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    Clover when you feel like that the last thing on your mind is chatting ,
    You take your time and get yourself well don't worry about us we will be here when your ready ,
    We are always here to listen too if you do want to chat , so just do what is best for you ,
    Sending lovely warm hugs to you xxxxx
    Im not fat just 6ft too small


      Dentist went well he had a couple of fillings and was fine

      Once a year my EPI-PENS have to be renewed , I take the old ones back to Boots the Chemist unused and still in the box's for them to dispose of safely being needles ,
      I have done this for years .
      Went this morning as I received my new ones yesterday , They wouldn't take them said I have to take them to my Dr's surgery , well I know they don't accept them either .

      As I was going into Asda anyway I thought I would ask in their Pharmacy and they took them no bother ,
      I told them about Boots and he said there is no reason to refuse them as every Pharmacy has a sharps box after all they give Flu injections etc .

      Think Boots just being awkward
      Im not fat just 6ft too small


        Clover,hope you perk up soon.
        Take your time and come back when you feel up to it.

        Oma,pleased B was a brave little soldier.
        In laws were ok thanks.
        Plant, hope your appointment went well.
        Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


          That was silly at Boots Oma, surely they should encourage the public to dispose of things safely with them rather than chuck them in the bin!! Boots opticians are constantly sending me letters saying I am very overdue for my eye tests. When I was in there with OH a few weeks ago picking up her new glasses I told them about this, and that if they check the records they will see I have new glasses from them, this year. She said they would amend the records. Today yet another letter arrived
          Clover, sometimes we don't have the energy or will to post and chat. That is fine, no one shoudl feel thjat have to make themselves. Just know we are here when you do want to xxx
          “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


            Well hello everybody the prodigal grandma returns , no I’m still in Spain but managed to read about 4 pages of posts plus YEO and the b****r shut me down yesterday, so I have returned today.
            im not going to go on about me as I could see yesterday how many people had health problems and emotional problems I’m so sorry this has happened we don’t deserve it do we ?
            Enfys you must have gone with a fair old clout there , bet your Dd was upset too , I couldn’t manage a small dog these days never mind a big one.Good to see P is coping with chemo although I read he’s had some down days .
            Oma shall I send you a big bag so you can shake yourself up in it, it’s been one thing after the other.
            I have read some sad posts on YEO so will go on there shortly to answer where I can
            Clover the thing is that you are a brave and strong lady but sometimes it can work the other way and when you get rubbish days it can frustrate yourself as to why you arnt dealing with it , take time for yourself you deserve it.
            Daisy what a lot on your plate too , just remember to breathe now and again and treat yourselves to something nice 👍🏻
            Gemini thanks for your texts , hope all is ok with martriachal problems will answer shortly on the private section
            Not sure when home but at the latest it will be the week before Christmas , all is done in the villa , I expect to find lots of cobwebs when I get home, get well all others that I’ve missed , and all the belated birthdays , I can’t go much further back just too many pages.
            The whole family is coming out on Friday for 10 days will be lovely to see them and very noisy !!!!
            bye for now
            Last edited by Qwerty; 23-10-2019, 01:29 PM.


              Lovely to hear from you Qwerty we miss you. Be lovely to see them all arrive mob handed 😀xxxx
              Im not fat just 6ft too small


                Hallo everyone, had a few lousy days, head cold and ears blocked! Feeling better today, GD2 stayed here last night as DIL and GD1 went to a concert, was supposed to be DS going, but, he is in Sweden. It is half term here and GD2 had been with a friend and her mother to the Christmas show at the garden centre here in the village, she came in with presents for me!!! She said " I have got you something nan as you are always so sweet and good for us, now I have got you a present, I looked for something not too Christmassy"! She had as well as she knows how I am!!!! Got me a dwarf ornament and a star made out of nice material, now both are proudly on show!!!!!

                Only thing is we have a problem, told me she loved those sock sneakers, I said I would buy her a pair if she liked them, we had a bike ride to the shops this morning but couldn't find what she wanted to I have ordered them, when I took her home she got told by her mother " no more shoes"!!!!!!! Will have to see how we get out of that one. Maybe save them for December 5th as a present for Saint Nicholaas. We do still celebrate it but long not as many people do it as a few years ago, he has dark ones helping it and people complain, it has been the same for years but now it is discrimination.

                I will try to get back into the reading of the posts, haven't felt upto much at all. I hope I feel better on Friday to go away for the weekend.


