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Time to Chat Day by Day

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    Well tonight hasn’t gone as planned ,

    5.30 Bs sister who we don’t really get on with rang in Hysterics,
    She was at our shopping centre with her son , they had been in a crash with a bus .
    So we had to jump in the car and get to them .

    The car was across one of the lanes and Nephew couldn’t move it to the side , the front driver side wing was bent into the tyre and the bumper was hanging off .

    B managed with brute force to drive it into the side of the road so the road was clear but the noise it made as it was moving wasn’t good.

    The poor lad has only had the car 3 weeks .
    He was lost and tried to do a U turn when he realised he was in a bus lane .a lapse in concentration meant he didn’t look before pulling out .

    We then had to wait with them for 2.1/2 hours for recovery to come , then take them back home to Sunderland .
    Although we are not keen on his sister we couldn’t just do nothing .

    We told him it’s only a car and they were not hurt that’s what matters , he’s fully insured and they said he will get a courtesy car .

    By time we got home we were gasping for a cupper .
    Im not fat just 6ft too small


      Oh what dramas Oma Thank goodness B and you were there to save the day and no one was hurt.

      Plans changed here too, but nothing so dramatic!
      I didn't babysit for GS1 as DD didn't go out tonight. She has caught GS's cold. She doesn't feel too bad but one of the friends she was meeting expects her 4th baby any day so she didn't want to risk passing anything on.
      OH and I called in to see them and take a chunk of Christmas cake on our way to the supermarket.
      “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


        Gem, was DD very disappointed about her night out? She did the right thing, staying home, but she was probably looking forward to seeing her friends. I hope the chunk of Christmas cake cheered her up a bit.

        Oma, poor lad. He must be devastated to crash a car he'd only just got. How kind of you and B to go and help them. Strangely, our DIL2 helped someone in their Tesco car park in a similar situation. The girl had reversed into a trolley park and her car was stuck on it. DIL found a man with a flatbed lorry and got him to tow the girl's car off the metal bars, while she calmed the driver down and helped her to ring for a tow. One of the staff in Tesco had come out to see what was happening. Disappeared and reappeared a few minutes later with two bunches of flowers for DIL for helping the girl. Nobody else had bothered.

        Nanto, I love rich fruit cake with cheese. Your OH is so kind - he's always helping someone.

        It was really windy today, so I just took Eva round the block - she doesn't like the wind. If it's reasonably ok we'll take her first thing in the morning before OH has to go for a routine blood test at the local hospital. They have a very efficient appointment system so shouldn't take long.

        I did trout with new potatoes and a salad for dinner. I really enjoyed the salad after so many cooked meals just lately. The whites dried on the line, but then it rained so everything else had to be dried indoors.

        "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

        (Marianne Williamson)


          Daisy, she wasn't too disappointed to be honest. It's not a nice night to be driving especially if you are below par. Her best friend and OH and children were going round this afternoon so that would cheer her up.
          How kind of your DIL Daisy, she deserved those flowers.

          “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


            Good morning. By gum,its lively out there.

            Oma, glad to hear nobody was hurt in the accident.
            A car can be replaced, people can't.
            Like you,we would have gone to help as well.

            Gem, hope DD feels better soon.

            Hubby out for a couple of hours with DS1 and a pal this morning.
            DS coming back with hubby for dinner.
            Dinner is mash,veggies,chicken and bacon pie with chicken gravy.
            Sticky toffee pudding with custard for anybody that wants some.

            I'm concentrating on kitchen cleaning while i'm on my own.
            Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


              Good morning everyone.

              This wind can go away! At least it's not raining.

              Dinner sounds good Nan2. Shepherds pie (from the freezer) tonight with whatever veg I can find in the fridge

              No plans today apart from finishing and printing the sheets of photos for Sunday night.
              “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                Morning ladies ,
                It look lovely out but that wind is biting cold , we went to Lidl for fresh bread I was pleased to get back home again.

                Have you heard how DD is feeling today ? So many got this rotten cold and jippy tummy bug at the minute .

                How nice of your DIL to go out of her way to help , I bet the other driver was so relieved to have someone there, it’s scary if something happens and you’re on your own .

                Chicken and bacon pie sounds lovely

                No great plans today just do whatever turns up .

                Im not fat just 6ft too small


                  Good Friday afternoon, everyone.

                  While everyone else knows by the weather that it's mid-winter, here it could be April sunshine and showers. Although the showers are more torrential downpours they only seem to last 5 or 10 minutes. We were going to take Eva to the paddock this morning, but the weather put us right off. OH has to go for a blood test in a few minutes, so we'll take her after lunch. I've got a load of washing on, but doubt I'll be able to dry outside.

                  Nanto, yes please, sticky toffee pudding and custard would be perfect! I bet your DS won't say 'no'.

                  Gem, it's lovely to be able to pull something from the freezer like that. How are the photos going? I hope DD1 is feeling better.

                  Oma, it sounds really cold up y our way. You'd think it would kill off some of the winter bugs, but it doesn't seem to.

                  I wonder how Glamm is? I also wonder if she got Covid from the first time she was in hospital. My sister-in-law has been in hospital for 10 days with pneumonia, and has now tested positive for Covid. Her DD works in the same hospital and says it's rife there.
                  "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                  (Marianne Williamson)


                    Oh dear, we all need to keep out of hospital, more so at the present time apparently. I d hope there is some improvement in Glamm’s condition.

                    Oma, what a dreadful shock for your Dil and her son, good job you were there to help.

                    Gemini, I hope your DD will feel better soon so much illness around.

                    My GD1 has a dreadful cold, not long since she had one just before Christmas. I spoke to her on Face time this morning, she looked awful, her OH was expected home about 11 ish and was going to take H to visit his sister as Harriet is all mummy mummy atm.

                    GS2, GD2 and her OH are returning to London today so we will feel quiet, just DD Sil and me. I don’t have any plans for New Year.

                    Nanto, thinking of you, I have just bought 2 chicken breasts from the local butcher to make a casserole in the slow cooker, I want to use up some of the veg I have too. Will pass on the sticky toffee pudding, trousers feeling a bit tight.
                    What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                      Thanks for asking about DD1 everyone. It's just a cold and she is OK. GS was more poorly but hers is milder.

                      Plant I know what you mean about the tight trousers

                      “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                        Plant, it sounds as though your GD1 is a bit run down, but hardly surprising after the move and everything else, plus Christmas. I hope she's better soon. My goodness, it will be quiet on the Plant homestead after having such a busy Christmas. I should think you, your DD and her OH are all exhausted.

                        Gem, pleased to hear DD1 is ok. Did you get. your photos finished?

                        We managed to avoid the showers on our walk this afternoon, but after unexpected visitors it was quite late when we went out, and was dark by the time we got back. It also went much colder.

                        "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                        (Marianne Williamson)


                          Good morning. All is calm after yesterdays wind.

                          Gem, glad DD is ok.
                          Plant,hope GD feels better soon.

                          We are going to the farm shop this morning.
                          Not that we really need anything,but we will have one of their lovely coffees.
                          Then,onto the garden centre for a browse and we will eat there.
                          That will be our day taken care of.

                          Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                            Good morning ladies.

                            I would be looking for Christmas sale things at the garden centre Nan2 That sounds a nice day you have planned.

                            DD3 and baby are coming over. I was going there but plans have changed! I also want to finish my New Year photos. I didn't get OH's until yesterday so was stuck! I may take advantage of DD's artistic and IT abilities and ask her to make it look more interesting.

                            They will be here quite soon so I had better get dressed!

                            I hope everyone is well and Glamma improving.
                            “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                              Morning Nanto/ Ladies

                              Enjoy your day Nanto a coffee and a browse is just the ticket 😁

                              Poor GD there seems to be a lot about , my sisters lot are all full of colds it’s swept through the family
                              It will seem very quiet when everyone is gone , will you be going next door for new year or just spend it quietly watching TV ? X

                              Hows GS ? Has S managed a round of golf ? All the courses around us are closed due to flooding ,

                              It did come in extra cold last night , did you just take Eva around the block , Im sure she wouldn’t mind .
                              Does she snuffle and sniff more on a night walk ? I find Storm does there must be more interesting smells at night 😁

                              Im going to message Glamms DD today see how she’s doing I will let you know ,

                              Just my usual cleaning day , haven’t done the sitting room as we have the dog after lunch and will be taking the Decs down tomorrow so will do that then.

                              Havent heard from Lizzie or have I missed it ?
                              Im not fat just 6ft too small


                                Oma, you haven't missed it! I am here, got the blues, I will recover!!

