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Time to Chat Day by Day

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    Morning ladies
    Its wet again and so dark.
    I have all the towels in the wash , I did a white wash first thing .

    Hope the gel came off I remember once having to go to the nail salon to get mine off cost just as much as putting it on ,
    If I do paint my nails now not very often I admit but I stick to ordinary varnish ,

    I like a carvery , saves doing all the dishes when you have one out doesn’t it 😁

    Washing all those jackets and jumpers you have given yourself a lot of ironing 🙄
    some of our flowers are coming to the end now and need a tidy but it’s too wet to do anything ,
    My poor fuchsia is top heavy it has so many flowers , I should have put a support ring in when it was growing ,
    I must remember next year.

    DD has just dropped Storm off he’s staying the night as her and SIL are off to Harrogate to a big Carpet convention show with Champagne dinner and lunch included ,
    They both have to be back for work in the morning so they will leave early tomorrow morning and will pick dog up when they get home .

    B busy making home made veg soup , driving Storm mad with the smell he loves veg soup 😁
    B keeps telling him to get out of the kitchen as he’s laying in the dinning room but shuffling a little closer each time he moves ,
    He thinks we don’t notice silly boy 😁
    Im not fat just 6ft too small


      Gemini, enjoy you meal out, were you successful removing the gel nail varnish?

      Daisy, what a marathon wash, I might do an item at a time. I have some cashmere so that will be hand washing. Do you find that bulbs planted in pots do not do well for a second year?

      Nanto, I don’t see any establishments doing a carvery lunch now, they were good value.

      I have now got 12 lbs of Quince to use, I am hoping a friend will take some. They are huge and very ugly. I am going to attempt to make some jelly that is eaten with Manchego cheese. They are huge and very ugly, that is the best crop I have had so far. The tree is huge now, the blossom is cream and very pretty. Weather is fine so I am hoping to spend it in the garden, so much cutting back needed but I am hoping to find someone to help with that and the pruning of the fruit trees.
      The Charter Fair is on the green for the weekend, they have been lucky with the weather. They will join forces with another fair and open in a local town which is closed for the event.
      What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


        Happy Sunday Morning every one,I have caught up with every ones news you all seem to have had a busy week.

        I have just made my son a Full English after his night shift he has now left to get some sleep he starts a weeks holiday after tomorrows night shift then off to Scotland to stay in a log cabin somewhere near the Scottish Boarders I hope the weather stays good for him and his friend.

        Gems I'll be thinking of you lovely lady you will be skipping about in no time at all once its all done there will be no stopping you sweetie x

        Daisy you are certainly busy with all the washing & ironing I have some items stored under my bed in the drawers which I must sort and get rewashed I can't even remember what is stored in them to be honest.

        Oma how sad when stores have to close we had a Romanian bakery close to us in the Town who had to close such a shame now if I fancy specialist bread its off to M&S bakery counter which it a wee bit out of the way for me.

        The garage man is calling tomorrow to collect my little car for a service and MOT he is collecting at 8am so I need to be up and about early they bring it back late afternoon for me the service is first class they are good guys at the garage lets hope nothing is found when they do the MOT.

        This evening I am doing a Sunday roast the first time in a while as I don't have to cook for Jim my DS brought me a nice piece of beef last week and I cut it in half and froze half it will be the first time I have done a joint of meat in the air fryer so fingers crossed all turns out OK,am doing a pepper sauce with it roast pots & broccoli looking forward to a nice treat.

        Oliver has been staying indoors he is scared of the dog next door who has moved in with the new tenant who has moved into Jim's old place we have not got off to a good start as the dog has been getting into my garden under the bushes between the gardens Ollie is petrified poor thing I do think a fence needs to be put in asap unless the chap keeps the dog under control.

        My neighbour D went off to Turkey on Friday morning 10am and only arrived this morning 3am after delays in Manchester and then in Turkey with the transfer bus she must be exhausted poor woman.

        I have been messing with my phone to try and get pics on line I have tried with one for Oliver and hope it turns out alright x
        You do not have permission to view this gallery.
        This gallery has 1 photos.
        Keep Calm,You're Fabulous


          Wow success whose a clever girl then (mi) x
          Keep Calm,You're Fabulous


            I seem to have the hang of this now ladies x
            You do not have permission to view this gallery.
            This gallery has 1 photos.
            Keep Calm,You're Fabulous


              The sun has come out here,i was tempted to do some washing,but decided not to.
              I like to do the washing early.

              Changed the bedding and cleaned the bedroom.
              Done the ironing.

              Glamma, i still do joints in the slow cooker.
              A few weeks ago i did a chicken in the air fryer,and it was fine.
              Well done for posting the photo.
              Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                Oliveris a very handsome chap isn’t he ,
                Well done getting the photos on 😁
                A fence is a must with the dog , he may be very friendly towards cats I knowStorm loves them but better be safe than sorry,
                Is he being a quiet neighbour?

                That’s a lot of Quince , doesn’t matter what they look like as long as they taste good 😁
                The man over the road has just had a man out to cut his hedges and tidy them up , he used todo them himself but he’s getting on and in I’ll health so turned the job over,
                His wife is pleased as he used to climb ladders with the hedge trimmer and she was scared he would hurt himself

                Ive just done my ironing not much really ,
                Dog is asleep at my feet , he wandered around upstairs while I was ironing
                A bit put out I won’t allow him on the beds
                Its drying up a bit and not so dark now makes a change
                I will take him for a long walk later provided it stays dry , if it’s wet it will be a dash around the block.
                Im not fat just 6ft too small


                  Good afternoon dear ladies.

                  Glamma you are indeed clever and Oliver a very handsome boy
                  That naughty dog needs to stay away.

                  Oma my nail lady only charges a fiver to remove gels, I should have gone to her! It's almost off now. I'm having a soak in the bath atm, having had 'that' shower and hair wash this morning. I hope to get the last specks off with the nail brush!
                  I'll bet Storm enjoys his sleepover

                  I hope you got the gardening done Plant, but didn't overdo it.

                  Sunny here too now Nan2. As I have to have a clean bath towel and total clean outfit every day just now we have a lot a washing. The fine day is get it dry!

                  Very efficient vaccinations this morning. We were in done and out within 5 minutes . We could have had our COVID jabs at the same time it turns out. With my op coming up I thought 2 vaccinations might be pushing it.

                  We advertised our 2 cane conservatory sofas for free. Someone was coming for one this afternoon but hasn't got back to me. Some else messaged yesterday, asked for the measurements and today turned up exactly when he said he would and was pleased with the one he took.
                  “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                    I haven’t managed to put photos on here, clever you Glamm. I notice you used pics on camera, I haven’t tried that. It isn’t fair that Oliver (handsome chap) has to stay indoors, he has already lost Jim. Is it a man on his own? Good luck with the MOT

                    I was hoping to do some gardening but we have had rain so I have done some preparation of the Quinces ready to start the cooking tomorrow. I have a dental appt. In the morning first.

                    Gemini, I think you were wise not to have the Covid jab so close to your op.

                    What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                      I agree with Plant Gem it’s advisable to wait till after your op to get your COVID jab,

                      Been for a lovely walk with Storm , met some nice dog walkers on the way , he wanted to play with all the little dogs but when a Grey hound came walking towards us he totally ignored it and walked passed without a look 😁

                      Hes had a big bowl of home made veg soup , glad he will be going home in the morning can you imagine the smell 🤣🤣🤣
                      Im not fat just 6ft too small


                        Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                          Sorry about the 2 graphics this morning , my phone wouldn't let me edit them.
                          I'll edit them when I get on the computer.

                          We had rain last night and during the night.
                          I think there is quite a bit of rain overnight.

                          Dinner is sirloin steak, thin fries and peas.

                          Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                            Good morning Nan2.

                            I thought we were going to get a story in graphics for a minute Very wet here too.

                            I'm having reflexology this morning. No other plans apart from sorting my hospital case out.
                            We had a really lovely evening. The food and staff at that restaurant are always lovely. It was a good night with lots of laughs. Plenty of offers to come and see me when OH is golfing next week, and even a rice pudding offer
                            “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                              Morning ladies

                              double the smiles with the graphics leave them on 😁

                              definitely take up the offer of rice pudding 😁
                              Lovely friends to keep you company .

                              DD will be here soon to pick Storm up he’s been a darling as usual.
                              Had some toast and butter got to be lots of better on for him , he’s now laying in the garden in the rain ,
                              Will have to bring him in and dry him down shortly , not easy with all his fur .

                              Nothing planned as such today so see how it goes .

                              Im not fat just 6ft too small


                                Good Monday morning everyone.

                                Nanto, a bonus of an extra graphic to start the week is good. Please don't edit them. x. Sadly I think the "almost Autumn" one is right, looking out of the window at the rain.

                                Glamm, well done, clever lady on getting Ollie's photos up. He really is a good-looking boy.

                                Plant, I hope the dentists is just a check up. I think quinces are hard work - I've only ever made quince jam once. It was very nice but not worth the effort in preparing the fruit. Good luck with yours.

                                Gem, rice pudding is such lovely comfort food. I'm pleased you had such a good evening, plus reflexology today. You will be going into hospital tomorrow hopefully feeling relaxed and ready to say goodbye to your painful knee.

                                Oma, Storm is such a spoiled boy - lots of butter indeed!!! Would he refuse it if it was just dry toast?

                                No particular plans for me today. I'm still sorting out wardrobes and cupboards but also need to do some hoovering. Eva generously shares her fur with all the carpets!

                                "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                                (Marianne Williamson)

