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    Its a place that sells the unusual , things you don't see in big stores etc ,
    They had some weird and wonderful stuff, like a Giraffe about 6ft tall with a light fitting hanging from its mouth and Brass naked men climbing a wall, Huge Angel wing wall hangings , etc
    Im not fat just 6ft too small


      That sounds a good shopping trip Oma. I'l update on the thread about Mum's house.
      The cake looks yummy Nan2. OH loves coconut but hates cherries so I wouldn't make that cake -or else I would eat it all!
      Glamma, you will be very glad when you have had the laser done. This type of laser is totally safe. Its different to other laser eye surgery.
      I'm glad your little cat is back with you Mimi xx

      I have got washing washed, dried and back in (not ironed may notice!) Done a small Tesco shop, as we are having a delivery on Sunday. Went to mum's garage to take some measurements.
      We sat in the garden once OH got back from golf. Its clouding in now so I'm going inside.
      “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


        Oma, love the colour of the bag. My kind of colour.

        Gem, it clouded over here as well earlier,but the sun is shining now.

        Mimi, i'm sure the visit to OH's sister will have cheered her up.

        Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


          Oma - I'm glad you had a good, and successful day out. I love your Highland Coos and the wall hare - I don't think I've seen one even vaguely like that before. I'm probably the most boring handbag person in the world, but that one does look brand new.

          I love hares - we've got a tree stump about 5 ft tall in our garden and I'd love to have it carved into a Moon Hare.

          Nanto your cake looks lovely, but we're with Gem's OH, except both of us like cherries but not coconut. But it reminds me I need to do some baking - I'll add it to the list of jobs for tomorrow!

          Glamm - poor you. That sounds so painful, and I'm sure it's worse at night if it's keeping you awake. Have you had it before? Sending hugs. xx

          Gem - is your eye ok? I'm sure you were ready for a quieter day today.

          Mimi - I saw the photo on FB, and I hope it gives you some comfort to know your dear kitty is back home.

          Plant - how did the outdoor bowls go? It's been warm here but cloudy.

          It was lovely to have the girls here today. We didn't so much - they were very tired after a hectic day yesterday and both of them had got mozzie bites which were bothering them. GD1 gets quite a severe reaction to them and her foot was quite swollen. GD2 had about half a dozen dotted around her arms and legs, but were already fading. She let me put a couple of lots of sting relief on them so perhaps that helps. GD1 was insistent she didn't need any cream! I dropped them off at their parents' shop so they could take them to karate, and took Cooper back to his house. There were a couple of polystyrene boxes outside the front door so I took them in an realised they were full of frozen dog food. I put them both in the cloakroom - otherwise I think Cooper may have eaten the best part of a month's food by the time DS2 and DIL got home!

          I'd cooked at lunch time so we've just had a sandwich and OH dashed off for a Zoom meeting.

          "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

          (Marianne Williamson)


            Just peeped through the blinds and it looks as if it's going to be another nice day .
            Oldest DS visiting today so that means I am cooking lunch, well when I say I am cooking lunch I am doing a salad for lunch. We are having a chicken salad .The chicken is a ready cooked one which will be delivered with my Tesco grocery delivery this morning. I have never brought a ready cooked chicken before, I hope its as nice as it looked on line when I added to my shopping.

            Nan2 that cake looks delicious.

            Glamm and Oma, did you sleep well last night.
            Glamm how is the sciatica .

            The squirrels seem to be behaving themselves in our garden so far. No one has reported any damage to plants in pots etc.... hope I've not spoken too soon!

            This past week we have been really busy with family visits
            Last Saturday DD and gang came to see us, we visited SILyesterday , youngest DS popped by on his way home from work yesterday afternoon and today older DS is arriving
            What a difference comparded to the last 12 months or so.

            Have a good day everyone
            Bring me sunshine in your smile.


              Done a bit of tidying up before i go to in laws.

              Sunshine is back today.

              Scampi,homemade chips and peas for dinner today.

              I'll be bak later.
              Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                Good morning Ladies ,

                Mimi i hope your Chicken is tasty , I have bought them for quickness before not very often but they have been tasty ,

                Daisy poor girls Those bites are so itchy for some reason I get bitten but B gets nothing , I must have juicier blood

                Nanto B loves scampi he said set another plate he is on his way

                I feel tired this morning but did sleep fairly well ,
                it must have been the country air and the walking yesterday plus I had a hot shower before bed so I felt relaxed ,

                Dog day for us so a quiet day ,
                I have washing in I will get it out on the line today its a nice warm morning so far ,

                Have a good day ladies xxx
                Im not fat just 6ft too small


                  Good morning Mimi, Nan2 and everyone.

                  Mimi, we have had the ready cooked chickens several times and enjoyed them. A good lunch choice for a summers day
                  Daisy - DD2, GD and myself all suffer terribly from bites so I sympathise with your GDs!

                  We are off to the coast this morning! My usual Friday mum visit and GC care happened earlier in the week. As it's half term it won't be one of the major resorts. I long to go to Whitby or Filey, but not today!
                  This evening OH is helping a friend put up a blind. I am going with her and we are having fish and chips there.

                  Happy Friday to all.
                  “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                    Good Friday morning everyone.

                    Mimi - you must feel as though you are emerging from a long dark tunnel. Things are sounding good and I'm sure even the chicken will be great, and you have very well-behaved squirrels.

                    Nanto - I hope your in-laws are ok. Is mum still keeping to her bed?

                    Oma - a quiet day today will probably do you good. Like Gem says, I wish they could work out why you sleep so badly. Enjoy your cuddles with Storm today. xx

                    Gem - yes, insect bites are horrible. I don't get many but they do irritate. My OH must be nectar to mozzies - he seems to get bitten a lot. Enjoy your trip to the coast. I hope you find a quiet spot where you can enjoy the fresh air and hopefully sunshine.

                    Glamm - how are you? I hope you managed to get some sleep and are in less pain. xx

                    It's raining here! I really wanted to get the rest of the tomatoes planted this morning as I haven't got the GDs today, and mow the lawn. It looks as though I'll have to start on the housework instead!

                    "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                    (Marianne Williamson)


                      Good morning, hot again, I cycled through the village at 5pm yesterday and it was 27 degrees. Too warm for me, I hope it isn't as warm for me next week.

                      Glamm, I hope the pain has now eased.

                      Oma, have you have had a sleep trial test to find out why you don't sleep? When you mentioned the giraffe in the shop it reminded me of a giraffe my friend has, it was made in Africa from flip flops that had been washed up on the beaches, it was tall, so colourful and I love it.
                      Ocean Sole webshop. Find here our current offer in Ocean Sole images from Kenya. From Elephant to Lion. Every statue is unique because it is made by hand.

                      Gem, enjoy your visit to the coast.

                      Daisy, insects know where to find me, I got stung by a horse fly whilst out on my bike, on my lip, it swell so much I had "lips like Jagger"!

                      I will catch up on the rest later on, I am going to DS2 for lunch, when they moved in I said I would get the fly screens fitted as a house warming gift, they hadn't forgotten!!! They ordered them last week and DS2 has fitted them so I am going for lunch and to admire them!
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                      This gallery has 1 photos.


                        It is raining here atm, I don’t think it was forecasted. Sil has to put a Marquee up today, it is one that just covers the terrace, for the Hen Do tomorrow. I have been out this week choosing plants to decorate it. I have no plans today. I almost had another bad nights sleep last night but I got up and took a couple of paracetamols and not long woken up. I was going over the bowls match and why I can’t play on those outdoor mats, we are back in the village hall on Mondays now so I hope I can function better there again. I really need some smaller bowls as my previously broken hand is getting weak and painful, well that’s my excuse.

                        Oma love your purchases, I will pass on the bag, I have too many already. Love the highland cattle and hare.

                        Glamm, I hope you are getting some relief from the pain. I have only had sciatica once, it is very painful. Stop lifting heavy objects, I am just as guilty, I hate asking for help.

                        Mimi, pleased you are feeling better now you have your much loved puss back with you. Enjoy your family visits.

                        Insect bites are horrid Daisy, I hope the girls bites fade away soon. I get bitten but my OH never had a midge bite.
                        What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                          Lizzie I have seen those on a TV programme They are amazing and great use of all those flip flops , I wouldn't mind owning one to be honest

                          Gem have a lovely day I hope its not misty at the coast like it was for us last week xx

                          Plant that must be frustrating not being able to use the bowls your used too , maybe lighter ones are the way forward , Fingers crossed no rain tomorrow for the Hen party xx

                          Daisy its always the same when you plan something , things get in the way its a bit dull at the minute but forecast is nice after lunch , my washing is out so I hope its right .

                          Im not fat just 6ft too small


                            Oma, you can really see the flip flops in them!!

                            So warm here, I heard that there could be thunder storms in some parts of the Netherlands.

                            I have been to DS2, the screens look really good and they are pleased with them. On the drive to their house there was a queue of traffic, I thought there had been an accident. No, it was people on their way to the new shopping centre, The Mall of the Netherlands! So busy, it is the same every day. Then they have to find a parking place etc etc.

                            I have cystitis, yet again or still, the doctor is phoning anytime.

                            Plant, I think we all get weaker in our hands as we get older, that is my excuse anyway.

                            I have got mail that we can go to aqua on Monday!!!


                              Lizzie, damned cystitis, I hope you can clear it quickly this time.
                              I love the giraffes!
                              I love the things you bought too Oma, I forgot to comment yesterday,

                              Well, we never got to the coast! We set off with picnic in cool bag, sun cream, fleeces in case chilly and our camping chairs.
                              We knew the A64 would be manic so went a different way. We got five miles before we hit standstill traffic. A slow crawl every so often. OH hates queuing so the thought of another 35 miles of that, and repeat on the way back was too much. We knew it was risk to go at half term, but I was keen to make the most of the sun.
                              So we came back by a circuitous route avoiding the tailbacks. We ate our picnic in the garden and had a couple of games of Scrabble instead! I then intended to read on my sunlounger but it clouded over so I have come inside.
                              “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                                Gem, the doctor phoned and said I have it too often and have to make an appointment with my urologist, which I will do.

                                I know what S means about the traffic, not worth it! I was thinking that of all the people waiting to get into the shopping mall!

