Not feeling like going out today Hubs gone to see his Mam so im just pottering washed floors cleaned windows got cushion covers in wash just taking my time to do things at my pace for a change
When you have finished cleaning Oma put these on your table
Good evening ladies what a lovely day it has been,when the sun came out at lunchtime I spent a happy hour planting daisy's/stocks/morning glory and baby blue eyes into trays. Now in the indoor mini greenhouse waiting for those first little seedlings to pop through. Been a lovely day all round,got all my towels dry on the line and spent an hour grooming the dog and doing his ear cleaning drops.Not his favourite thing,so bribery with strong cheese was needed. Working all weekend cooking,as weekend cook booked time off.Not so bad will be home by 2 tomorrow and 3 on Sunday.Then off until Thursday.I love spring I am definately more up beat once the sun shines.
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My hands smell of rosemary,garlic and chill because i was making a paste to marinade chicken breasts in. Hope they taste as good as they smell. Now sitting in fridge( chicken breasts not me!) waiting to be cooked this evening.
Just want to say I haven't quite got my head round following/subscribing yet, so if you're not on my list,please don't be offended....I'll get round to sorting it out eventually!
Believe you can and you're halfway there.
Theodore Roosevelt.
Busy weekend here. DD here with her five month old while his Daddy is running a conference. Isn't it amazing how babies take over the entire household?
We have been busy shopping for various things, including a friends 60th tomorrow. Then a mercy dash to see poorly DD. She is unwell with a virus. She's getting better, but felt worse today as bf is at work all day then he's going to a friends party that she was supposed to go to as well. She needed some tlc from mummy. Even at almost 27, she's my 'baby'! OH and I took her some shopping and stayed and cheered her up, and I did all the washing up
Collecting a takeaway and off to friends for the evening in a while.
“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown