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Time to Chat Day by Day

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    Morning everyone
    Sun is out but it’s freezing it’s minus 2 here,

    I wonder what H thought going to bed in a different house , has it got a garden for her to play in ?

    You and J need to stay in the warm today, Eva’s right put your nose out and come back in it’s too cold 😁

    Hope you finally get to Wakefield today 😁

    Hope you get the Jacket finished , what colour is it ?

    How did baby sitting go although as Lizzie said I don’t think GS1 would say baby sitting 😁 more like young man sitting 🤣🤣

    Been to B&M this morning I wanted some new headphones,
    I have some but they are very big and I can’t wear ear buds so I needed a smaller pair than what we have .
    Its bitter cold ,

    The tree is out of the loft , I will tackle that soon ,
    I don’t let B do anything with the decorations except the outside lights
    If I left him to the tree I dread to think what it would look like 😱🤣

    He managed to split his head open in two places yesterday
    He was looking for something under the sink came up and managed to hit the sink support bar type of thing split his head fell forward and hit it again ,
    So after they stopped bleeding I put antiseptic cream and plasters on.
    When we went out this morning I made him wear a hat to protect them and it looked like I had clobbered him with the frying pan 🤣🤣
    Im not fat just 6ft too small


      Plant, yes for indoors, it is a huge room/hall and they want to make a sit corner that is divided off from the rest of the hall.

      image.png​Should end up image.png​ similar to this.


        Good morning everyone
        The sun is shining here! Very cold though but it is almost December

        I hope you make it to Wakefield Nan2!

        Lizzie, you are right GS1 would not think of it as babysitting We had nice evening watching a film together and DD had left us an assortment of sweets to make our own Pick and Mix

        Oh poor B Oma

        DD2 has gone away for a much needed weekend with friends. Followers of YEO will know how stressful life has been, she deserves this.
        GD wanted to meet me in town today to go to the dance shop so of course I was happy to agree, both for GD's sake and to reassure DD that GD is happy whilst she is away. OH will drop me there and SIL will drop GD. OH will then pick GD and I up and we will all go for lunch then take GD home.
        “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


          Daisy, the plant hall sells all plants, pots etc but much cheaper than the normal garden centres. A bare hall with plants etc


            Oma, Oh poor B, he must have hit it very hard.

            Lizzie, yes those plants make a good screen. Is your jacket nearly finished?

            We are having a lovely sunny but cold day, I have just been to the garden centre for some compost. Sil will unload it from the car for me. When I got back DD said H was asleep here. Her parents were doing the last bit of clearing from the flat, she must wonder what is going on.

            Gemini, have a nice time with your GD.
            What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


              Plant and Oma, I just have to do the button holes then it is finished, I have never taken so long to make one item!!!! I am not keen on the colour actually but it was the material I wanted to use! It is taupe, I think it needs something with more colour under it to brighten it up.

              Poor H won't know where her home is, it will take her a while to settle down I think.

              Oma, poor B, bashing him with the frying pan!! Just heard from DS1, he hopes they can get him on a flight home this evening.


                We have sort of a corner bit that goes under the work top
                I call it the dead space as things go in there and then you have to drag everything out to get to it
                Instead of doing that he stuck his head in and forgetting about the sink/ worktop support bar came up really hard ,
                That made him sort of lunch forward again and he hit it again on the metal basket I have hanging on the back of the door where I keep washing up liquid bin bags etc ,
                He managed to hit the only sharp bit that sticks out 🙄

                Poor H it must be confusing for her but she will settle , is it near her nursery ?

                As you say a nice colourful scarf or something will brighten it up , thing with the colour Taupe is you can put almost anything with it Cant you it’s very neutral.

                Hope you have a lovely girly day with GD and your DD enjoys her break xx

                Im not fat just 6ft too small


                  GD and her OH are still trying to empty their flat. H spent today here playing with her cousins. She slept okay in her new room in a bed for the first time, she is such a trouper. Yes there is a garden where they have moved to, quite small and a bit sloping.
                  What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                    Oma, I hope B’s head isn’t too sore. We have a cupboard like that, the top shelf does swing out but the bottom shelf is impossible, things I don’t use often like cake tins go in there.
                    What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                      Ooo poor B. I bet he saw stars.

                      We finally made it to Wakefield. Both of us enjoyed it.
                      Its been very cold today,but dry and sunny.

                      Plant, well done to H,for sleeping in a bed for the first time.
                      Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                        A frosty start to the day.

                        Not much happening for us.

                        GD2 is 21 today.

                        I think I'll put some towels in to wash.

                        Dinner will be something fishy for a change.
                        Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                          Good Sunday morning, everone.

                          Nanto - I wish Spring was in the air. It's icy cold here.

                          I'm just off to our GD's Christmas craft stall - out in the afore-mentioned 'fresh' air. Back later.
                          "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                          (Marianne Williamson)


                            Morning everyone

                            I hope she does well , report back please let us know xx

                            Your GD shares her Birthday with my hubby 🤣
                            Ive just put towels in the wash also .

                            We out for Brunch with DD SIL and his parents our friends for Bs Birthday ,
                            We will treat ourselves to a takeaway tonight to celebrate.

                            GS coming home to see Grandad this afternoon , he doesn’t need to be in Uni till Tuesday so travel across today then go back Monday night.
                            Im not fat just 6ft too small


                              Oma, Have a lovely day celebrating B’s birthday. How lovely GS is able to get back to see him. ‘

                              Daisy, I hope the sale goes well and they get lots of sales. I hope it is inside as it is so cold outside.

                              I don’t remember if I told you that they have found me another cleaner, she starts on Wed. I hope she is as good as the last one. I was going to plant up some urns on stands now I have the compost and all the plants. I haven’t cleaned them out for some time so it is quite a job. I don’t think it will get done today, it is so cold outside. I am very behind with planting in my pots, just a few pansies so far. It is all very well buying plants but they have to be dealt with.

                              Nanto, Happy birthday to your GGD. I am having something fishy today.

                              What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                                Good morning everyone, and Happy Birthday to Mr Oma and Nan2's GD2

                                I hope you all have a lovely brunch Oma.

                                The craft fair will help to get you into the festive mood Daisy!

                                I'm glad you found a new cleaner Plant.

                                A very nice afternoon with GD yesterday. I enjoyed the dance shop with her, and she eventually decided on the leotard she wanted for her competition. It takes me back to many hours spent in dancewear shops with all 3 DDs We met OH for a late lunch then we took GD home and waited until SIL and GS arrived back. She seemed happy, relaxed and fine and I hope she was.
                                Last night we went to friends for an evening of chat and board games. Very cold when we came out, my knee did NOT like it!
                                No plans today.
                                “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown

