Daisy hope it isn't the bug that's going around.
Today I went for my hair cur and coloured have come out a sumptuous blonde, been for my new specs today so can see how absolutely stunning I do look, well someone has to say it!
Best news of all J &M both got their first tooth today !!!!!!!!!xx
Yes, I hope it's not a bug, but fear it may be as GD2 has had an upset tummy for a couple of days.It's certainly come at a bad time with her daddy still recovering from his op, mummy not very well and the Easter hols just starting for GD1.
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
(Marianne Williamson)
Clever babies Qwerty, both getting their first tooth on the same day
Mimi, I have been thinking of branching into the café business - we don't want everyone thinking GransRus members are alcoholicsA nice tea room is needed!
“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
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