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    How lovely Glamm enjoy your shopping xxx
    Im not fat just 6ft too small


      I’ve been lurking, sorry not to have posted much.

      Just back from a nice morning at the library with my knitting group. There’s only 4 of us but we have A good natter, Tea and biscuits and generally set the world to rights! And knitting too.

      Feel quite tired now so a peaceful afternoon, no jobs to be done just relaxing.

      Had a slight issue last week with a friend, nothing major but just let’s say you find out who your real friends are.......nuff said! Think it’s time to pull back a bit now, don’t need certain people in my life.

      isn’t it strange how you can live in an area for years and years and not know it very well. I had no idea there was another library 10 minutes or so away, and I went there yesterday with my friend from knitting to an art session. We just sat and drew and painted and chatted, so nice....and tea and biscuits were provided . They want the library to be well used So were happy for us to be there, and I’m pleased to be doing art stuff again.

      Hope everyone is well, haven’t read back so hope I’ve not missed too much. Have a good weekend everyonem🌞

      "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." - Dr Seuss


        Hello Enfys

        You right some people need to be cut from your life .

        Fancy not knowing about the other library , as the saying goes you learn something new every day
        Im not fat just 6ft too small


          What an enjoyable time we had at St Georges Hall in Liverpool so many different stalls with such delicious food stuffs on offer,
          I bought 3 x types of cheese all wrapped in their own waxed wrappings
          The Drunken Monk which is cheddar with onion & red wine
          Cheddar with smokey piquante peppers & garlic
          Hoppy Days which is Mature cheddar with ale & mustard
          We had a fab time testing all on offer so had no need to go and have a snack for lunch as we where all full of delicious cheese.

          It is so good to see businesses thriving again in L'pool so many visitors to the City where evident just by sitting and listening to the accents from everyone

          Take care everyone I am off to put my feet up after walking so much this morning I need to relax for a while.x
          Keep Calm,You're Fabulous


            Glamm, that visit to the market sounds good. Love cheese but try not to indulge too often.

            Love to hear from you Enfys, you certainly are keeping busy, how is your family?

            Had fun here today all 3 GGC were here, I was kept busy cutting out dinosaurs from a comic. GGS was very vocal, needed to get outside and let off some steam. DD and Dil are out this evening with Sil’s family, they are going to a tapas bar. I love tapas.
            What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


              Plant, fun and busy day for you.
              Glamma, I'm glad you had a nice trip out, after feeling poorly for so long.
              Lovely to hear from you Enfys. As we get older we sometimes realise we need to move away from some 'friendships'.

              Christmas cake made and cooled. We like ours mazipanned and iced, but that is a job for several week's time
              We spent a lot of the afternoon checking car hire for Florida. We also watched a film on Netflix.
              “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                Had a good day out. We had coffee when we got there,and had dinner later on.
                We always go to the same cafe.

                Sounds like quite a few of us have had a good if busy day.
                Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                  Nanto - it does sound like a busy day for a lot of us.

                  We got quite a lot done, including putting a few more feet and inches on the caravan's mileage by moving it over on the drive. OH dug out a bit of garden border where we want New Patio Man to put down a couple of extra flags to make it easier to get the lawn mower out. He half filled the trailer with about 40 years of pine needles from the tree we had cut down. I did the bedding and the cooking, took Eva out and did some housework.
                  "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                  (Marianne Williamson)


                    Wow Daisy,yesterday was busy for you.

                    Wash day for me. Got 2 jackets in the wash now.
                    Off to sort some more washing out.
                    Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                      Good morning everyone. Daisy, you both certainly had a busy day yesterday, all I did was go for my eggs and veg on my bike, oh, and I treated myself to 3 thin scarves to wear indoors, I like a scarf and the ones I had needed replacing!

                      I did go down to the friends on Friday evening, she is the one that survived pancreatic cancer, she is now 70 years old, they were giving a party last night for friends and family but because of the new rules decided not to go ahead for so many, the other friends and myself were there and another neighbour so just the 6 of us, I enjoyed it, it was midnight when I got back up here! Unheard of!!

                      Glamm, you would enjoy the market and it sounds as though people are out and about again, the cheese's sound delicious.

                      Enfys, I am the same as you with a friend, it is a little too one sided for me, I seem to be the one to phone etc so will choose for myself. You would enjoy the visits to the libraries.

                      Gem, you will be pleased with your Christmas cake.

                      Oma, I hope the B's finger heals well.

                      I will get myself dressed and see what the day brings, I ordered a meal to be delivered, the Indonesian one again.


                        Good morning Ladies ,

                        Lizzie you dirty stop out hahaha , as long as you enjoyed yourself that's the most important thing xxx

                        Nanto wash day for me too .

                        Its dull and dreary at the moment ,
                        Floors washed had a shower so now not much to do , I will pop to Aldi when they open I need some Cabbage and Parsnips for tea
                        I am buying veg as I need it now im sick of stuff going off after a couple of days so buy fresh as and when .

                        Plant at GGS age they are noisy , Lots of energy to burn off but lovely to see them growing and healthy , Granma duty cutting out Dino's is a nice easy sit down job

                        Daisy you will have slept well last night , Little jobs seem to get bigger as the day goes on , what starts a s one job escalates doesn't it

                        Gem does the house smell of Christmas? I bet its yummy
                        Im not fat just 6ft too small


                          Good Sunday morning, everyone.

                          We're expecting visitors between 9 and 9.30 so I'll have to get a move on! It's a niece and her OH. My OH has some timber going spare that he would like for his furniture making. I think the two chaps might spend a lot of time in the shed - sorry, workshop!!!

                          It's looking like another busy day, and we're out this evening as well! I'll try and pop back later. Have a peaceful, relaxing Sunday. x

                          "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                          (Marianne Williamson)


                            Oma, I know! Very late for me! I got fresh sprouts from my allotment man yesterday, he had just pulled them so they are very fresh.

                            It is dull here as well.


                              Good morning everyone.

                              It's fine here too Nan2, I am have just sorted some washing to go on.
                              Late night out Lizzie
                              Oma, we find vegetables don't last as long and we throw some out. Perhaps it's good thing though, less preservatives or something??!!
                              I hope you enjoy your day Daisy.

                              OH has golf today, a volunteers game. We have a friend (whose OH is in Canada seeing family for the first time for 2 years) coming to eat tonight.

                              Happy Sunday everyone.
                              “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                                Good Morning everyone, Such a lovely bright morning here on The Wirral so some washing will be hanging on the line for drying as soon as the washing machine finishes in a few minutes.

                                I am having a visit from my 2 x GGC's this morning my DD is collecting them and having them for the day so their mummy & daddy can do some decorating with out little hands helping them,they are going to the petting farm to choose a pet each to sponsor for a year so they will have a nice day out.

                                Last night I was so tired it must have been the walking I did yesterday such a shock to my system after not being out and about for such a while it was a bit of a walk from parking the car to the market area my back is troubling me a wee bit,all i ever seem to do is moan about aches & pains
                                I must be the most boring poster on GRUS at the minute what a moaner I am.

                                Oma remember when I redecorated my kitchen in that "pink book wallpaper" well I have decided that I don't like it as much as I did when it first went up !!!. since it went up I have had the flooring done in black & white square pattern and have decided they just don't gel together so it's coming down and black& white strip's going up instead luckily enough only one wall needs doing so it will be done in a day my friend and I will do it when she comes back from holiday as she can get up the ladder easily I shall supervise the job and treat her to a meal out for her help.

                                My other friend has started moving into her bungalow next door but one to me she should be sorted by next week-end so everything will be done for her for Christmas she has waited so long for the move as her Parkinson's is progressing and it will make life so much easier for her,she enquired on a quote for her flooring in laminate and the lounge is not over big at all same as mine the chap had done mine 3yrs ago and charged us £430 but he quoted her £720 for the same job and said supply was the reason for the increase in price so she went to B&Q to buy the packs she got the same for £260 and it paying £100 for fitting and that includes her hallway as well as,its such a big difference in price isn't it for the same product.

                                Sainsbury's are doing 50% off toys if anyone looking for little gifts so I'm going to look what is on offer and get No1 son to get them for me he can use his Sainsbury Card and get a further 20% off for me,he does come in useful at times lol.

                                Going now to make a bacon sandwich for breakfast then wait for my little visitors to arrive .
                                Bye for now enjoy your day everyone xx
                                Keep Calm,You're Fabulous