                  Oh poor Lizzie I hope you feel better soon
                  Qwerty, lovely to see you dropping in! Although it will be noisy next week, I'm sure you will love the peace being shattered by your family I miss mine when I go away for 2 weeks, so you must be really ready for some hugs and Grandma time!
                  “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                    Lizzie - there have been some shocking colds around over here, so if your is the same no wonder you were feeling lousy. Sometimes you don't realise how bad it is until you start feeling better. Your GD2 sounds like a lovely girl, and very kind and thoughtful. I'm sure her mum will relent on her sock sneakers. They are apresent so she couldn't possibly say no to them.

                    Qwerty - hello, lovely lady!!! It's great to hear from you. It's such a pity your internet is even worse than mine! But great to catch up when you can. I shall tell my OH that I am under orders to go out and treat myself to something exotic, glamorous and very expensive!! Have a wonderful time with your family over half term, but don't overdo things - let them help. xxx

                    Oma, Gem, I expect Boots are trying to save money. They have to pay for the disposal of sharps bins, and it's surprising how quickly they fill up. When our little doggy Clyde was on twice daily injections I used to buy a big sharps bin and dismantle the syringes as much as I could to make the bin last longer. It's easier for Boots just to say 'no'!

                    Oma - did B get a nice surprise for being a brave chappie at the dentists? Well done B. xx Did you sleep better last night?

                    Plant - I hope the dentists went ok. Did you get tempted by anything in the shops?

                    Gem - just stand back from that ironing board. That is no way to spend a rare free day. I hope you're doing something nice. xx

                    Clover - no wonder you feel down sometimes. You've got such a lot on your plate, plus no doubt you're worrying about your scan results if you have to wait for them. Please don't ever feel you 'have' to post, and you know we're here if you want to talk anytime. Sending you lots of hugs. xxx

                    I didn't do much shopping after all. I got an Adaptil refill - to help calm Eva down with the firework season nearly upon us - and then went into Morrisons. Or rather tired! There was a queue to get in! No they weren't giving away free groceries, but they'd run out of baskets at the doorway!! Plus other shoppers were trying to get out of the same door. It doesn't take much to cause chaos, does it.

                    "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                    (Marianne Williamson)


                      Hospital phoned yesterday to offer me an appointment for my hip injection today! Needless to say I accepted. Have written on YEO about what else happened. Been told to take it easy for the rest of the day, so that's what I'm doing!

                      Nice to hear from Qwerty....Ola! Hope you're back in time for Christmas meeting!

                      Clover, sending hugs! Hope you're trip to DD's will lift your spirits.

                      Lizzie, we loved Sinter Klaas especially when he came to visit with his Zwaart Piets! Shame they're now seen as racist.

                      Enjoy the evening ladies x
                      Believe you can and you're halfway there.
                      Theodore Roosevelt.


                        Clover, hugs for you and hope you feel brighter soon.

                        Hi Qwerty, lovely to hear from you, enjoy the family visit.

                        To answer your question Daisy, after the dentist I rounded the corner and found my favourite independent ladies clothing shop. I came out with a pair of Gerry Weber brown trousers and a blue jumper. I felt very naughty and I now have to shorten the trousers. DD and Sil back from holiday tomorrow, it will be nice to have them back.
                        What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                          Lizzie head colds make you feel yuk don't they , hope it doesn't last long . Im sure DD will relent on the shoes after all its a gift

                          WG good to get a cancelation appointment saves waiting

                          Plant well you have to treat yourself after the Dentist don't you

                          Daisy he was very good so I bought him a bag of sweets
                          Boots are very fickle some times they take them other times they change the rules , When we had the sharps bin for B I used to put them in there .

                          Got a phone call to say Freezer not coming till Friday now Curry's are short of drivers apparently so B painted the inside of the cupboard under the stairs ready for it going in there , we then went to the Bank to pay some money into our ISA account .

                          Met up with DD she has been to Dr's for blood results turns out she's going through the Menopause,
                          She went because she's 46 and started to get acne and hot sweats never even had acne as a teenager,
                          Dr said because she started her periods before she turned 9 its not surprising really .
                          Im not fat just 6ft too small


                            Aww poor DD Oma. On both counts, periods so young and an early menopause.
                            “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                              Wow, a lot to catch up on here.

                              Lizzie,pleased you are feeling better.

                              Qwerty, nice to hear from you.I bet you can't wait to see the family.

                              Daisy,i second that you treat yourself to something nice.
                              Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                                Daisy, fear not I went nowhere near the iron!
                                I did get the minutes all typed up though. Before that I spent half an hour on the phone trying to sort out a problem with my mum's prescription. Then, after going from 5th in line to eventually first and getting through, the woman on the end of the line said she would put me through elsewhere. She did and a recorded voice told me I was now 6th in line!!! I was frustrated and disgusted, so I got into my car and drove the 3 and half miles to the surgery, sorted it all out and drove home via Tesco for a few things we needed and PetsatHome for cat food. So, there went my free day!!
                                “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown

