Lizzie, it's a bit late in the day, but very happy birthday to your DS1. Did you enjoy the hamburgers? How was your shoulder after the gym? The advice for lots of aches and pains these days seems to be 'keep moving'.
Our sun didn't last - it started raining just after lunch and went even colder!
Gem, I'm sure gorgeous funny toddler's nap gives you and him time to recharge your batteries.
Plant, poor DD and SIL - delays are bad enough, but total cancellations are worse. I hope they can get an early flight back tomorrow. Pleased to hear your GD1 is feeling better, but what a pity about not being able to have your ears syringed.
Oma, a sad anniversary for you today. Sending hugs. At least your MIL wasn't to bad. Is B ok after his Covid jab? I installed the latest operating system on my laptop, and it keeps giving me pop ups telling me about all the exciting things it can do to make my user experience more interesting, productive and creative. I only read one thing I thought might be useful, and have now forgotten what it was (although I can remember how to activate it!)
I also did loads of housework today, washed all the towels and put them out to dray. Then fetched them in an hour later when it started to rain and put them in the dryer! When the rain eased off I took Eva out for a walk - and every dog owner in the area decided the same thing! Eva hardly had time to sniff around, she was so busy eyeing up all the other dogs.
The kit car is going to the upholsterers tomorrow morning. OH and our next door neighbour are taking it first thing.
Our sun didn't last - it started raining just after lunch and went even colder!
Gem, I'm sure gorgeous funny toddler's nap gives you and him time to recharge your batteries.
Plant, poor DD and SIL - delays are bad enough, but total cancellations are worse. I hope they can get an early flight back tomorrow. Pleased to hear your GD1 is feeling better, but what a pity about not being able to have your ears syringed.
Oma, a sad anniversary for you today. Sending hugs. At least your MIL wasn't to bad. Is B ok after his Covid jab? I installed the latest operating system on my laptop, and it keeps giving me pop ups telling me about all the exciting things it can do to make my user experience more interesting, productive and creative. I only read one thing I thought might be useful, and have now forgotten what it was (although I can remember how to activate it!)
I also did loads of housework today, washed all the towels and put them out to dray. Then fetched them in an hour later when it started to rain and put them in the dryer! When the rain eased off I took Eva out for a walk - and every dog owner in the area decided the same thing! Eva hardly had time to sniff around, she was so busy eyeing up all the other dogs.
The kit car is going to the upholsterers tomorrow morning. OH and our next door neighbour are taking it first thing.