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    Originally posted by Plantaholic View Post
    That was a nice surprise bumping into your DS Qwerty. I find a lot of coffee shops such as Starbucks and Costa the coffee is too strong for me.
    It was Plant even with green paint on his hands from decorating the kitchen, I agree about the coffee too it is very strong I try to have a latte if out for coffee but the Asda cafe isn't very inviting and Starbucks was busy I like a bit of comfort when paying for my coffee !!
    Are you feeling better yet ?
    Last edited by Qwerty; 13-01-2016, 01:48 PM.


      Originally posted by Gemini View Post
      Good morning all. GS here today. DD1 (her auntie) is collecting GD from school for me, as she lives much closer than I do, then bringing her to meet me, OH and GS at at play barn, where the cousins can play and have tea.

      I didnt sleep well at all last nigyt. I feel like a zombie today
      I always think you get a sit down in a play area and at least you don't have to trail to school , I haven't slept well for 3 nights Gem just couldn't get off its very frustrating !


        Since you asked Qwerty, no I am not much better, still coughing and wheezing. Dr checked me out on Monday said it was an upper respiratory infection, it has now been nearly a week. I went out Mon evening to my sewing group and I haven't been out since except to the dustbin. Told family to keep away although my dear GD came in this evening to see how I was. I think I will wrap up and venture out tomorrow.
        What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


          Morning ladies thick snow and driving wind , been to Asda it is bitterly cold , Plant if it's the same at your end don't go out it is really too cold and slippery under foot , roads are lethal . Off to Hospital this afternoon , it's a day for staying in but must go , stay safe if you have snow and you venture out everyone
          Im not fat just 6ft too small


            It is cold, slightly wet and windy here I shall see how I feel later. Nothing much to out for except a condolence card for a friend whose husband died suddenly this week.
            What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


              Good morning everyone.
              It is snowing here, and I am crossing my fingers tightly that it doesn't lay. I don't have the option not to drive today as it is the day I go to my mums and either take her shopping or do it for her. As she's an avid snooker fan, I suspect the latter today!
              It sounds horrible where you are Oma

              Plant please take care, and hopefully that damned infection will soon pass.
              “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                Plant stay in today, it's cold out there.
                No snow here at the moment but I'm not holding my breath.
                Oma is the hospital appointment for you or Brian. How is he x
                Bring me sunshine in your smile.


                  Under doc's orders to rest for a couple of days (see Health thread) so am going to do as I'm told and take it easy. Reading and crochet for me with my feet up
                  "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." - Dr Seuss


                    Originally posted by Plantaholic View Post
                    It is cold, slightly wet and windy here I shall see how I feel later. Nothing much to out for except a condolence card for a friend whose husband died suddenly this week.
                    That's a nuisance Plant not much better guess it just takes time , sorry to hear about your friends OH I am a little sad myself which I will mention in my next post xx


                      Feeling a bit sad today we lost a friend 3wks ago he was 73 these days it's not old thank goodness, but today I heard his wife had died just 3 wks later I feel sorry for the son to lose you mum and dad within 3wks of each other , he is an only one and has no children of his own thank goodness he has his wife


                        How sad to hear actor Alan Rickman has died rip


                          It is very sad, all these people dying

                          I know from OHs job as a funeral director that November to February are 'busy; months. I hope we hear of no more.
                          Glad to hear you are following Doctors Orders Enfys. You and PLant should share a pot of tea in the Tea Rooms

                          “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                            So sad to hear of all the deaths. Sad to hear about your friends wife.

                            it's been a long day.Got a phone call very early this morning, had to go to in in laws.mam wasn't good at all. After a couple of hours she started to pick up.Hubby went with me,but came home and back to bed,when she started to feel a bit better.As it was one of my days for going anyway,i stayed there to get my jobs done.
                            Got home about 12.30. Only just had the chance to sit down.
                            Very cold here, had a snow flurry about at midday. very windy now,but sunny.
                            Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                              Qwerty and Plant - so sorry to hear about your losses. xx

                              Nanto - I hope MIL has a peaceful night and is ok tomorrow. It's a worry in this cold weather, isn't it. xx

                              It's been a busy old day here, too. The workmen doing the front garden arrive about 8, so we need to get the cars moved across the road before they arrive. Then I took Eva out for a long walk on my own as OH had a meeting at 10. Then back home, got changed and drove into town to get my hair cut (much needed!), then back home again. By then OH was home and we had a quick sandwich and loaded Eva into the car to take her back to the rescue centre in Dorset to see their vet about her being spayed. Fortunately they can to the operation at the Christchurch branch of their vets, so we don't have to travel so far. Supermarket shop, then back home, glass of wine and dinner!
                              "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                              (Marianne Williamson)


                                I thought we would have snow during the night, but we haven't. Very cold though.

                                You had a busy day yesterday Daisy.
                                MIL was ok last night when we rang.
                                Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.

