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Good morning, ladies. It's a beautiful sunny day here, and I'm looking forward to getting out for a good walk with Eva, in between the dreaded housework and washing which keeps trying to ambush me.
Oma - I hope you get some good news at the hospital. xx
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
(Marianne Williamson)
Afternoon ladies ,Gem I just wondered if Aggie hadn't been on Jim might have been unwell
Brian had to have a Platelet transfusion this morning Consultant thinks his platelets were low because the Shingles have bled under the skin , Shes upped all his pain killers and gave us some cream to put on his leg as its very dry and sore but said its due to the shingles healing , couldn't say how long it would take for the pain to subside though that could take days ,weeks, or months , each case is different . She did say not to expect a quick recovery as his was quite complex though .
Shes happy to leave his Chemo till its all settled down as she said its now very low key in fact she,s not sure what showed up on scan is Lymphoma it could be scare tissue but wont know till he has a pet scan , she doesn't want to do that yet as the shingles may give a false scan showing as a hot spot when its not , Checking his bloods every week and see her again in 7 weeks ,
We came out and waiting for DD to bring car round to the Hospital door the sun was so hot we took our coats off wasn't in house 30 mins when we had hailstonenow what is that all about
every season in one day
Last edited by Oma; 31-03-2016, 03:40 PM.Im not fat just 6ft too small
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Oh my goodness, poor BrianHe won't be winning any glamorous grandad competitions with those legs any time soon!!
We had hail yesterday when out with GD and friends, we had to rush to shelter, they were huge!
When I dropped GD at ballet this morning I callled round for coffee with DD, which was nice. Big tummy, no baby yet“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
Ouch, poor Brian. I hope the treatment gets to work & does its job soon. Gem, time that baby arrived. We're all on pins here .Sunshine for us too today. Had electrodiagnostic eye test this morning then slept for the rest of the day
Starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel now.
"Good friends help you to find important things when you have lost them....your smile, your hope, and your courage."
(Doe Zantamata.)
Hi Ladies , Jim was admitted for a couple of weeks to sort his meds as he is now off his feet ... sigh ... not made much difference ... he has been home a week now and Today he is starting to come round a bit , we had to get black out blinds for his widows because the rising sun was shining in so early ........... no I didn't notice that eitherhowever we now have a standing hoist and DD1 and I can just about manage transfers , still have lovely carers four times daily . I can't believe how quickly he has deteriorated , it is calling me at 2 or 6 am for a chat is wearing me down
but last night he slept through . Thank you all for thinking about me ! I have been reading posts but was too tired to answer , I hope all the babies arrive soon and safely . I think of Brian and the famous legs and sympathise , it is such a painful condition .
xxxxxxxxxxxx to everyone
Oma - poor Brian, his leg looks really painful. But it's good news that the Consultant is happy to leave his chemo for the time being. When does he have the PET scan?
We've had a nice sunny day today, but quite chilly - or it might just have been me. I very rarely get headaches but I've had one nearly all day today - flashing lights, the lot! It's finally eased off after an hour and a half walk with Eva tonight. I really didn't feel like going, but it's hard to explain that to a dog and her melting brown eyes get me every time!
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
(Marianne Williamson)
Good morning.
Aggie, hope you manage to get a bit more sleep.I slept better last night than I have all week.
Pleased your headache eventually went Daisy.
Oma, hope Brian feels a bit better today.
Nana, just googled electrodiagnostic eye test, hope it wasn't too uncomfortable for you and hope you feel better today.Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.
Aggie, it must be so tiring for you. Thinking of you and Jim. Try to rest as much as you can.
Daisy, I hope your headache is totally gone today.
Well, the baby has hung on until April. DD3 and I think April is a much nicer sounding month for a birthday than March. The rest of the family think we are nuts, and DD2 just wanted the baby here! ! Official due date is tomorrow.
OH and I are going into town today. We may go to the art gallery while we are there. It was closed for some time and has had a complete renovation. I have heard good things about it -and it has a good cafe
“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
Morning ladies , Daisy they won't do a PET scan till he gets over this , had a poor night last night it was very sore but he's had a shower (Sitting in a shower chair ) not happy about that he said he feels like a doddery old man I reminded him he is 😁 and he feels better for it .
AGGIE glad Jim is home I had a feeling he may have been unwell you must be worn out its not easy is it .
Daisy sounds like you had a migraine hope it's eased now
Gem get that girl of yours ran around the block we all waiting hear 😊Im not fat just 6ft too small