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Time to Chat Day by Day

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    My DD2 once dropped her phone in the loo, and a friend dropped hers in her pond when she was gardening!

    I am cautiously pleased to say we both feel a lot better this evening. Fingers crossed we have turned a corner!
    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


      Good morning everyone, as you know Gem, my dog destroyed my first phone!! Then I had one I put in the washer, luckily I managed to save it in time.

      Daisy, GD2 said it was an amazing sight, it was moving all the time she said! Yes, the girls were honest telling their parents I had helped them, then again, they would have noticed anyway.

      Gem, it must be one strong virus you have both had, I hope you are both on the mend now.

      Oma it the gingerbread house ready made or do you have to do that yourself? DIL's eldest daughter trained to be a baker, cakes etc, she once made a gingerbread house for DS2 as a surprise on December 5th.

      The lady I go to the pool with had been to the Christmas show at a huge garden centre, she said the prices were huge as well.

      We may get the results of the voting today.

      Nanto, I am pleased you enjoyed your morning in town, I had a flying visit to TK Maxx on Sunday morning, I was in Den Haag at 9-30 and the shop opened at 10am, lovely and peaceful!! I got the bag I wanted for GD1 and was back here at 11-15, I was going to DS2 for lunch so wanted to be home.

      I have the circuit at the gym at 11am, I want to do some shopping before then, if the forecast is right, it could be dry after 8am.


        Good morning Lizzie and all who follow.

        Gem, pleased to hear you are both feeling better.

        No plans today, just house stuff.

        Dinner is hawaiian pizza.

        It's drizzling here.
        Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


          Morning Nanto/Ladies

          Lizzie it’s a ceramic Gingerbread house that lights up 😁

          I have lots of photos of the two GSsmaking and decorating real gingerbread houses each year ,
          Mind you there was more decorations eaten than actually getting on the icing 🤣🤣
          Happy days .

          Just house stuff takes up most of the day doesn’t it .

          Hope you and S are feeling better today xx

          What did you make from JOs cookbook last night ?

          We have a appointment booked at the garage for 10 to see the new car B wants me to look at it ,
          why I don’t know as cars do not interest me at all , as long as it gets us from A to B it could be anything .

          From there Tesco is just down the road so we will pop there,
          Seems strange not having the dog today .
          Weather not too bad it’s damp but bright for a change .
          Im not fat just 6ft too small


            Good morning everyone.

            Nice Wednesday graphic Nan2.

            I thought you must be talking about a ceramic gingerbread house at that price Oma!
            I buy a gingerbread one from Lakeland each year to make with the GC.

            Lizzie I well remember the dog- chewing -phone incident!

            We are both feeling a lot brighter. It's mainly the lingering cough now. We are quite deaf too so have to keep repeating ourselves We will take it easy today.
            I ordered a Tesco delivery for later this morning .
            “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


              Good Wednesday morning, everyone.

              Nanto, what a nice cheerful "hump day" graphic. Enjoy your pizza - that's my OH's favourite.

              Oma, if you go to see the car it gives you chance to check if it's comfortable and easy to get in and out of. But I know what you mean, just looking at cars isn't my idea of fun. I bet two boys making gingerbread houses at Christmas was lots of fun, until you got to the clearing up stage! But as you say, happy memories for you and for the boys.

              Lizzie, I hope you get the result you want with the vote today. It will make such a difference, I'm sure. Your GD2 will always remember that night with the Northern Lights.

              Gem, I'm pleased to hear you and S are feeling a bit better today. I hope you've got some tempting treats on your Tesco order. Take care. xx

              Glamm, how are you today? Don't reply if you don't feel up to it, but I was just thinking about you.

              Oma, last night I made Turkish-Inspired Pasta, which included minced lamb, mint, garlic and yoghurt. It was very nice and easy.

              Dog training for me and Eva this afternoon. My car seats are still very damp - I think I'll have to put a waterproof sheet on the driver's seat. The boot is dry, so Eva will be ok!
              "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

              (Marianne Williamson)


                Gemini, my mother used to say stay in one temperature if we were poorly. So. No going out yet stay in the warm.

                Oma, I have a ceramic house, I bought it in a local shop in a sale years ago. It is made by the well known German company, who’s name escapes me. It didn’t cost me much. I also have two lampposts. I will take a picture when it comes out for Christmas. Good luck with the car viewing.

