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    Good morning ladies.

    I like the penguin Nan2.

    It snowed overnight and there is a fair covering now. I'm glad I don't have to drive anywhere today!
    GS2 day, we shall amuse him inside, which is easy

    Keep warm and safe and don't go out unless you have to!
    β€œA grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


      Morning all, a keen frost maybe a smattering of snow can’t tell really, top of my shopping list is Magnums then toilet rolls you can never have enough
      Glad the knee is a little better Enfys , I have a problem with my heel it comes from nowhere and then disappears what the heck
      Keep staying warm lovely ladies πŸ§€πŸ§£β„οΈπŸ‘’


        Good morning everyone.

        We have snow - about 1/2 a measly inch!!! It's disappearing fast. Two little boys across the road have cleared most of it to make a tiny snowman, bless them, but the temp is way above freezing. Eva wasn't impressed - it's not enough to play in, just enough to make her paws cold.

        I'm getting worried now - we have no Magnums in the freezer!!!

        An exciting morning at the supermarket for us, and a trip to the garden centre next door for bird seed.

        Enfys - better safe than sorry if your friend isn't keen on driving in the snow.

        Stay warm everyone.
        "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

        (Marianne Williamson)


          My friend just contacted me, we aren’t going this morning.....quite relieved as I didn’t fancy trying to walk in the slippy pavements with my dodgy knee. Looking forward to a snuggly day in πŸ”₯β˜•οΈ
          "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." - Dr Seuss


            Enfys - the new WI's loss could be a gain for a member of the family in the shape of another pair of your cosy socks. Enjoy your peaceful day. xx
            "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

            (Marianne Williamson)


              Morning ladies , we had snow during the night and its just hail stoned ,
              Dog been out now asleep as I brought him in and closed the door its to cold to have him running in and out , hes not happy

              Enfys is it Arthritis in your knee this cold plays havoc with mine . rest today let them recover a little .
              Clover be careful out there hope your boots have good grip xx
              Gem a nice day in all cosy and warm is S not playing today ?
              Daisy we don't have any Magnum either should I panic ? hahaaha
              Nanto love Mr Penguin
              Qwerty at least 48 toilet rolls mind be prepared

              Pottered around and chopped veg for tea , B busy sanding the spare room wall before I paint it tomorrow , a picture I had on that wall needs to come down and be moved higher as the headboard covers the bottom so screw holes had to be filled .

              Last night B made waffles with Banana and toffee sauce , as im intolerant to Bananas but I love them I really wanted to try some , so I took 2 pain killers and a Antihistamine and tried a small portion ,
              Well I got away with it a bit bloated and a bit of a rumble but no pain woop woop
              I wont push my luck though I wont try anymore just yet

              Gem I have been meaning to ask is your Sister still in Hospital ?

              Libras T was taken into hospital again same old thing but they changing her meds and there is a slight improvement on her scan ,
              Im not fat just 6ft too small


                Its 15 years today since my lovely sister died , how time flies doesn't seem that long at times but some days it feels a life time ago
                Im not fat just 6ft too small


                  As I am stuck in doors today, I am going to sort out my food cupboard and spice cupboard, fun eh!
                  What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                    Aww, we never forget those we loved Oma, especially on days like this.
                    My sister is fine thanks, it was just a day procedure for her ear.
                    Friday is not a golf day for OH in winter, and no play today due to course being covered in snow 😁
                    β€œA grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                      Good morning all. DS and DIL popped by earlier as its DS's birthday today.
                      We had snow last night but only a light dusting and as type its melting thankfully.

                      Oma I can't eat bananas, they give me dreadful pains in my chest owing to my hiataus hernia, I used to eat one or two everyday when I was younger.

                      Plant.....steady now all this excitement.... you don't want to come over all unnecessary now do you ?

                      Not much planned for today. I could do with sorting out my cupboards but haven't got the 'get up and go' at the moment.

                      Have a good day everyone
                      Bring me sunshine in your smile.


                        We didn't have any plans for today, but sisiter in law been in touch.
                        It's her birthday today and she has invited us for nibbles this afternoon.
                        We did visit on Wednesday to take her card and presents.
                        So, that is our afternoon taken care of.

                        Gem pleased your sister is ok.
                        Plant,its lovely to have tidy cupboards.
                        Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                          Oh an impromptu invitation is nice Nan2, I like those!

                          Everything is thawing really fast here, although we have had several snow showers throughout the day. GS2 is asleep, OH ironing and I went to give the neighbours cat her afternoon tea and keep her company a bit.
                          DD2 is driving back from Birmingham where she has been working for a couple of days. I hope the roads are OK for her.
                          β€œA grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                            Originally posted by Oma View Post
                            Its 15 years today since my lovely sister died , how time flies doesn't seem that long at times but some days it feels a life time ago
                            😘 😒 Oma ............


                              Oma, you will always have your memories of your sister to treasure.

                              Had a lovely afternoon with sister in law and her hubby.
                              Plenty of laughs. We always say,we don't do it often enough.
                              Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                                Oma - a sad anniversary. Try and focus on the fun and good times you shared with her. xxx

                                Nanto - what a nice way to cheer up a dreary day.

                                Gem - I hope DD2 got back home ok.

                                Mimi - I hope your DS enjoyed his birthday. Did it snow on the day her was born?

                                Plant - lovely clean cupboards! It was worth it.

                                Enfys - did you do some more knitting today?

                                We braved the few specks of snow and got our shopping done! It was quite a long list and we were half way there when OH realised he'd forgotten to take the list off the fridge door. I definitely didn't want to go back, but there were about 35-40 items on the list (we don't shop very often!). We managed to remember all but 4 of them, which I thought was quite good. Then we went to the garden centre. OH stayed in the car while I braved the cold and wind to get some goodies for the birds, plus seed potatoes, onion sets and garlic for the allotment. It was blowing a sort of sleety rain when I came out and got soaked as well as freezing! OH was wondering why I turned the seat heater on and the temp up to 25C in the car!!!

                                Tomorrow I must defrost the chest freezer and tidy it up before the dog food arrives - unless of course they get stuck in snow in the west country.

                                "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                                (Marianne Williamson)

