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    Oma, your barra brith looks scrummy. I've never made one.

    Plant, GD2's house sounds lovely.

    Gem, glad E enjoyed the pool.

    Its been a full on day here,but nephew has done so well.
    He's coming back tomorrow to finish a couple of little bits.
    I'll post before and after photos,when everything is back in place.

    Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


      Gem, what a lovely time you had with little E in the pool. Was he tired or wired afterwards? Were you ok at aqua?

      Nanto, how has the kitchen work gone today?

      Oma, I often make Bara Brith if I've got left-over tea in the pot. It's so easy to make, but I usually make two one-pound loaves as they cook much quicker. Then we eat one and I stick the other in the freezer. Your family get together sounds fun, and it's lovely that D's legs are less painful, poor lady. I bet GS tucked into his breakfast this morning - a full English?

      Plant, it sounds as though you had a lovely time with family as well. You can't beat a proper fire, can you. I'm wondering what the exciting news will be - something really nice by the sounds of it.
      "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

      (Marianne Williamson)


        I forgot to say - I got quite a bit of gardening done, and yes, the weeds were easier to pull out after the rain. This afternoon I gave our bedroom a good going over. I don't know where the dust comes from.

        I took Eva on to the Forest early evening. It looked as though there would be a good sunset, so we went out on to the open Forest. There were lots of pnies about, and Eva was very respectful, giving them a wide berth and not making eye contact with them.
        "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

        (Marianne Williamson)


          Sorry, for some reason I didn't see Oma's or Nanto's last posts. Nanto, the kitchen sounds brilliant. You won't know yourself when it's all finished. xx

          Oma, IKEA, what fun. I bet the excitement was just too much for B! We've haven't been there for ages (years!) but we just ignore the planned route if it doesn't suit us. We haven't been banned yet!
          "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

          (Marianne Williamson)


            Daisy, I often post and then suddenly see two or three posts I somehow missed so haven't replied to!!
            E was very hungry after his swim! I hope if he can go more often he will become more confident especially if he can go with a cousin or friend, he did well though.
            I was OK at aqua, once I got going!

            What a good girl Eva is

            Nan2 I look forward to seeing the photos.

            We lose the will to live in IKEA too sometimes Oma. I know how B feels
            “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


              Good morning.

              Rain this morning.

              Nephew coming back today to paint the inside of the cupboard doors.
              Couldn't do too much tidying up last night, all the doors were still wet.
              Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                Morning ladies
                It's a bit overcast but forecast dry ,
                I hope so we want to get the shed up today.

                The layout is awful now in IKEA even I didn't enjoy the trip.
                We usually go through the checkouts and through a side door to get to the lifts up to the kitchen stuff for my napkins, or if we know what we want I go online and find out what isle and number it is and go directly to the warehouse bit .
                B has flatly refused to wander around again 😃

                Did E get anything nice after his swim, how is he in the water without his glasses Does he see ok ?

                What a good girl Eva was ,
                Pleased you got the weeding done.
                I couldn't find our loaf tin for the Barra brith, so had to use the big tin , no idea where the loaf tin has gone.
                I vaguely remember DD borrowing it at some point but I may be wrong.

                Nanto you will be all sorted today I expect , I bet it looks lovely .
                Im not fat just 6ft too small


                  Good morning everyone.

                  Rain here too Nan2, but it's fine now.

                  I hope you get the shed up Oma.

                  Library for me, golf for OH. A morning inside for the cats, they will be released once I get home
                  Tesco delivery between 5 and 6.
                  “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                    Good Tuesday morning, everyone.

                    Nanto, your new paint assistant looks much more responsible than yesterday's. . It sounds as though your nephew will get the job finished today. Are you pleased with it?

                    Oma, oh dear, it sounds like IKEA online for you from now on.

                    Gem, have a good morning at the library. The cats will be delighted when you get home and let them out.

                    Hairdresser for me this morning. It seems to have grown very quickly since last time. After that, I'll see how the weather is. There's still plenty to do in the garden.
                    "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                    (Marianne Williamson)


                      Painting is all done. We love it.
                      Going to have something to eat, then a bit more cleaning and then a lovely warm shower. I feel dusty.
                      Will post photos later.
                      Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                        Hallo everyone, it is time I got this posting done! I have been busy, plus tired etc etc.

                        It is much colder here than it was last week, much colder! I was doing the coffee duty this morning then went to the medical training centre this afternoon for the muscle training, I don't have to go again, as long as I do the exercises etc whilst at the gym. I had planned on going to Ikea on my way home, but, I was home before I realised what I had done, I will go tomorrow morning.

                        I will try and remember what you all have posted!!!

                        Oma, about the credit card, if we use our credit card we get a message on our app to send a code, then the transaction can go through once we have filled the code in.

                        Gem, can you remember when my GC where small that I used to take them to "(grand) parent and child pool groups"? I started when GD1 was 3 months old, we went every Thursday morning, then when GD2 arrived we carried on, I could put her in the play pen until she was the 3 months. We were only talking about it the other day, I did that for 7 years!!!! First one then the other!​ After the 7 years I could sing the songs backwards!!!

                        Oma, IF I go to Ikea I just like to go for what I want then I am soon on my way out. I did read that in some cities they are opening small Ikea shops here, I don't know if they have done that yet.

                        Nanto, you will be pleased with your kitchen.

                        Daisy, I hope you have managed to get some gardening done. I think it would be too cold to do it here today.

                        GD1 and her BF have been together 6 months now, they went out on Sunday for a meal etc to celebrate. Oh to be young and in love!!!


                          I have to confess I have never been to Ikea!

                          No news today, everything very quiet. I did an order for Waitrose, that will be here tomorrow morning. We did have some brightness in the middle of the day but very dull now.

                          Nanto, decorating done, look forward to seeing some pics.

                          What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                            There are some very good bargains in Ikea Plant, and children love the little room layouts. It is a very tiring shopping experience however! Our nearest is Leeds so we don't go regularly.

                            Our GDs are growing up Lizzie!

                            How nice to have all the painting done Nan2.

                            Did the weather stay fine for gardening Daisy?

                            Library was fairly quiet so I had an easy morning. I did a couple of things around the house this afternoon and caught up with some TV . Tesco came at 5 so that's all put away now.
                            “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                              Well the shed is almost finished only the doors to put on and one roof panel that is proving to be a pain ,
                              For a small shed there are an awful lot of nuts and bolts
                              We gave up for the day ,
                              When there was bits I couldn't help with I gave the recycle bin a good scrub inside and out after it had been emptied,
                              I couldn't do the other bin it's almost full so I will do it next week,

                              The bin men went around a few weeks ago putting stickers on the bins to say don't put batteries in the bin.
                              They must have used super glue it took me ages and lots of WD 40 plus a scraper to get them off,

                              I then tidied around the boarders got all the leaves out and did a tidy of the garden ,

                              Got the big box the shed panels came in flattened folded and tied with string ,
                              We are shattered now so it's a chippy tea for us , neither of us can be bothered to cook.

                              Im not fat just 6ft too small


                                Phew,I think you deserve that chippy tea!!
                                “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown

