Good morning all.
Looks like it's going to be another nice day again today but for this next of the woods tomorrow heavy rain and thunder is forecast..
Plant I hope the wedding can go on as planned.
Oma I am feeling much better thanks, I think the improvement in the weather has helped. It's sod's law Isn't, you wait for lockdown to ease, the weather to improve and when you eventually get to be able to sit outside with family and friends you have to go indoors because it's too hot! Pleased to hear you enjoyed the day. Hope you slept well last night.
Nan2 I have some hammerite paint which I am going to use on the metal bird bath today. It needs a bit of a touch up as the winter weather hasn't been too kind to it.
All this talk of gardening has made me realise that apart from OH cutting the small lawn at the back of the bungalow and I have a couple of planters to keep tidy we don't have much else to do outside. As we live in a small ' complex with other people of a certain age the grass at the front of the bungalows are cut for us. In fact they would normally cut the grass at the back also but OH has insisted on doing it himself. He is very fussy with his lawn, they would never made a good enough job of it as far as he is concerned.
W3 aren't missing the extra work we had with the garden at our previous place, truth be told, it was getting too much for us.
Yesterday evening we sat outside watching two squirrels playing on the garden fence and dropping into the neighbours garden rummaging amongst the bird feeder for something to eat. At the moment they haven't been able to infiltrate our nut feeder on the bird feeding station but yesterday morning I did notice that the Robin and blackbird feeding tray that I had placed on the ground had been moved, I am wondering if they moved it or was a fox that the neighbour has said visits the garden from time to time.
We haven't seen any at the moment.
I have some ironing to do today but I could easily persuade my self not to do anything as foolish as that.
Have a good day everyone
Looks like it's going to be another nice day again today but for this next of the woods tomorrow heavy rain and thunder is forecast..
Plant I hope the wedding can go on as planned.
Oma I am feeling much better thanks, I think the improvement in the weather has helped. It's sod's law Isn't, you wait for lockdown to ease, the weather to improve and when you eventually get to be able to sit outside with family and friends you have to go indoors because it's too hot! Pleased to hear you enjoyed the day. Hope you slept well last night.
Nan2 I have some hammerite paint which I am going to use on the metal bird bath today. It needs a bit of a touch up as the winter weather hasn't been too kind to it.
All this talk of gardening has made me realise that apart from OH cutting the small lawn at the back of the bungalow and I have a couple of planters to keep tidy we don't have much else to do outside. As we live in a small ' complex with other people of a certain age the grass at the front of the bungalows are cut for us. In fact they would normally cut the grass at the back also but OH has insisted on doing it himself. He is very fussy with his lawn, they would never made a good enough job of it as far as he is concerned.
W3 aren't missing the extra work we had with the garden at our previous place, truth be told, it was getting too much for us.
Yesterday evening we sat outside watching two squirrels playing on the garden fence and dropping into the neighbours garden rummaging amongst the bird feeder for something to eat. At the moment they haven't been able to infiltrate our nut feeder on the bird feeding station but yesterday morning I did notice that the Robin and blackbird feeding tray that I had placed on the ground had been moved, I am wondering if they moved it or was a fox that the neighbour has said visits the garden from time to time.
We haven't seen any at the moment.
I have some ironing to do today but I could easily persuade my self not to do anything as foolish as that.
Have a good day everyone