                Nanto, enjoy your house stuff

                I have to go and post a returns parcel and pick up a parcel this morning, well that is my plan but I am not dressed yet.

                What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                  Car is lovely , navy blue pearlised in other words sparkly 😁
                  Deposit paid we pick it up next Wednesday ,
                  It doesn’t have wing mirrors it has cameras that have little screens inside on the ends of the dash board by the door windows very strange and the door handles fold flat into the door like a Tesla’s,
                  Strange sunroof too.
                  The back looks like a Porsche and it has Pixel lights very space age .

                  From there we went to Tesco , bumped into our SIL , Bs Brothers wife , the brother who hasn’t bothered with his family for over 35 years ,
                  His wife is and always has been a lovely girl . Had a good chat .

                  I saw some nice fluffy PJs for Lucie to go with her Christmas present but not sure if she’s a 6 or 8 , she’s tiny so i think a 6 . Tried phoning both GS and DD neither answered .
                  Will phone later and we can always get them next week when we down picking car up.

                  Good to here your both feeling a bit better , At least with a Tesco delivery you don’t have to go out x

                  Did you get out to the post , how is DD now xx

                  Wet bum time 😁
                  Im not a lover of pasta but I must admit that sounds really tasty apart from the Garlic ,
                  Did J aprove 😁

                  Im not fat just 6ft too small


                    Plant it's wet and miserable today, and shopping was being delivered to the door, so no incentive at all to go out

                    Oma the car sounds lovely. Can't wait to see if when we meet up.

                    SIL3 has taken a day's holiday tomorrow because of us being poorly. Now we are on the mend I'm feeling guilty, but I suppose it might be a bit too soon for a long days childcare for a one year old
                    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                      Gemini, please don’t feel guilty, you are needing to get strong to take on childcare.
                      What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                        Good on SIL , he obviously knows your not fit enough to look after him,
                        You need to get yourself sorted first Gem .
                        As much as you love GS they are tiring xx
                        Im not fat just 6ft too small


                          Gem, I think you would have heard all us grannies saying "No! You're not well enough to look after GS3 yet" so it's great that SIL3 took the day off.

                          Plant, my Mum always used to say to stay in one temperature when you were poorly, but in those days most houses only had one warm room where the fire was, and the rest were proper parky! Did you sort your parcels out ok?

                          Oma, the new car sounds lovely, and very posh! The mirrors will take a bit of getting used to, I suppose. Does it have a nice flash reversing camera as well? How lovely to see your SIL. Is there a reason why her husband hasn't been in touch with his family for so long? Can you get the PJs for Lucie with a gift receipt so she can change them is the size isn't right?

                          Nanto, how was the pizza?

                          We've had a beautiful sunny day today. I didn't even take a jacket when I went to dog training. I did take a couple of towels one each way to sit on, but although they were damp they weren't actually wet, and OH will put the dehumidifier in the car again tomorrow. Funnily enough one of the other ladies at dog training had done the same thing a few days ago!

                          Dog training was fun. We had all the dogs off lead at the same time - only the second week we've done that - and they all behaved beautifully. They had fun jumping through hoola hoops, flyball and other games plus some heel work.
                          "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                          (Marianne Williamson)


                            Daisy I'm glad somebody was getting some sunshine!

                            Thanks ladies for being concerned about me! DD has to be away for work tomorrow, so that's why SIL has booked the day off.
                            I am a lot better but OH hasn't quite caught up with me yet so she definitely needs the baby- free day!

                            Stuff to tell you about GD but that will wait until tomorrow.
                            Night night xx
                            “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                              ​ Good morning.

                              Looks gloomy out there.

                              Gem, no need to feel guilty about not babysitting, although i know i would feel the same.

                              Daisy the pizza was OK.

                              Oma, the car sounds very nice.

                              Just going to tidy downstairs then going to change the bedding and clean upstairs.

                              Just seen the local weather forecast, not much chance of any sunshine today.

                              Easy dinner of fish fingers, potato croquettes and beans.

                              Have a good day ladies.

                              Last edited by Nanto2girls; 16-11-2023, 07:04 AM.
                              Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                                Good Thursday morning, everyone.

                                Gem, I hope OH is soon feeling better. It sounds as though this bug has hit her really hard.

                                Nanto, It sounds as though it's a day for jobs indoors.

                                It's raining here as well. Dark and dreary! My job today is to make some wooden Christmas baubles! I'll write about it in another thread!

                                "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                                (Marianne Williamson)

