Hi again ladies, Oma yes I think the time is right for another little furry friend the only ones in the rehoming pound are Staffs and they are a wee bit big for me my neighbour has just bought a baby dachshund who is so cute maybe look for one or a little maltese just about the right size for me.
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Oma, pleased you got a reasonable nights sleep. Perhaps Dunelm will have the runner you want when all the sales are over. Sorry to hear your nieces OH now has the virus.
Glamm, We have a friend with a smooth haired miniature dachshund, he is so sweet. I would love one but at 83 I think I have left it too late now, although having the family adjoining they would walk it for me, although our garden is big enough. Will you have to buy one or do you think you will get a re-home? Sorry about your DD change of hours, it has really mucked up her start to the day.Last edited by Plantaholic; 29-12-2021, 04:30 PM.What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare
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It’s getting worse now my other niece and her 17 yr old son have tested positive
This means the rest of the family has to be tested , all are my Brothers children .
Luckily no one seems too ill
With my Niece having to cancel Christmas Day my other niece and son spent the day with my sister in law and her DSs other grandparents so all potentially have itIm not fat just 6ft too small
Very dreary day here today but I managed to get out for a walk this morning. Was supposed to be having my friend round for coffee tomorrow but I think with GS having Covid we will cancel. I haven’t seen him since Boxing Day and have had a negative test but I’d hate to pass anything on and her hubby has a weak chest. So we have postponed. It will be strange not to be able to pop over to see them whilst he is isolating but it’s for the best. They were having their boosters yesterday too so they’ve been postponed.
Taken the tree and decorations down, I feel depressed when I see them up after Christmas is gone so get them down ASAP. A good dust and everything back to normal.
Glam, I dog sit a little Westie, he is very sweet and the perfect size. Just what I would choose if I were to have a dog of my own, but nice to have him here then I can hand him back....just like we did with the GC 😀"Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." - Dr Seuss
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Lizzie, you did the right thing telling your friend about the perfume. I would have wanted you to tell me if it was me.
Glamma we are having friends round on New Years Eve, nine of us in total. All being well! A new doggie in the summer will be something to look forward to.
I'm glad you had nice visitors Nan2.
Oma and Enfys, this covid strain really is messing with everyone's plans isn't it?
The afternoon with my mum was lovely. DD3 told mum the baby news - twice, and she was happy and surprised both timesGS1 and she were happy to see each other. She had coffee and a good selection of Christmas goodies during the afternoon, including chocolates!
The trip back was as usual hard as she has no memory of where we are taking her. OH drove so I could concentrate on mum. I picked her up and brought her here on my own and she loved being driven through town and recognised and commented on a lot of landmarks.
I'm glad we did it and we will do it again.“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
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We've just got back from DS1's after a lovely day. The hot tub was bliss, and it wasn't shiverlingly cold when we got out - amazing for the time of year. We just relaxed and chatted and watched the sun setting behind the trees. I must admit, I could have gone for a snooze afterwards - it was so relaxing. DIL cooked a wonderful roast dinner, and it was great just to have time to chat and relax.
I have found out though, that tankinis aren't the best thing in a fast-bubbling hot tub! I had to hang on to my modesty!
I'm more than ready for bed, so I'll read up on everyone's day in the morning. Night night everyone. xx
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
(Marianne Williamson)
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Mild this morning. Apparently it will be for the next couple of days.
Daisy,what a lovely relaxing day you had. You deserved it.
Don't think much will be happening today for us.
I've got mince and onion in the slow cooker. Will have some today with masn and veggies.
I'll use the rest of it for a couple of pastry pies and cottage pies tomorrow.Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.
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Morning Nanto
Its not to bad here either for a change ,
We have just taken some mince out of the freezer Nanto not sure what we doing with it yet , I fancy mince and mash with cabbage 😁
spoke to one of my nieces today she is feeling better and her husband is more like having a heavy cold .
Their DS who is in the Navy is home on leave unfortunately although he is clear can’t go back till sure his Dad is clear so another week at least .
B taking me to another Dunelm today it said on the web site they have the bed runner I’m after in that store ,
I want to go to another shop nearby so it won’t be a wasted journey if they haven’t got it in .
How are we all this morning .?
Plant I meant to ask did you use your table runner ?
Daisy hope you slept well after your relaxing hot tub 😁xx
I will pop back later and read all your news
Im not fat just 6ft too small
Good morning, really blowing as gale here and has been all night, I have been for a walk with my Nordic poles but had to stop using them when a gust of wind came, they are so light and can trip me up.
Oma, I hope your family are soon all recovered from the virus.
I want to get some alterations done, nothing spectacular!
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Good morning friends.
Cute graphic Nan2
Daisy, my OH has a couple of tankinis, I know what you mean! I'm so glad you had such a nice day.
I hope you get what you want at Dunelm today Oma.
Lizzie, don't get blown over in that wind! It was windy here yesterday afternoon but seems to have died down.
Free day for me today. Golf for OH. I have some recorded TV to catch up with. I will make the mulled wine ready for tomorrow night, my beloved Jamie Oliver recipe. I may go for a walk as it is actually not raining for once!
Happy Thursday everyone.“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
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Good Thursday morning, everyone.
Yesterday seemed quite a busy day for a lot of us. Covid (or testing for it) seems to be hitting many people's plans. I hope no-one is seriously ill. My GS1 had his booster and felt quite poorly afterwards (all LF tests were negative), but he's feeling better now, and is able to have his planned driving lesson this morning.
My friend M has just come back from a couple of weeks with family and her sister-in-law has tested positive, so she's not coming to our usual New Year's Eve dinner. We were laughing though that the advice was basically keep away from old people - she's 77!
I need to get some washing on - it certainly piles up!
I hope everyone is ok - back later. xx
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
(Marianne Williamson)
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