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    After all.
    Its been a busy day, I took a walk to the vets to pick up our cat’s flea and worm treatment ( I know, it’s just non stop spend on life’s luxuries) . I pay £10 per month and that covers, her flea and worm treatment, her cat flu vaccine in September and a one off appointment with a vet if needed. By the time I got back I was finding it difficult to walk but I refuse to give in .
    After a quick cup of coffee I went outside and tidied up the garden, then came in and got lunch.
    This afternoon has been taking up with looking for something to wear at an after wedding party in September. I was going to buy a dress but I know if it’s too ‘dressy’ I wouldn’t get to wear it again. I found myself on the Roman Originals web site and I have brought a purple floaty top . It has sleeves ( a must a my age, bingo wings and all that malarkey) which had sparkly beads on them . All I need now is a pair of black trousers and some shoes . I have a purple handbag which I had a DD’s wedding.

    Qwerty thats lucky that your phone still works .

    I vote that we should all turn up at Nan2’s for lunch, her meals always sound delicious.
    Bring me sunshine in your smile.


      Yes... I have her address Mimi 😁😈

      The top you chose sounds gorgeous by the way.
      “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


        Funny old day here. Woke up this morning with a splitting headache ( very unusual for me), so took a couple of Neurofen and went back to bed for a while. Felt much better when I got up!
        The lawn man came and found we have red thread in the lawn,which needs to be treated. Seems it occurs in humid conditions which we've certainly had recently.
        Went to library this afternoon which is in the school grounds. They're building an extension to the school with goodness knows how many classrooms etc. There's cladding on the walls now and it looks enormous. They must be getting ready for the increase in numbers once the new town is started.
        Expecting a Tesco delivery tonight .......of dog food! DD has arranged it and it will save us getting it. Seems doggo has 3 meals a day now because of his digestive problems. He's still allowed his chicken and rice though,his treat when he stays with us. Tried to get him into the doggy beauty parlour but they haven't an appointment for 3 bad as our GP's!
        I lost my favourite coffee mug, thought OH had broken it and was afraid to tell me. Found it on a windowsill in the lounge when I was dusting. How it got there I have no idea.
        Have a good evening ladies whatever you're up to x
        Believe you can and you're halfway there.
        Theodore Roosevelt.


          WG when your not used to headaches it knocks you for six ,
          B never gets headaches so when he does he really feels out of sorts , he has said he doesn't know how I cope with Migraine's all the time ,
          Hope your feeling better now .

          Qwerty you were lucky with your Phone i am surprised it wasn't water logged

          Mimi we should all turn u on mass I am sure she will have lots of lovely meals in the freezer she could feed us with

          I love Roman Originals I have lots of stuff from there

          Gem what kind of Biscuits had DD made ?

          Enfys hope you had a lovely day with your visitors , how nice to Face time your GD

          Clover I bet they will love the lavender bags

          Libra I cream my feet every morning and use a scholl rotating foot care file on them every other day , I have to keep my feet soft because of being Diabetic but I like to know my feet look ok in Sandals too

          Done very little today sat in garden with the dog and just pottered around , a rare day being lazy

          Im not fat just 6ft too small


            Just let me know when you are all planning to turn up to eat.

            Came home from in laws,had a quick coffee,ten minutes on the computer,then made us something to eat.
            Then hubby made the big announcement that he was going to clear some junk out of the garage.
            I decide to help him, and believe me,he has got some junk.
            Well i kid you not,all he threw away was a piece of cable about a foot long, that was cracked in places.
            All i heard was don't throw that away,it might come in handy. Don't throw that away,i'm going to mend it.
            Garage looks tidier,but still full of junk.

            WG, glad you felt better when you got back up.
            Mimi,loving the sound of the top you bought.
            Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


              Ha ha Nanto2! Sounds just like me. 😆 I am currently trying to be ruthless with my sewing stuff as someone I know is going to Ghana with a container for things to give to the women there so they can earn a living.
              Glad you’re all behaving, busy week here.
              Women are like tea bags; you never know how strong they are until they are put in hot water.
              Eleanor Roosevelt.


                I am on my new laptop!

                “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                  YIPPEE !! Congratulations


                    I've read all about your day today, everyone, but to be honest, I need my bed - it's been a hectic day!

                    Our cakes turned out really well - bit of luck because I had to use plain gluten-free flour instead of the self-raising sort I thought was in the cupboard!! Pink and white iced cup cakes, and pink and white butter cream filled butterfly cakes.

                    Another early start tomorrow, to see the solicitor about my cousin's affairs. Then on to pick up Cooper and possibly GD2 if she's finished the activity she's booked in for tomorrow.

                    "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                    (Marianne Williamson)


                      Good news Gem 😀

                      Bring me sunshine in your smile.


                        Pleased to hear you are back on your computer Gemini, no holding you now.
                        What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                          Morning ladies, I feel guilty, didn't get to read all the posts yesterday!! I do voluntary work and it was the coffee morning for the chat group, I always enjoy doing it, but, the lady I was working with seemed to be on strike so that annoyed me, never mind, I managed it on my own. After that I managed to clean through here then went to have my hair cut so a busy day.

                          Pleased you new laptop is up and going Gem, you will be pleased, what did we do without them????????

                          Grauntie Mag, if I sorted my sewing things for Ghana it would keep them going for years! I mean to get some sorted and I do now and again, but, what if I need them again?

                          Daisy, we have a lovely park down from us and they planted buddleia a few years ago and there are so many butterflies this year, amazing to watch how busy they are!

                          And Qwerty, how can you lose your phone????? I always have mine in my pocket (or bag), if it is not there I panic!!!! It did well to survive the rain though.

                          I see so many different stores etc being used when I read your messages, some I have never heard of! Roman Originals is one of them.

                          I must get myself showered and dressed, not as humid as it was yesterday morning, had trouble getting dressed.


                            Good morning all. Sun is shining,but its a bit nippy.

                            Gem, good to see you and running on the new laptop.

                            Daisy,pleased the cakes turned out ok.

                            Qwerty,a busy time for you coming up with childminding,before you go to Spain.

                            Nothing special planned for today,just potter about doing a few jobs.
                            Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                              Don’t feel guilty Lizzie48 I don’t get on here every day, sometimes not every week! We’re all different. Read the number of posts people have made, we all started at the same time!
                              Im Meeting a friend for coffee this morning, then I have to call in our Village coffee morning as it’s a monthly one and I’ll be away next month. This afternoon seeing my LS Consultant so will take my list of questions..... I hate having to get my lady bits out, I’ve put a dress on today so it’s easier 😂😩! Funnily enough the dress is from Romans Originals!
                              Grandmothers are just antique little girls - author unknown


                                Good morning my dears.
                                Oh it is nice not to be typing on a phone!
                                I hope Qwerty's phone is still working. My laptop worked OK for few hours after a small dousing of Earle Grey only to then stop and never live again
                                Another busy day for you Daisy.
                                Nan2, I'm the one in this house who hangs on to things, saying We may Need that!
                                Avo, is right Lizzie! Never feel guilty. A small core of us post daily sometimes several times a day, but even we have days and longer when we just don't have time. Other members dip in and out and we may not hear from them for a while. That's all fine ! Of course regular posting is what keeps the forum going and lively, but there is never any obligation

                                GS1 is here today. He and I are both having some screen time
                                Not sure what we will do today. The local park for sure to get him some fresh air and exercise. We may go to Vue and see a film too.

                                Have a good day everyone.
                                “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown

