Enjoy your reflexology Gemini, you deserve it, you have so many calls on your time.
Enfys I hope P continues to feel a bit brighter and enjoys his casserole.
I am hoping to go to bowls this afternoon. I took DS's jumper back to JL yesterday and ordered two more and if they don't fit then I am back to the drawing board. I need to pop down to M&S food hall this morning to get some ingredients to make some scones for a B&B tomorrow at my Guiding meeting, tonight is my Embroidery group meeting.
Enfys I hope P continues to feel a bit brighter and enjoys his casserole.
I am hoping to go to bowls this afternoon. I took DS's jumper back to JL yesterday and ordered two more and if they don't fit then I am back to the drawing board. I need to pop down to M&S food hall this morning to get some ingredients to make some scones for a B&B tomorrow at my Guiding meeting, tonight is my Embroidery group meeting.