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    Im not fat just 6ft too small


      We like boxing day best. Easy dinner of chips,beans and cold turkey.
      GD2 asked if her boyfriend can come for dinner today. Told her i'm not doing a fancy dinner.
      She says he's not fussy, just as well cos there is no way i'm changing the meal.
      Tomorrow,i'm definately not cooking.

      Have a good day ladies.

      Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


        Morning Nanto
        hope you have another good day and not too much work involved,
        Easy day for us xx
        Im not fat just 6ft too small


          Good morning all

          Nan2, I'm sure your GD's OH will be happy with the meal.

          Lovely photos Oma I love Finn in his little car beside the big ones

          We had a lovely Christmas Day, we felt it was perfect. We got home around 7, too full for ,anything but a bit of fruit and relaxed with TV until bedtime.
          Today is the day for the whole family. Everyone here for a meal of sausages, cheddar mash, gravy, Yorkshire puds and various veg. Everyone likes it, it's easy to do the veggie option. We've got another Christmas pudding and a trifle, not to mention the gingerbread house, Christmas cake and good old mince pies!

          DD2 and family go away with friends to a cottage every year from December 28th to after New Year, so we always need to get our big family get together in first. Tomorrow will be our down day
          “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


            Good Boxing Day morning, everyone. We have rather watery sunshine after heavy rain last night.

            It's lovely to hear about how everyone spent Christmas Day. I think many of us fall into some kind of pattern or tradition over Christmas and New Year, and hopefully everyone was able to enjoy at least some part of the Day.

            Our day was very busy, but lovely. By 9.30 pm everyone had left, and the kitchen was reasonably tidy as well! Today is a quiet day for us - feet up, and relaxing. Tomorrow is GD2's birthday so we will be going over to take her presents, etc.
            "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

            (Marianne Williamson)


              I hope you enjoyed the quiet day Daisy.

              A lovely Boxing Day here

              The family have all gone, we have done most of the clearing up. The rest will wait for tomorrow!

              In our PJs now, planning to watch TV and maybe have a small snack in a while.

              I hope you have all had a good day however you have spent it.
              “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                Gem, so glad you enjoyed your family Boxing Day. I always believe clearing up can wait until the next day!

                I'm off for an early night after a dinner of left overs! No cooking needed.

                "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                (Marianne Williamson)


                  Absolutely pouring down down. Apparently its storm Gerrit.

                  Pleased its back to normal days for us.

                  No cooking today,going for a pub meal.

                  Have a good day ladies,stay dry.
                  Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                    Morning all. Currently I am still in bed listening to the sound of the raiin battering on the window accompanied intermittently with OH coughing .

                    How was everyones Christmas and Boxing Day

                    Ours didn't go to plan. .The plan was to spend the Christmas and Boxing Day at DS's and DIL's but OH wasn't well so we came home Christmas afternoon where upon he promptly went to bed and stayed there until later Boxing Day morning. This horrible dreaded lurgy is certainly reluctant to leave him any time soon.
                    Fingers crossed he will be OK for tomorrow as through some miracle eldest DS , DD and SIL with two youngest GC are all due to spend the day here . Some of my family actually being in the same room together I am so excited I can hardly breathe.
                    Unfortunately middle DS and DIL are both working so they are unable to be here

                    We did manage to exchange Christmas presents and eat a lovely Christmas lunch before we had to leave which was something.
                    DS and DIL spoilt us with lovely gifts, we had a huge hamper which contain the usual wine, shower gift packs, chocolates etc but the star presents were theatre gift tokens and a Ring doorbell which DS said would have been ideal if it had been up and running on Christmas eve when the stone throwing incident happened.
                    DS is coming to set it up after the new year.

                    Don't have anything planned for today which is just as well, what with OH coughing and the horrible weather outside , which is supposed to get worse through the day.

                    Have a good day everyone
                    Bring me sunshine in your smile.


                      Good morning ladies.

                      We are definitely in the midst of storm Gerrit here, it has been raining heavily throughout the night.

                      Pub lunch sounds good Nan2.

                      What a shame your Christmas plans were cut short Mimi. The presents sound lovely though and at least you got your meal! Your poor OH, I hope he is on the mend soon. Fingers crossed for tomorrow.

                      Nothing planned for us today. A bit of clearing up which won't take long, then presents to put away! We put them all under the tree as we had a houseful yesterday.
                      OH has a follow up hearing aid appointment at 4. Catching up with recorded TV will be high on today's agenda.
                      “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                        Good Wednesday morning, ladies. I'm sure storm Gerrit will find its way to us eventually, but at the moment all is calm and quiet.

                        Nanto, enjoy your pub meal. I don't think anyone feels like cooking after Christmas - I certainly don't, but we have leftovers to keep us going for today.

                        Mimi, what a pity you had to cut short your Christmas plans. Do you know how you will spend the theatre gift tokens? Do you have a theatre nearby? The Ring doorbell is very useful in lots of ways. Our even recorded an unusual visitor not long ago - a Red Admiral butterfly resting on the camera! It also picked up a neighbour's dog who had wandered off and I was able to return him to his owner who didn't know he'd escaped. Hopefully it will also be a deterrent to the thugs who threw a stone at your window.

                        Gem, enjoy your relaxing day and your catch-up TV. How is OH getting on with her new hearing aids?

                        Hoping Storm Gerrit doesn't inflict damage on anyone.

                        It's our GD2's 10th birthday today, so we will go over there to take her card and gifts later - not sure when yet, and OH may have to go and sit with one of his 'clients' while his wife has a hospital appointment. I've put a pile of tea towels in to soak before washing them and a large white tablecloth. How did we use so many!!

                        "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                        (Marianne Williamson)


                          Morning ladies
                          Storm has hit us also ,

                          What a shame hubby wasn’t well his own bed
                          is the best place when feeling like that ,

                          Have a peaceful evening catching up with your recordings after hectic couple of days xx


                          HopeGD has a lovely Birthdayxx

                          A pub meal is just right today enjoy 😁xx

                          We have had a lovely Morning
                          Martin & Clare turned up with Finn ,
                          he’s adorable was very good had a look at all the decorations but didn’t touch anything ,
                          They have just left .
                          A quiet day for us now I think .

                          Im not fat just 6ft too small


                            Good morning Oma, I wondered where you were
                            How lovely to have a little visitor.
                            Baby E has been the same with out trees, looked and admired but never touched!

                            Daisy I hope your GD has a lovely birthday! Hearing aids need a little tinker, also she has apparently unpaired them from her phone and needs a bit of help!

                            We are still in PJs The last three days were busy days when we needed to be up and dressed, so it's nice chance to lounge about!
                            “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                              After a hectic couple of days it is very quiet here today. I feel a bit delicate now after all the festivities. All presents gone and opened from under the tree. We still have GD2 and her OH here, we shall miss them when they go back to London on Friday.

                              Mimi, so sorry to hear your OH was poorly, hope he is feeling better now.

                              Daisy, I hope GD has a lovely birthday, more presents.

                              Gemini, I wasn’t keen on getting dressed today but not sure if I would have visitors. Enjoy your relaxing day after a hectic but enjoyable Christmas.

                              Oma, how nice to have a visit from family. Finn is at a lovely age, kept you all amused I am sure. Loved the pics of DS and GM too.
                              What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                                They turned up at just before 9 am as we’re going on to visit MIL
                                Had a good 2 hours with them . Finn is such a happy loving baby 😁

                                Don’t get dressed if you don’t feel like it , im sure if your family visit they won’t mind ,
                                To be honest I was back in my PJs by 1pm yesterday , I wanted to be comfy and I knew we were going no where 😁

                                Same with you a PJ day when it’s wet and miserable.
                                My DD calls it her slob about day 😁

                                Ive had a Nana nap , only 20 minutes but feel better for it , if I sleep longer I feel yucky but a small nap is good .

                                Rain has stopped but it’s so dark like night time .
                                Im not fat just 6ft too small

