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    Daisy i did all that and back home for 9.15 , we dont hang about ,
    I have since got all washing dried and done ironing and took a pair of trousers up for B ,
    Made lunch and now im flagging my energy has depleted
    Im not fat just 6ft too small


      In laws are ok thanks.
      Yesterday mam didn't feel well. There was nothing i could really, but be there.

      Yes Daisy,it was fish and chip day.
      Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


        Grocery shopping done, annoyed with myself, I bought a bottle of gin and forgot to get the security tag removed, I will have to take it back next week for them to remove it.
        GGD went to nursery yesterday for the first time for just 45minutes. The nursery said she was a dream, that is one worry over for her mother.

        I saw a letters in the Telegraph today stating that it is time the doctors' surgeries opened their doors. The children are back at school, chemists and hospitals are functioning yet doctors have yet to open their doors. We have been told our flu jabs will be carried out at a cricket ground some 4 miles away. I am going to make an appt. at our local chemists.

        Oma, you would not like shopping with me, I am a bit of a slow coach I tend to drawl around to see what I fancy. I could spend all day in John Lewis, especially if the cafe were open.

        Gemini, I expect GS1 is very excited. That acrylic pouring sounds fun.

        What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


          Well I’ve sorted out my going back to work. They were so pleased to see me and can’t wait until next Tuesday when I start back.More or less the same hours as before but things have changed a bit due to C’s deterioration so will take a bit to get into a new routine.

          GS went back to school yesterday and DD thinks it went okay but GS is never very forthcoming about what happens at school 😀 He did make strawberry jam though in his first food tech.lesson.What a way to start 😀
          GD is busy collecting her things together for Uni. She goes a week tomorrow.They have been given a one hour time slot of when to arrive but DD hopes once they’ve unpacked and moved the car she can go back and help L get settled ,bed made etc. DD will miss her.I well remember when we left her at Uni.😢


            Oma - you're like a whirlwind! I hope you had a nana nap after lunch.

            Nanto - relieved your in-laws are ok. It's a worry when they don't feel well, isn't it. It's a good job you live so close to them. I've fancied fish and chips all day!

            Clover - I'm so glad you've sorted out your job. I bet Tuesday can't come soon enough for them. Did GS's strawberry jam make it back home or did he eat it all on the way? The GD of another friend of ours is going to the same Uni - and I can't remember which friend told me this! I remember leaving DS2 at Uni for the first time, and it felt very strange. DS1 had gone to a local Uni, so although he was living there he came home at week-ends for his part-time job, so it didn't feel so much of a wrench.

            Plant - what a nuisance about the gin. You'll have to stick to cognac until you go back.
            "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

            (Marianne Williamson)


              Fancy them leaving the tag on Plant im surprised it didnt trigger the alarm ,
              Can you remember me telling you about when we were on our last Cruise and discovered the alarm tag still on Bs trousers hahaha

              Daisy i tried to have a nap but twice the phone rang then i couldnt settle as my arm and shoulder was hurting so i gave up ,
              I went to bed at 11 tonight but as you see im awake again
              Im not fat just 6ft too small


                Plant, the surgeries should be open, I had to go yesterday, my big toe isn't right at all, I went a month ago and got cream, turned out to be allergic to that. I have been trying different creams etc, but getting worse and very painful. I phoned yesterday morning and they said I could go at 3-30pm, all works very well with distancing. The doctor was shocked when she saw my poor toe. She said " that must be painful", it is. I have some more cream, have to put it on a few times a day and go back on Tuesday afternoon. Whilst there I asked about the flu jab as they usually do it in the surgery, about 4 or 5 of them all working at the same time, she told me it is going to be in the sport hall next to the surgery and working in "block appointments".

                I came home and cut the toe out of a pair of older support tights to see if that works, it does, otherwise I would have to take them off to get the cream on. My next pairs will be without toes. It already feels a lot easier so hope this cream helps..


                  Good morning all

                  Lizzie, that painful toe must be horrible. Hopefully the new cream will work.
                  Oma, I remember B's tag!

                  GS, GD and I are up (in our dressing gowns watching C Beebies (GS) and on phone and laptop (GD and me) 7am is very early for GS to wake, this woke his sister, who had a late night. We got up to avoid waking OH as well.

                  After lunch I will take the GC home, then visit my mum. DD1's turn to join us for an over the gate visit today!

                  Have a good Saturday everyone,
                  “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                    Good moaning each.
                    It’s good to see the sun! OH has gone to golf, (Daisy, there is definitely an improvement. 😁) I am expecting DD2 and all this morning as I am having the boys while they view houses. I have no idea who is eating where for dinner so I’ll just have to go with the flow!
                    Lizzie, I hope the toe pain subsides. That must be miserable.
                    Gem, enjoy your visit today. I hope you find Mum in good spirits.
                    Oma, I’m still chuckling over the bearded one. 😁
                    Clover, the jam sounds ambitious, did they do it on the hob or in the microwave?
                    Plant, I hope you haven’t reached the end of the previous bottle! That would be a terrible.😬
                    I hope MiL is feeling better Nanto2 and that you enjoyed your fish and chips! We haven’t had any since before lockdown. ☹️
                    Have a good day all.
                    Last edited by Grauntie Mag; 05-09-2020, 07:44 AM.
                    Women are like tea bags; you never know how strong they are until they are put in hot water.
                    Eleanor Roosevelt.


                      Good Saturday morning one and all. It's bright and sunny here, and it would be lovely if it stays that way.

                      Lizzie - your toe sounds so painful, thank goodness the latest cream is helping.

                      Oma - it's annoying when the phone rings just as you're relaxing into a little nap. Please take it a bit easier today, you must be worn out!

                      Gem - was GS2 excited about their sleepover? Enjoy your morning with them. I hope your visit with your mum goes well, and it will be good for her to see DD1 as well. Any news yet on the care home's visiting arrangements?

                      Nothing much planned for us today, but I'll get some washing done as it's nice and sunny. I haven't done any painting since DS1 was taken ill, so I might try and get on with the current work-in-progress. Someone gave us a big box of cooking apples yesterday so I think OH might make us some chutney. He never cooks, making toast is about as far as he goes, but he has got into 'big' jobs like making jam or chutney. I have to put all the ingredients out and weigh them though! Still, it's progress.

                      EDIT: Grauntie, our posts crossed. Glad to see there's an improvement in communications now OH's ears are ok! A nice morning to be on the golf course. Enjoy your time with the boys - are they planning to move closer to you?
                      "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                      (Marianne Williamson)


                        Sun is shining. We are going to Wakefield today,not been since February.

                        MIL is ok thanks.A bit of a drama queen sometimes,but i suppose its scary at her age if you don't feel well.
                        Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                          Morning ladies , just pottering , i did my housework during the night so just hoover downstairs this morning and a quick dust upstairs .

                          Lizzie that sounds painful and with the pressure of the stocking on them must have been worse , is it something like Gout ?

                          Gem its the excitement of staying at Grandmas that woke him so early

                          Daisy you must take a photo of the finished product , B said way to go J

                          GM its a pain when you dont know if they eating at yours or not you dont know what to prepare or get out of the freezer , but good to see them xx

                          Nanto is late this morning hope all is well,
                          our posts crossed Nanto pleased all is ok enjoy your day xxx
                          Im not fat just 6ft too small


                            Nanto - good morning. Like Oma I was worried your MIL was poorly, so glad she's ok. Enjoy your trip to Wakefield.

                            Oma - I'll take a photo when it's finished. I'm working from a photo I took in Cuba some years ago - so there'll be the original photo and a photo of my painting efforts! I'll pass on B's message to J.

                            "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                            (Marianne Williamson)


                              Reporting in, can't stop I have to go out soon to pick up some masks. I will check in later
                              What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                                Hi Plant! 😊
                                “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown

