Oma - that's good news about your diabetic results, and hopefully they may be able to reduce your meds. Did they give you iron tablets for the anaemia? I must admit I haven't checked on the English plums yet while we're still enjoying other good fruit.
Lizzie our current punnet of strawberries are Malling Centenary, grown right here in the New Forest!
WeeGranny you must have had a lot of rain. We had very little, but we often escape being in the shadow of the Isle of Wight.
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
Morning ladies ,
Not a bad morning , It rained during night So paths still wet but the sun is trying to peek out .
Daisy no I didn't get anything for it he just said try eating food with iron in and they will repeat my bloods in December unless Hematology want more bloods before then
Gem is it story time at library today or just usual routine ?
How was GS's martial arts class xx
Dog in garden had his morning treats he is happy now ,
Did a dark wash earlier got them dried now they ironed and put away but there was only a small pile so easy done .
Sent SIL on his way to work with toasted egg sandwich , he was running late so text before he brought dog could I make him something for on the go .
He was happily munching away before he even got in the van
Oma, Good results, pleased for you. If they sort out your slight Anemia, you will be a new woman.
I have been enjoying the nectarines and raspberries. My plum trees are having a rest this year but have put on a lot of growth. I have a few strawberry plants but the slugs got most of the fruit. I do find that the best fruit and vegetables come from M&S, the small food hall down the hill is very popular.
I was in the dentists chair for nearly an hour, she fitted a crown and took more impressions. I felt absolutely exhausted when I came out and felt I need a rest before I drove home. I decided to go and have a coffee and some lunch in a delightful cafe/restaurant across the road and had two coffees and an omelette. I didn’t feel like turning out again to go to my Ex Guiders meeting but I pick up a friend who doesn’t get out much, it was lovely to see everyone again. This morning it is WI, it is a talk by a very entertaining gentleman, so no effort from me.
Sunny here Daisy, have your patio men turned up this morning?
Must dash, I will pop in again later.
What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare
A rather late good morning from me. The sun's shining and yes, Plant, Patio Man has turned up on time.
I'll catch up later - I'm running on slow and lazy this morning!
Dog training starts again this afternoon, after what seems like an awful long time. There will only be 3 dogs in Eva's class to start with - and she knows the other two. I wonder if she'll remember them!
I hope everyone's ok and you all get some of our sunshine.
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
Good morning - a busy one for me as the taxi is booked for 1:30 to take us to Luton Airport. We had a successful trip yesterday to Cambridge for our Antigen Test, first time into Town since the start of the Pandemic! The appointment was 9:30 and the results with Fit to Fly Certificate arrived by email at 9:50! I’ve hoovered, walked the dog and once she’s gone to our friends I’m cooking a quick lunch before we go. You have to allow extra time for the staff to see all your documents and this also means we can’t go straight to Security we have to join a queue for baggage drop even tho we don’t have any! I’m going to see if I can find a staff member to show docs without joining the baggage queue.... our Italian friends are coming with us, we were all meant to go in April 2020 and have been trying to get together and go ever since. It will be lovely to be together again.
Grandmothers are just antique little girls - author unknown
Daisy I do just love Victoria plums but will miss my weekly supply of lovely local strawberries from the farm.
Avo enjoy your time away with your friends I hope things have calmed down by the time my DD & I go away next June I am so looking forward to it.
Jim next door is fine he is resigned to having carers 4 x times a day only thing he is not happy with is they arrive for the last visit between 8/9pm when he is wanting to go to his bed but I have explained that they need to check he has not fallen again,bless him.
Youngest son & his wife are calling in today they where both working on my birthday,they are going away glamping for 4 days to celebrate their 7th wedding anniversary they are taking their dog with them so that should be eventful !!
Off now to collect my new little car so am excited to say the least so am off now to get showered as all the housework has been done & washing out to dry in the sun.
Have a lovely holiday Avo!
I hope you are pleased with your car Glamma
How did dog training go Daisy?
A lazy library afternoon for me today. I watched a training video first about the York library's customer survey I will be helping with soon. I hadn't seen the librarian for 3 weeks as she had been at a different branch so we did quite a bit of chatting after that. We did both do some work though!
Sainsbury delivery tomorrow so I am going to update that now.
“A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown
Towels washed, downstairs blitzed. Was going to do upstairs, but too much housework isn't good for anyone!
Very little fruit off our plum and Bramley trees this year. Better crop from the eating apple trees though.
Enjoy your little car Glamm! My Dad used to have a pink car to advertise some drink his company was selling. I used to be quite embarrassed when we went out in it!!
Have a good day ladies whatever you're up to xx
Believe you can and you're halfway there.
Theodore Roosevelt.