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    Morning Nanto /Ladies
    just a quick hello off to see MIL soon haven’t seen her since beginning of March
    will pop back later xxx
    Im not fat just 6ft too small


      Good morning everyone.
      Nan2 I would really love to go to the beach.

      GD and GS2 today. Another hot one forecast like last Friday.
      Fish and chips for OH and me tonight, probably in the garden if it's a warm evening.

      Have a nice day ladies.
      love to those who are struggling in any way.
      “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


        Good morning everyone. Nanto - what a lovely cool graphic for a hot day! I hope your in laws are ok.

        Oma - how are you feeling today? Don't overdo things if it's hot there.

        Gem - Enjoy your day with GD and GS2 - at least you won't have to cook tonight. Fish and chips sounds perfect, especially eaten in the garden.

        It's going to be a hot one here as well. I need to do some dog food and some baking (not together!) but apart from that I'll see what the day brings.

        "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

        (Marianne Williamson)


          The weather forecast for the South is well over 30 degrees, poss 40 degrees in London for the next 4/5 days. Not looking forward to that, it will be too hot outside where I like to be. The shed dwellers are finding it too hot in the cabin already, I think DD and Sil should let them sleep in their place. The shed dwellers have had an offer accepted on a flat, I hope it all goes through for them. Click and collect from Waitrose later.

          Nanto, very inviting graphic. Hope the inlaws are well.

          Gemini, have a lovely day with the grandchildren.

          Oma, your Mil will be very pleased to see you after all this time, how has she been managing.
          What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


            Plant I hope the shed dweller’s offer on the flat progresses without a hitch.

            Hope those visiting or having visitors have a lovely time.

            I’ve just back from a hot walk.Staying in for the rest of the day I think.I might follow. Daisy’s lead and have a go at another painting

            Washing on the line .Yesterday we had warm drizzle most of the day, and it was like a sauna outside.

            I must summon up the will power to do a short Pilates session from the DVD.

            My sister has a gardener and yesterday her neighbour opposite reversed out of his drive. straight into the gardener’s car. The road is narrow but surely he should have looked behind him. Mind you when I tell you he is 89 and has Parkinson’s you wonder what he was doing behind the wheel at all.The gardener’s car is a write off and she hadn’t had it long after saving hard for it. Luckily the old man wasn’t hurt but an ambulance was called to check him out.

            Keep cool ladies. This heat is very energy sapping.


              Back from seeing MIL she was pleased to see us ,
              Im shattered it’s a bit overcast but very warm so zaps you’re energy at the best of times .

              Clover he really shouldn’t be driving. Poor Gardener she will have to wait till the insurance is sorted to get a new car .

              Plant I hope it all goes smoothly for Shed dwellers and the flat ,
              try to keep cool it’s warm here but it’s going to get unbearable where you are xx

              Daisy a hot day to be having the oven on what are you baking ?

              Gem have you got the pool out for GC they will enjoy it today xx

              Im not fat just 6ft too small


                Plant, I can understand the shed dwellers feeling the heat! It is unbearable here today. For me anyway.

                Clover, I can't understand why a man of that age, with Parkinson as well, is behind the wheel of a car, I have a neighbour, she is 83 years old, I sometimes see her driving and have my doubts. I do hope the insurance is soon settled for the poor gardener.


                  In laws are well thank you.

                  DS2 and his partner have invited us to go for a pub meal on Monday.
                  Looking forward to it.

                  Clover, he shouldn't be behind the wheel with his condition.

                  Oma, i thought MIL would be pleased to see you.

                  Plant,hope all goes smoothly for the shed dwellers.

                  Very warm again today.
                  Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                    Gosh, I suppose it's a blessing that at least he didn't run into a person or animal. That reminds me of that man who reversed into the side of my car in Tesco car park a few years ago. Just not looking in his mirror at all. Poor gardener.
                    Plant stay cool. It must be so hot for the shed dwellers.
                    GC and I have mostly stayed inside today due to the heat.
                    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                      After doing my errands, I have been sitting indoors with the fan on. It has clouded over now but still warm. I have the hose on the borders. Neighbour gave me some runner beans yesterday, I am going to have them this evening with an omelette. My DD pointed out to me that someone has scratched my lovely car and there is a slight indentation. I am very cross.
                      What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                        Plant - I'm sorry about your car, it's still new. The poor shed dwellers, especially your GD being pregnant. I hope the purchase of their flat goes through quickly.

                        Clover - your sister's gardener must be devastated. Hopefully the other driver's insurance company will make sure he can't re-insure by hiking his premiums. I know cars mean independence for lots of people, but there comes a point when you need to give up because you're a danger on the roads. There's a lady of 92 in our village who still drives, but she voluntarily takes a test every year to make sure she's still up to it.

                        Yes, do have another go at painting - your last one was lovely. I find it very absorbing and am really enjoying it.

                        Oma - yes, it wasn't the best day to do baking! I made bara brith, banana cake and sultana scones. I made the scones a bit too thin (or they didn't rise enough). When I'd made them the banana cake was still in the oven and the temperatures were too different to put the scones in, so I stuck them in the fridge for a while, so I don't know if that made a difference! How was your MIL? Has she coped with lockdown ok?

                        Gem - do GD and GS2 like the hot weather? I'm sorry if I've missed it, but do you know when you can visit your mum yet?

                        We're going up to DIL1's father's and step mum's tomorrow for their birthdays, and they've moved it from lunch time to 4 pm when hopefully it will be a bit cooler. We're leaving Eva with DS2 - it's too hot to take her even with air conditioning. Hopefully she and Cooper will have a bit of a run round and wear each other out, and then sleep! We didn't take her on our planned walk today either.

                        I wonder if there's thunder in the air - I've got a headache, which is really unusual for me.

                        "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                        (Marianne Williamson)


                          Clouded over now,but still very warm.
                          We've had a stroll round the estate,i wasn't fussy,but knew wanted to go.
                          Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                            Daisy very wise not to take Eva out it’s far too hot ,
                            MIL was fine she’s been planning having the whole of downstairs decorated and new furniture ,
                            The Decorator been and will start very soon , we have been trying for a couple of years to get her to start and to spend some money , she finally agreed

                            Maybe you pressed your scones to thin I freeze mine before I cook them , just cook a couple at a time when we fancy one , doesn’t effect them at all .
                            As long as they taste nice you can call them dropped scones

                            Hope tomorrow isn’t too hot for you all .

                            Gem how has your DD been today any improvement ?

                            Oh Plant your poor car , makes me so angry people do this and don’t own up to it

                            A Elderly man reversed into DD car in the shopping centre car park last week while she was in her car and tried to deny he did it , luckily there were witnesses,
                            When he finally admitted his mistake he asked not to go through the insurance as he was on his wife’s insurance , he couldn’t get his own he had so many bumps his premium was to high , shouldn’t be driving when like that .

                            Nanto something to look forward too on Monday

                            I fell asleep at 10 on chair so B woke me and I went to bed but as you can see I’m up again , lord knows what time I will get back I’m wide awake
                            Im not fat just 6ft too small


                              Have been sitting in the garden with DS putting the world to rights and sinking a bottle of wine in the process. Will regret it tomorrow! But it was lovely! Hopefully should have a good night's sleep now. Sleep tight ladies xx
                              Believe you can and you're halfway there.
                              Theodore Roosevelt.


                                Plant, your poor car, disgusting when people just drive on when they must know what has happened. Oma, a few years ago an elderly man knocked DS2 off his cylcle on a roundabout, when DS2 phoned the police to get it sorted the man said "oh, they didn't bother to phone the police last time"!!! Says enough.

                                Daisy, it will be too warm to walk Eva, too warm for anything really.

