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    Another grey day here though the sun did put in a brief appearance and was quickly followed by torrential rain! I went to see GS play football this morning, not at their home ground, I can walk there, but at another, not too far away. Both grounds have a cafe which is very handy for warm drinks. Today was silent football day, so no cheering or calling the referee names from the sidelines! I think some parents would have found that hard!! SiL ( who coaches the team) treated the boys to bacon rolls after the match and they all seemed to appreciate the gesture. I was hoping there might have been one left over for me, but I had forgotten about teenage boys appetites. So I came home and made myself one for lunch!

    Have spent the afternoon doing a bit of tidying around and trying to sort stuff out. I opened a box to find lots of slides which DD had taken a long time ago. I was going to throw them, but there are some lovely photos, so I've bought myself a machine to transfer them onto a memory stick. that'll keep me out of mischief on a cold Winter's afternoon.

    Yesterday I did a photography course at a local NT trust property because I don't use my camera as it should be used. It was all a bit technical, but I did manage to take some photos which met with approval from the tutor! I think it was more luck than technical knowledge though!! Some of the men on the course were very serious about it all and nobody spoke to each other which I found a bit strange!

    Not sure what next week will bring, hopefully I'll have got it on my calendar.

    Have a good evening ladies xx

    Believe you can and you're halfway there.
    Theodore Roosevelt.


      No sun here either, I hope you got your gardening done Daisy.

      WG, I can imagine how much you wanted that bacon sandwich!
      “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


        WeeGranny, those bacon butties must have smelled delicious, no wonder you wanted one! You're a wonderful gran to go and stand on the sidelines watching your GS play. I'm sure the NT photography course was interesting, and you can get so much more out of any camera if you know what most of the knobs and numbers mean! But I remember reading a quote from a famous photographer (I think it was David Hurn) who said the only variables are where you put your feet and when you release the shutter! In other words, the important thing is what you see through the lens. How odd people didn't talk to each other though!

        Oma, I hope Talulah has had a better evening and no fireworks to frighten her. It's lovely that Storm doesn't mind them. Eva has had another night of the jitters, but I think the thunder shirt helped tonight.

        Nanto - we didn't get much sunshine. I dashed out into the garden, raring to get some more plants protected before we get any frost. I did one more banan plant, and before I could finish it the heavens opened again. Hey, ho, I hope tomorrow is better. Did your OH buy anything at the car boot sale?

        Gem, the baby rocker sounds very luxurious!
        Night, night everyone.
        "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

        (Marianne Williamson)


          Chilly this morning and we keep getting a bit of rain.

          WG, you've got me fancying a bacon sandwich now.

          We need to pop out later,got a couple of parcels to post.

          Dinner will be braising steak,already cooked,took it out of the freezer yesterday.
          We will have mash and veggies with it.
          Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


            Morning Nanto/Ladies
            Dull grey day again damp but no rain yet ,

            I have appointment with the Diabetic nurse from the hospital, she comes to our Drs surgery saves a journey down to hospital ,
            We also have man coming to fit a smart meter sometime today , didnt give a time so B will drop me off at Dr’s and come back home incase they Come while I’m there .

            WG I love a bacon sandwich and the smell when your out and about and some cafe or other is cooking it 😁

            Daisy Talulah was fine , Buzz is hard as nails nothing scares him he just curled up on Storms bed and slept
            When DD picked Storm up from ours she said Buzz looked like he hadn’t moved all night .
            We didn’t hear any fireworks at all last night ,
            I must admit we were surprised as they usually go on for a week ,
            People must be saving money .

            Hope everyone is ok today
            Im not fat just 6ft too small


              Good morning everyone.

              Bacon sandwiches are tempting aren't they Nan2? I think they are the thing DD1 missed when she became vegetarian many moons ago.

              I am having a massage today. OH treated me to a back, neck and shoulder massage for my birthday in June. I had it booked but had to cancel as I became ill. I was too ill to go for weeks, then baby GS was born and I was needed there, we went on holiday, there was never the time! I need it more than ever as my neck hurts a lot of the time. Holding the baby hasn't helped!
              Sainsbury's delivery this afternoon. I must do some deep dusting and hoovering too as my friend and ex neighbour T is coming to the house for the first time tomorrow! He is very houseproud.
              “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                Gem enjoy your Massage ,
                I sure T is coming to see you not the dust 😁 x
                Im not fat just 6ft too small


                  Good morning everyone, I could have been wrong about my cycle lock. DS2 thinks it just needed a good oil, I have just received a mail from the shop that I bought it from and they say the same, so, I will have to wait and see how it works, I have just oiled it again as DS2 said that they need oil, no one bothered to tell me that!

                  It is very windy here with showers forecast, I have decided to go to the pool in the car so I have just messaged the friends and they will be waiting near the garage for me.


                    Good Monday morning everyone. It's another of those grey November days today with blustery winds and rain. No gardening today!

                    But, like Gem, I ought to get the dust out of some of the corners , especially the living room.

                    Lizzie, I hope your cycle lock is ok after being oiled. You can't win with oiling things I find - I either don't do it, or put too much on which clogs up whatever mechanism it is!

                    Gem, enjoy your massage. It's horrible when you've got constant pain like that, and if your neck hurst everything else does as well.

                    Nanto, braised steak sounds perfect for this dull day.

                    Oma, I hope you get a good report from the Diabetes nurse. Do you think the smart meter will save on energy bills? It's something we've talked about but not reached a conclusion.

                    "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                    (Marianne Williamson)


                      Daisy, we have smart meters, I find the only smart part of it is that they can read them from a distance!


                        we have put off getting a smart meter for a long time but we having a Electric car charger fitted tomorrow,B looking for a Electric car and apparently part of the deal is having a smart meter in .

                        Diabetic nurse changed one of my tablets, review again in March if no better then it’s injections from then ,
                        These new pills could have side effects Nausea , etc and cause Pancreatitis just have to see how it goes .
                        Problem is I have had it so long it naturally gets worse , not too bad but could be better .

                        It’s a fine line with oiling things isn’t it , to little it doesn’t work too much and it clogs up .
                        Im a firm believer in WD40 😁
                        Im not fat just 6ft too small


                          We have smart meters. One good thing about them is you don't get estimated bills.
                          Only pay for what you have used.
                          Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                            Well he came fitted the smart meter but then the system wend down in our area , so until they get it sorted it doesn’t work 🙄
                            He said he will pop back to set it up during the week when the problem is resolved .
                            Im not fat just 6ft too small


                              Oma, I had no idea you could only have an electric car charger if you had a smart meter. It feel a bit like coercion, and no fun if it keeps breaking down. I hope that today's fault was a one-off.

                              I hope the new diabetic tablet doesn't give you horrible side-effects. It sounds very unpleasant, but I presume it wouldn't have been prescribed if you were at high risk. xx

                              Nanto, estimated bills can be a real pain, can't they.

                              Lizzie, your comment about being able to read them from a distance made me laugh.

                              Gem, I hope you're feeling better after the massage. x

                              I spent most of the morning dusting, polishing and pushing the sucky up thing round. I was shattered by lunch-time, so had a rest afterwards and then took Eva out, braving the wind and the rain.

                              Just off to make dinner.

                              "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                              (Marianne Williamson)


                                I hope the tablets do the trick and you can tolerate them Oma.

                                My massage was more of a sports/remedial one, rather than to feel relaxed. She certainly had her work cut out with all my problem areas! I had deep tissue massage, some ultrasound and cupping. The worst areas were painful, but I didn't mind as I knew it was helping. I'm having another treatment Friday of next week.

                                I did some housework and made an apple sponge pudding this afternoon, but I mostly relaxed.

                                OH went off into town by bus to meet an old friend for lunch . Some confusion as the friend didn't turn up, and had next week in her diary

                                I'm happy that my friend C has had her surgery and is home.
                                “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown

