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Time to Chat Day by Day

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    Lizzie, it's a bit late in the day, but very happy birthday to your DS1. Did you enjoy the hamburgers? How was your shoulder after the gym? The advice for lots of aches and pains these days seems to be 'keep moving'.

    Our sun didn't last - it started raining just after lunch and went even colder!

    Gem, I'm sure gorgeous funny toddler's nap gives you and him time to recharge your batteries.

    Plant, poor DD and SIL - delays are bad enough, but total cancellations are worse. I hope they can get an early flight back tomorrow. Pleased to hear your GD1 is feeling better, but what a pity about not being able to have your ears syringed.

    Oma, a sad anniversary for you today. Sending hugs. At least your MIL wasn't to bad. Is B ok after his Covid jab? I installed the latest operating system on my laptop, and it keeps giving me pop ups telling me about all the exciting things it can do to make my user experience more interesting, productive and creative. I only read one thing I thought might be useful, and have now forgotten what it was (although I can remember how to activate it!)

    I also did loads of housework today, washed all the towels and put them out to dray. Then fetched them in an hour later when it started to rain and put them in the dryer! When the rain eased off I took Eva out for a walk - and every dog owner in the area decided the same thing! Eva hardly had time to sniff around, she was so busy eyeing up all the other dogs.

    The kit car is going to the upholsterers tomorrow morning. OH and our next door neighbour are taking it first thing.

    "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

    (Marianne Williamson)


      Good morning, yes Daisy, the exercise at the gym does help my shoulder (plus the rest), "use it or lose it"!

      I did enjoy the hamburgers and the company, the girls were in chatty mood! They are both on holiday now for a fortnight, the family go to Spain on Monday for 10 days, 4 nights in Barcelona then on to Tarragona.

      We had the same weather yesterday, so cold and heavy rain in the evening. I did get all the paintwork done, is shines!

      I hope the upholsterers do a good job on the kit car, I watch a programme when I am on the exercise bike at the gym, I think it is called Wheeler dealers or something, they have some nice cars in to work on.

      Gem, you will enjoy having the toddler.

      Daisy, I am the same as you, I read about all the new things I can do now on this, then, forget how they all work!

      Plant, you will be pleased when all is back to normal, I hope you managed to get your ears done.

      The forecast for tomorrow, the Kings birthday celebrations, is warmer, but rain most of the day.


        G00d morning. The sun is shining.

        Lizzie, hope ds had a lovely birthday.
        Glad you enjoyed the meal.

        We are hoping the weather holds, I want to get the grass cut while hubby is out, he wants to do the hedge when he gets home.

        I think I'm just going to chips, beans and egg for dinner.
        Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


          Morning Nanto, I hope the weather holds for you, nice and sunny here at the moment.

          My arm is very sore from the Covid injection, I didn’t get my ears syringed, she thought the wax wasn’t soft enough although I had been oiling them, it is difficult when you were aids. It was so painful I told her to stop. I wasn’t impressed with the set up either considering what they charge. DD should be back early evening, they are having to fly into Gatwick and get a taxi to Heathrow where their car is. NT meeting this afternoon so I might not be back when they get home.

          Lizzie, pleased to hear the birthday celebration went well.
          What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


            Morning ladies

            Pleased you had a nice night and that your shoulder is less painful.

            you can’t have pain having your ears syringed, fingers crossed by time you go back it will be easier,
            What a carry on for DD getting back home .
            B has a sore arm today also after his COVID jab yesterday .

            Is it dry enough at your end to cut the grass? It’s so damp hear.

            We spending the night at Redworth hall for our Anniversary, we will set off at lunch time.
            The suite had a bath , Im so looking forward to a soak😁 sad woman I am 🤣🤣🤣
            Im not fat just 6ft too small


              Oma, the grass is drying now,so i think i'll go and make a start.
              Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                Good morning everyone.

                I hope you get the grass cut Nan2. It's dry here at the moment.

                Plant they seem less keen on ear syringing these days. I know my mum found it very painful as she got older.
                I hope your arm (and B's Oma) is less sore today. One of my aqua friends was saying she was due her next Covid jab. I'm not quite old enough yet!

                Oma have a LOVELY time, you love birds

                A leisurely start today as it's a free morning
                I am meeting my friend M for lunch . That makes THREE lunches out this week!! Bad planning
                “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                  I'm a bit late to say Good Friday morning, but will say it anyway!

                  Lizzie, that was a lovely birthday celebration for your DS. Isn't it lovely when grandchildren are so open and chatty. Perhaps we should have a thread about little tips we find on our Mac laptops - it might help us both to learn things. I'll set one up later. . I do hope it's warmer for the King's birthday celebrations for you all. Are there parades, parties etc?

                  Nanto, did you get your lawn cut? Hedge trimming sounds hard work - OH will need his egg, chips and beans for energy!

                  Oma, have a wonderful time at Redworth Hall. Perhaps room service will serve you a banquet so you can spend the whole evening enjoying the (bath) bubbles. I hope B's arm is ok.

                  Plant, poor DD and SIL - they must be really fed up about their disrupted journey home. I hope your arm is feeling less sore now. I think Gem is right - they seem less keen to do ear syringing these days, and I don't think our surgery even offer it. It sounds as though you have had to go privately to get it done (even though you didn't in the end).

                  Gem, what a busy social whirl you have - three lunches out this week. Have fun.

                  "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                  (Marianne Williamson)


                    Daisy, we got all the gardening done. Hubby tidies the hedge weekly,so it doesn't get too much.

                    Gem, nothing wrong with three lunches out in a week. Enjoy.

                    Hope those with sore arms from jabs feel better soon.
                    Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                      Daisy, the kings irthday celebr ations are huge! Each town, village etc have their own celebrations, music, ​​

                      the bakers make these by the thousand! There are markets in each village for the children to sell the toys they have never used, the best time to get the bargain. Planned walks, entertainment etc etc.

                      Partying, wearing orange costumes, flea markets, concerts and traditional local gatherings



                        Oh those look yummy Lizzie! I may have had lunch out three times, but no cakes and puddings were eaten!

                        OH got the wayward tree in the front garden tamed a bit this morning. The rain and a few hailstones came down this afternoon so now she is forced to watch TV snooker

                        I had a nice lunch and catch up with my friend.
                        I took a previously prepared shepherd's pie out of the freezer for our tea, so only veg to prepare later.
                        It feels funny to be here on Friday afternoon and not on the school run. After school activities day at GS2's school this afternoon so they don't need me today.
                        “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                          Gem, it sounds like a very nice day, and as you say, a change from your usual Fridays. Well done to S for taming the tree.

                          Lizzie, it sounds an amazing day, with everybody have a great time. What a huge crowd in the photo - and lots of Orange. Those cakes look delicious, but quite rich. What are they called?

                          Nanto, glad you and hubby got your gardening done ok. Little and often is usually best isn't it!

                          It's been a long day today. In addition to what I'll post in YEO, I lost my credit card! I was sure it was in my purse, where I always keep it. Long story short - OH had used it and put it back in another part of my purse which I never use! I was so relieved I hadn't got to go through the rigmarole of cancelling it and getting yet another new one!

                          We've got a village wide "get rid of your unwanted stuff" day tomorrow. You just put out what ever you want to get rid of and people can come and help themselves. All in the name of recycling, being green etc. OH has spent the day sorting out loads of stuff - I hope it doesn't rain and everything goes.
                          "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                          (Marianne Williamson)


                            Daisy, the cakes are called 'oranje tompoese". translated, orange vanilla slice!

                            I can understand the panic of losing your credit card, I woke yesterday morning and my bank app gave on that it couldn't be "found" on my phone, I did panic as I was sure I had been hacked!! I ended up phoning the alarm number, with shaking hands, the lady assured me that my account was fine and that I had to download the app again and make a new account. I didn't have banking on here as the other one was so old and not safe to do internet banking on, I do have it now so I won't have to panic again.


                              Good morning. Nice and bright again.

                              I woke up this morning, thinking what to do for dinner. Then I remembered we are going out. Farm shop first, then onto the garden centre, where we will eat.

                              Daisy, glad your card wasn't lost, Lizzie, glad your accounts were safe.

                              Cakes look nice Lizzie, they look like a meringue kind of cake.
                              Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                                Good morning everyone.
                                It's not raining!

                                Nan2, nice surprise to remember you are eating out

                                Oma I hope are having a lovely time and got that bath!

                                Daisy, I am constantly thinking I have lost my card!
                                I often put it into a pocket when shopping and neglect to put it back into my phone case. Those moments between missing it and locating it in a pocket are tense!
                                I hope it stays fine for the sale today.

                                Lizzie, do you pay on your phone as opposed to by card? If so you are very modern! I will start a thread about that.

                                This morning we are going to DD1's to get some decking boards. They are left over from their old decking and OH can make a table top for under the sandpit.
                                We will be buying a coffee table as well. Actually buying one. We have been looking at coffee tables for at least 5 years now
                                “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown

