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    GS1 isn't too bad but yesterday not only did he start this cold but he dropped his phone and broke the screen so DD had to take it in to Apple store first thing and pick it up later then his Braces cracked at the back ,
    I rang our Dentist but they don't deal with Braces so I then rang Orthodontics where he had them fitted . They said as it's a back brick not to worry it will be fine till he gets back from New York
    It's annoying him more than hurting so he can cope with it.
    Then he waited till 4.30 to tell us he had a hair appointment at 5pm so it was a quick dash to get him there
    Boys what can you do with them
    Im not fat just 6ft too small


      A very enjoyable day today. Lovely meal then back to DDs where she opened a bottle of fizz for the birthday boy and girl. Even better news, Chloe was going back to Oz in March as she has another year on her visa but has decided to stay here a few more weeks so will be coming with us when we go to the cottage in Devon in April. So,happy that she will be joining us.

      Knee much better too.

      "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." - Dr Seuss


        GS2 was cute and funny all day as usual. He tires me out with all the stories I have to make up though!
        On the way home from school I took GD and GS to a playpark we hadn't tried before. GD has had her eye on it for some time as we pass it each week.There was wooden pirate ship which GS adored. He kept throwing his toy dog out of it into the 'sea' and rescuing it, steering the ships wheel and shouting Land Ahoy! Sadly he didn't want to leave at all, so we had a bit of a tantrum and he told me he was 'Angry'. Grandma is angry too I told him! Eventually we got him to the car and normal service was resumed.
        OH had a really good day at golf, but they didn't win.

        Phone and braces broken Oma!
        Lovely news all round then Enfys
        I like that author Plant. That sounds the perfect afternoon after your busy day yesterday.
        β€œA grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


          Oma, pleased he was able to get his phone repaired before he went to New York.
          Hope the broken braces don't bother him too much.
          Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


            Oma - poor GS1. At least all these things have happened before he left for NY. It would have been worse if they had happened there. I hope his week will be trouble-free now.

            Enfys - I'm so glad you enjoyed today. What lovely news that your GD will be coming to Devon with you.

            Gem - Your GS2 has got a brilliant imagination, and it sounds as though he keeps your imagination on its toes with all the stories. Do you write any of them down? It would be lovely to share them.

            "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

            (Marianne Williamson)


              Good morning all.

              Enfys thats lovely news, your GD coming to Devon with you, it’s the little things that help isn’t it. Glad the knee is better

              Gem what a kerfuffle with GS ! You have to chuckle though.

              Oma, it always comes in threes!

              Fear ar not the face pack came off with no problems and now I look 20 years younger........ What do you mean ..... β€œ Should have gone to Specsavers β€œ

              Its Tesco delivery day today and apart from that not a lot planned at the moment.

              Have a good day ladies
              Bring me sunshine in your smile.


                Good morning Mimi and all who follow.
                Beautiful morning here. Sun is shining and there's no frost or wind.

                I think we are just doing supermarket shopping today.

                Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                  Good morning ladies

                  Mimi and Nan2, have fun with supermarket delivery and shopping!
                  Daisy at the moment it is more retelling of famous stories GS2 is asking for rather than making up new ones.
                  GD used to ask me to do that in the car all the time when she was younger. Especially ones concerning naughty things her younger cousin had done, so he may get into that.
                  The three he wants constantly, and especially when he is eating are The 3 Little Pigs, The 3 Billy Goats Gruff and The Gingerbread Man. Because I have a low boredom threshold I have to elaborate and vary them each time to keep myself going, LOL. GD said she had never heard such a detailed version of 3 Little Pigs last night! GS is a good actor, and audibly gasps and looks alarmed when the wolf or troll are mentioned

                  I hesitate to say we have free day today, unless something pops up to take the time away! We do though.

                  Have a good Saturday everyone.
                  β€œA grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                    Good morning Grandmothers.

                    Just read through yesterday’s goings on.Makes my life seem rather boring but then I don’t have any grandchildren around

                    The sun is making an effort to appear.

                    DS1 is giving up his weekend to stay and give his dear old Mum some help sorting β€œ stuff β€œ and give her some conversation. Once I’ve got rid of the car ( still procrastinating over that ) I think I”ll have to arrange for a skip or two

                    Btw, big win on Ernie yesterday Β£25 Still very welcome

                    Have a good day x


                      Good morning all. Drizzly here. Off out to my Family History meeting in a few minutes, should be interesting. Don’t go too mad with your big win, Clover... it very. Ice all the same. A little treat for you and G.

                      Full of aches and and pains this morning, I feel like all my joints need oiling......wish they did WD40 for the body πŸ˜€.

                      Have ve a good day everyone 🌞
                      "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." - Dr Seuss


                        Morning ladies . The sun is out . Haven't had time to read much but ...

                        Clover what will you do with all that money

                        Enfys enjoy your meeting rest those old creaky bones

                        Gem he's a card that boy I can imagine all the facial expressions

                        Nanto you get taken to all the best places hahaha xx

                        Mimi I believe you look 20 years younger

                        Well GS1 on his way to New York DD has taken the week off so no Dog for us either .well so far .

                        Sprayed the oven last night intending to do it this morning but B had it done before I was up so I did my ironing before I got dressed insteadi,then washed floors while B got the leaf vac out and tidied the garden .
                        Sun is out but it's quite cold . Not sure what doing today see how it flows .
                        Have a good day ladies xxx
                        Im not fat just 6ft too small


                          Hope everything will now go plain sailing for your GS1 Oma and that he has a great time in NY.

                          I used to tell my children the tale of the Three Billy Goat Gruffs, Gemini. You are such a good storyteller.

                          I am aching too Enfys after my gardening, mainly my stomach muscles. Enjoy your History Group. Sounds like a lovely family get-together and good news about your GD.

                          Have a nice chatty time with your GS1 Clover.
                          What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                            Good morning everyone. It's dull and a bit damp here - I was expecting sun.

                            Clover - I'm glad Ernie knows where you live. Don't spend it all at once. It will be nice to spend some time with your DS, and perhaps he'll help with the car issue as well.

                            Oma - You and B get so much done before I've even woken up! Safe journey to GS1 - I hope he has an amazing time.

                            Plant and Enfys - take it easy and let your poor aching bones and muscles recover. I do like the idea of WD40 for the body. Enfys - is there a talk at your Family History group?

                            Gem - no wonder you grandchildren like your stories! I'd forgotten that I used to make up stories for GD1 when she was a toddler. It was usually at nap or bedtime and I used to make them up as I went along making them longer or shorter depending on how sleepy she was. I suppose they must have been very boring, because she would always fall asleep.

                            Mimi - where is the photo of the glamorous, rejuvenated you?

                            Nanto - supermarket shopping, how lovely. But at least you can treat yourself to some week-end goodies.

                            I'm on the chores merry-go-round - washing, dusting, sucky up thingy-ing etc. Such fun! OH is out for the day, so I'll just get on with it and then hopefully have a bit of time to do some painting.

                            I'm feeding a neighbour's 3 cats while they are away this week, and I was a bit late going over there this morning. All 3, including the very shy one, were giving me the evil eye and being quite vocal! I felt suitably told off and gave them an extra pouch of food. And I thought they would be more pleased to see me, not less! Cats aren't like dogs, are they.

                            "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                            (Marianne Williamson)



                              . Like I said ...... 20 years younger!

                              Bring me sunshine in your smile.


                                Mimi - you glamour puss, you!! Strutting your assets all over the forum.

                                "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                                (Marianne Williamson)

