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Time to Chat Day by Day

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    Good morning Nan2, Lizzie, Daisy and everyone else.

    And yet again its raining here!

    Don't get stuck in the floods Daisy!

    Baby E will be here soon. No golf for OH so we may take him to the library this morning. One of the toys I reserved for him is in, so we can pick that up and let him have a play and look at books. Our repeat prescriptions are ready to collect so we can do that on the way back. Such excitement today
    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


      Raining here again, we were very lucky with the weather when they erected the new sunroom. I was going to go out, a couple of errands but will see how I feel.

      Gemini, have a lovely day with GS. Poor S, no golf again, we have had a mild winter but a wet one.

      Daisy, I need to go to a garden centre, I want some bark clippings to put on a new border which is planted with shrubs. I hope Eva is getting better.

      Last edited by Plantaholic; 22-02-2024, 10:07 AM.
      What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


        Morning everyone

        The sun is out here but black clouds in the distance.

        Been to MILs she was in a really good mood so we stayed a bit longer.

        Have you been in your sun room yet ?

        Best laid plans and all that, maybe J won’t be too long visiting then you can go to Garden centre together.

        These toy libraries are good arnt they , saves a lot of money buying a toy the child will get bored of in a few weeks .
        Hope you have a good day with him xx

        I always say try something once , then you know if you would buy it again,

        In our last house we had Air duct heating and the filters and extractor fans had to be dusted out regularly , they were a pain in the backside.

        Im not fat just 6ft too small


          Gemini, I don’t know if we have a toy library in our Library.

          Oma, what a shame your Mil can’t always be pleasant, she would get more visitors. I have only stepped inside my sunroom Oma to judge where the furniture might fit. I expect it will be a while before I can get the furniture put in, that is in the cabin at the moment. How is Storm?

          What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


            We don't have toys in the libraries to borrow, but there is a central collection of toys which you reserve online and collect from your local library. When DD3 was small we did have toy libraries with lots of toys on the shelves, in fact I ran the local branch for 4 years!
            Baby had a nice time at the library. He's had lunch and is watching Teletubbies before his nap.
            “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


              Storm is doing good thank you Plant , he’s coming to mine tomorrow I hope 😀
              Im not fat just 6ft too small


                My goodness there doesn't seem to be a let up in this wet weather does there? Turned cold here as well,brrr!

                I had a meeting in Cambridge this morning and caught the park& ride in rather than driving into town and having to spend a fortune on car parking. Got toff the bus and the heavens opened, I ended up getting a taxi to my meeting. Rain had stopped by the time I was finished, so I walked into town just as the rain was staring again. The river Cam was over its banks.
                It rained all the way home and there was snow in it. Heating now on and I'm going nowhere tonight!

                Rick Stein's TV programme visited my happy place last night.....Aldeburgh! Haven't watched it yet, but it'll be interesting to see where he visits and what food he recommends.

                Nothing much happening here, just the usual everyday things. February always seems to be a bit of a boring month.

                Keep warm and dry ladies x
                Believe you can and you're halfway there.
                Theodore Roosevelt.


                  WG, what a very unpleasant trip you had to Cambridge, this constant rain must let up soon, it will soon be March winds. I have only been to Aldeburgh once with OH, very nice.
                  What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                    WG, sorry your trip into Cambridge was a wet one.

                    Oma, how lovely that MIL was in a good mood.

                    Daisy, i haven't tried the dress on yet.I will in the morning,when i have had my shower.
                    Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                      Been to DDs spent a nice couple hours there , she’s going to Leeds tomorrow for the day while we have the dog ,
                      She will take GS out for lunch and spend a few hours Mam & Son time 😀

                      WG I think we are all sick of this rain now
                      We came in from DD and put the heating on the temperature has dropped a lot and it’s really cold .
                      Ive changed into my PJs and dressing gown , warm and comfy now .
                      Im not fat just 6ft too small


                        Gem, did you take Baby E to the library? Does he have favourite toys, generally? I feel sorry for all the golfers with this constant wet weather.

                        Oma, you'd think your MIL would be less than pleased because of the awful weather, but a good day is a good day and not to be sneezed at. Glad to hear Storm is on the mend - you feel so sorry for them when they aren't well - like babies.

                        WeeGranny, what a rotten journey you had to Cambridge. You were lucky to find a taxi I should think - everyone would be queueing up for them. I've only been to Cambridge once - sailing on the Cam, but the water was so high we couldn't get under the bridges - and that was summertime. Enjoy the Rick Stein programme. It's turned cold here as well. I hope we get a good summer to make up for it.

                        Oma, talking about your heating ducts has reminded me that in our last house we had skirting radiators in the living room. They were very efficient and kept the room lovely and warm, but were a real pain to clean between the slats.

                        The weather was so awful I didn't go to the Garden Centre. OH went and did his visiting and shopped for a few bits and pieces he wanted. The roads weren't great, but were at least passable. I did some washing - no chance of drying it outdoors, of course, although I might have been able to wash it by putting it on the whirlygig thingy and spinning it round! . I hoovered round, made bread and a few other odds and ends, and then decided I'd like to do some painting. I wanted to do a watercolour, but I hadn't got the right type of paper. I'd ordered some but it wasn't due to be delivered until tea time. Never mind, get the acrylics out - I'd watched a webinar yesterday and wanted to try out some techniques. I couldn't find anything to paint acrylics on! We'd tidied everything away at Christmas and I had no idea where things were. OH knew straight away where he'd put them, but it was too late then.

                        It stopped raining about 4 o'clock so I took Eva out for a muddy paddle, and joy of joys, she did a perfect example of the necessary. How can you be so pleased to be picking up poo!

                        "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                        (Marianne Williamson)


                          Oma, you posted while I was still typing - I hope our DD has a lovely time and a good catch up with GS. I'm sure Storm will be delighted to spend the day with you spoiling him! xx
                          "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                          (Marianne Williamson)


                            Daisy I'm sorry you were frustrated on the painting front!

                            WG, the constant rain is getting us all down I think.

                            I'm glad Storm is better Oma

                            We did go to the library and baby enjoyed it. He likes doors closed though, so kept trying to close the double doors to the children's library which are always kept open
                            DD and SIL told us there had been a lot more 'toddler behaviour ' recently ( he's just 19 months) Of course he was a little angel for us! 😇
                            “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                              Gem, it's an interesting and lively stage, isn't it when a toddler knows how he thinks his world ought to be, but often finds out it's not! I wonder if he's going to be naturally tidy with wanting to close doors. Or perhaps he just likes the noise if he closes them hard enough. I bet he keeps you all on your toes. xx
                              "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                              (Marianne Williamson)


                                Daisy he is tidy! Likes doors closed ( including dishwasher door!) and generally likes things to go where they should. This includes him putting his little cup on a coaster on our coffee table as he sees us putting our mugs on them
                                He brings our phones to us whenever he finds them lying about as he feels they should be with us!
                                “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown

