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    Good morning ladies ,
    It snowed till about 3.30 this morning but by time I went up to bed at 4am it was belting down with rain , bashing off the windows and its never stopped
    All snow washed away , there is a glimmer of bright sky in the distance but I don't think it will last long .

    Had a good dust through , cleaned all my benches did breakfast dishes and cleaned out my filter jug , I know it only holds water but I think it still get grubby inside ,

    We are eating light today , sick of rich food , we had a curry last night and fruit flan and we both felt over fed ,

    Had a long chat with my Niece last night the one who had her bowel removed ,
    I had sent her a video of GS1 playing one of my Brothers favourite songs on the piano , it had made her cry

    I didn't mean for her to cry silly me not thinking , but she said it was good tears as it reminded her of my brother singing along with it
    I felt awful I should have thought about it ,She was ok though ,

    Daisy will you be able to get across the garden to the summer house or will you need a pair of wellingtons
    To be honest you have all day to do your jobs its not like you have to rush out is it , take your time go with the flow ,
    How has DS coped with the R T how many does he still need ?

    Nanto B could drink that whole pot of coffee , he ground some beans last night the whole house smells of them ,
    im not a great coffee drinker but I like the smell of fresh coffee brewing .

    How are we all today ? hope everyone is ok xxxx

    Gem Im your friend so when she gets her big win telephone call im tagging on xxxx
    Im not fat just 6ft too small


      I won't forget that Gem!!! If only


        The most we have ever won was 5,000 on the Premium Bonds. Do any of you ladies like a gamble?
        Another late start for me, I have to go and collect my shopping at 12 so must get a shift on. Will report back later. Fortunately we do not have snow and ice here.
        What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


          Morning all. We had snow yesterday evening but it had all disappeared by the time we went to bed.
          Woke this morning to discover that the heating had packed up but its been fixed . A gas engineer came this morning to fix it . I rang the out of hours emergency service because as we are both over 60 we are considered 'elderly ' and we have to have heating and hot water as a priority.
          We were told if it breaks down again to give them a ring as the boiler will have to be striped down and new parts added.

          ohhh Lizzie have you had a phone call yet

          Have a good day everyone
          Bring me sunshine in your smile.


            We had a flurry of snow about 10ish this morning. Then it rained.
            Had a quick glimpse of the sun,then it started looking grey outside.
            Washed a load of darks,then cleaned the washer out.
            Cleaned out the toaster,then polished and hoovered all downstairs.
            Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


              Shopping all packed away, huge bananas as usual. Very quiet in Waitrose, no queue, click and collect all waiting for me apart from chilled items. It has been a nice sunny day and looks like we might have a lovely sunset. Spoke to my sister yesterday, she spent Christmas on her own, a friend insisted on delivering her a Christmas dinner, she is 92, several health issues, sharp as a needle.

              Daisy, did you manage to get your table moved into the house so that you can continue painting?
              What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                No snow here today Nan2.
                Plant I have stopped putting bananas on my orders, as they are always too big, or riper than we like. How nice that your sister got a Christmas Dinner delivered.
                That was quick service from the gas engineer Mimi. There are some compensations to getting older then, if we are elderly!

                I haven't been out.There was black ice this morning and I noticed pedestrians walking very carefully. I decide not to venture out.
                TV and the internet have filled most of my day so far. In December I booked a Christmas show from the Globe which we haven't yet watched so we are going to see it today, before Christmas is over!
                “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                  I didn't know you could have bananas too big!!

                  Oma - DS has just 3 more radiotherapy sessions this coming week, then he gets a month off to recuperate before another MRI scan and more chemo tablets.He's a bit up and down at the moment, but generally doing well and the consultant is pleased with how he's coped. How is C doing? I know you mentioned the tumour had shrunk, but not sure how long ago that was. Is your niece coping ok? She's had such a lot to put up with, poor lady.

                  Plant - I'm glad your sister at least got a Christmas dinner. She's doing so well managing on her own.

                  Mimi - being 'old' does have advantages, even if it is only quick service from the gas man! We're having a new boiler installed later this month. I'll make sure everyone knows when it it because it's sure to coincide with the worst weather of the winter! Brrrrr ....

                  Oma -I didn't walk on the grass to sort the summerhouse out - like a good girl I kept to the path. But when OH helped me to lift the desk out he walked straight across all the soggy bits (they're all soggy bits though!) I've made room for the desk by the window so I can also watch the birds in the garden while I'm waiting to be overcome with creativity!

                  Needless to say the rest of the house is still covered in dog hair, dust, cobwebs and unidentified grunge and grot. I really will do it tomorrow.

                  Plant - I hold my hand up to enjoying a flutter! The trouble is if I let myself gamble I'd enjoy it too much and I know I could easily gamble away the roof over our heads! It's not good, so I don't do it.

                  Gem - did you enjoy the show from the Globe?

                  "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                  (Marianne Williamson)


                    Good morning everyone,

                    Daisy, your son will appreciate the break in treatments I'm sure.
                    I did enjoy the show. Good to see a theatre production made in these times, and in The Globe which I love. Sad too, if you know what I mean, socially distanced with no audience. I felt my ticket plus donation was helping the theatre industry in a small way too.

                    Today's plan is getting all the Christmas decoration boxes down from the loft, and starting to dismantle Christmas. I will leave the main tree up for GS1's sleepover tomorrow night, then take that down on Wednesday morning.
                    No Monday night quiz tonight. One friend is working late, another on Samaritan's duty, OH doesn't do them any more, so we are having a week off.

                    Have a good week everyone.
                    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                      Cold this morning,but at least its dry,up to now.

                      Daisy, pleased the consultant is happy with the way DS has coped. Sounds like he has got the right attitude.

                      Gem, glad you enjoyed the show.
                      Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                        Good morning ladies , its grey and dreary but not as cold ,
                        Popped to Lidl for fresh bread , sour dough warm from the oven ,

                        Daisy C is doing ok she sees consultant in March after another scan is done but she is looking at getting back to work , she feels she ready too so that's a good sign ,
                        we shall see if she manages it will be a gradual return though not full on instantly .
                        Our M said any sign of stress and he will be taking her home , ( they work side by side so he can see if she is )

                        My Niece is doing ok thank you , she is at Hospital today as she has to go every 4 weeks to have he blood cleaned then she will see specialist as she has a large Hernia in her Stoma ,
                        She has lost 6 stone in the last year , looks great but has been left with loads of additional problems through it , fingers crossed they get all her enzymes and vitamins sorted soon .

                        Your DS will need that break its a long time going back and forwards isn't it but so worth it if its helped ,
                        Will you get inspired watching the birds or just end up day dreaming

                        Gem in a small way you are helping every ticket bought is much appreciated im sure ,
                        Im not fat just 6ft too small


                          Daisy, I expect your DS and Dil are pleased they are having a week off.
                          I hope the birds inspire you not distract you. Perhaps we shall be seeing pictures of birds instead of landscapes.

                          Gemini, I do hope live theatre survives the bad time they must be going through. I know you love your visits to live performances.

                          Oma, that lovely fresh bread sounds good. Your Sil is anxious to get back to some sort of normality, good job M can keep an eye on her.

                          Saw GGD yesterday, DD was doing some childminding, that was a treat. Her speech is coming along and she certainly has got no and yes sorted out.

                          Miserable outside today, no plans, might do some cooking for GS's family, I think his wife will be back to work this week. DD's school is back tomorrow but she will be working on-line. GGS is back on Wednesday so DD will be childminding again.

                          What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                            Good morning all, what's left of it , its a cold drizzly day but myself and OH have been out for our morning walk.

                            Tumble dryer is on, beef stew is in the slow cooker. I have tided up the sitting room and bedroom. Not sure what I am going to do for the rest of the day

                            Gem won't it be wonderful when we can go to a live performance at a theatre again. Good to hear that you enjoyed the online performance.

                            Have a good day everyone
                            Bring me sunshine in your smile.


                              Mimi, I did beef stew in the slow cooker yesterday, now got red cabbage in, I have never done it in the slow cooker before but smells good.

                              I phoned the surgery at 8am about my sore eye, the doctor phoned me back and I now have special drops so I hope it improves.

                              It is a very cold wind here, I have just been to take some books back to the library, we can put them in an outdoor box, we can order them on line as well.


                                Must be the day for the slow cooker , we have a Chicken Casserole in ours at the minute it smells lovely
                                Im not fat just 6ft too small

