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    Good morning.
    Oma ,your DD did a great job with the fete.£800 is an amazing result.
    Weather looks promising for everyone today I think.We are going to see DS 's new flat later but I must do some of the dreaded housework before we go.
    Enjoy your day.


      Morning ladies up early done a load of lights they now on the line in this lovely sunshine ,
      Off to meet with friends for coffee and a chat before we go for fresh bread and sugar , we hardly use sugar so didn't realise we were running out , I have sugar cubes but they not really good when you want some on cereal are they, they a bit lumpy hahaha
      Have a good day ladies catch up later xxx
      Im not fat just 6ft too small


        Originally posted by Oma View Post
        Nanto we have a place near us that does Eclair's and cakes like that , no way could one person eat one on their own Huge portions
        Mmmm I think I know someone who could 🤔🍴


          Morning sunshiners what a successful fete Oma as was Gemini its worth the effort isn't it, enjoy your coffee meet up hope you are sitting outside
          Two lines of washing out inc what the kids took off fri/ and Sat , kitchen begging me to clean it after Sunday dinner yesterday, not much for me today as OH is painting ceiling so may do as prescribed by you lovely ladies and sit out in the sun 🌞🏖My DS has picked a good week for their hols they seem to be having a good time Twins even eating chips out of paper that will be a novelty


            Well to top it all,OH fell off ladder trying to replace starter motor in fluorescent light in garage! Apart from grazes and bruises nothing seems to be broken! Hoping this week is better than last, DD filled diesel car with unleaded, SiL missed the last train home and DS with broken leg.......nearly forgot, vet thinks doggo might have a slipped disc ( on painkillers and no exercise except on lead down garden!). Off to sit in the sunshine with a good book now!
            Believe you can and you're halfway there.
            Theodore Roosevelt.


              OMG what a family how many robins did you kill last winter, having said that my OH fell down the bedroom steps on Sat morning carrying a little table we have for the kids to sit on has 2 animal shaped chairs missed a step abt quarter of way down knocked his thumb up and banged his elbow hasn't stopped him decorating, could be costly fir DD to change petrol over 😱


                WG, your family really are in the wars!!

                Good to hear you taking some relaxation time Qwerty

                GS1 and I had a good trip this morning. The children were very good and enjoyed themselves. Their teacher for next year at school came, and I got the chance of a really long chat with her, which was lovely. Her mum is one of us helping out grandmas

                This afternoon GS wanted the sprinkler on in the garden. OH is away all day in a golf competition, and I couldn't get it attached. So, I sprayed GS with the hopespipe for ages, and he kept collecting some water in a jug and pouring it on my feet! Once dried he sat and watched TV, while I had a welcome cuppa. His spare clothes are here, but so far he isn't keen to wear any. I will insist he dresses before coming to the table for tea! He loves being naked - maybe he will be a naturist one day

                OH is eating at the golf club, so just me for tea. Salmon, new potatoes and veg. One of my favourite meals!
                “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                  Our children and GC loved running under a hose. Your meal is a favourite of mine Gemini.

                  All these accidents must stop now.
                  What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                    WG my goodness you must wonder what next
                    Poor dog too ,
                    My SIL's brother did that with the fuel last week lucky he realised and didn't move the car , rang AA they came out drained the tank and charged him £200 he had put £.80 in the tank so lost that and had to pay for more fuel so cost £ 360 in the end
                    Qwerty hope J is ok I know its only a couple of steps but he could quite easy break a bone ,
                    Gem I love Salmon and new potatoes had Salmon the other night with sweet chili sauce it was lovely ,
                    Little ones love water don't they
                    Im not fat just 6ft too small


                      DD rang earlier she was furious , she had taken the dog guard out of the car yesterday and put it against the garage wall as she needed to put the seats down to transport stuff yesterday ,
                      This morning it wasn't there , she lives in a area where you can leave stuff out and it never goes missing so was really surprised ,
                      Talking to her neighbour this afternoon and she told her the scrap man had came into her garden raked around and took the guard , she didn't realise it hadn't been put out for him or she would have came out , DD said they would have had to move a few of GS1's stuff like skateboard, bike, etc to get to it.
                      Its a unspoken word that anything left outside the gate or at the end of the drive with a note on scrap man day is for them to take , but these had came into her garden and down the drive,

                      She doesn't know who they are as we have several come around every day nearly so wont get it back .
                      A lesson learned not to leave metal in the front of the house ,
                      Im not fat just 6ft too small


                        What a cheek taking something which obviously wasn't meant for the scrap dealers.
                        What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                          WeeGranny,blimey it's all been happening at yours.
                          Oma, last year, neighbours across from parents bought the kids a trampoline. With it came a little step thing, so the the kids could reach trampoline.
                          One morning while the neighbours were taking kids to school, scrap men came and took the steps.Dad saw them,but by the time he got outside,scrap man had driven off.
                          We have put old washing machines outside when we have got new ones,but the scrap men have always asked first,if they can take them.
                          Looks like it will be another hot day,so must do my ironing before it gets too warm.
                          Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                            Good morning ladies.

                            I'm off out soon for my day with GD2, but wanted to say 'Hi'. We'll be out tonight as well (dog training), so it might be tomorrow before I get back online. We had a great day in London yesterday - I'll write about it later.

                            I haven't read yesterday's posts, but it sounds as though the Accident Imp is busy - take care all of you - and your OHs and families. xx

                            "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                            (Marianne Williamson)


                              Morning ladies off out to Sunderland to go to The Range want something for the Back wall in sitting room , sick of what's there now, Then as MIL is only 5 minutes away will call to see her ,
                              Sneezing head off this morning and itchy all over ,pollen count must be high so taken some antihistamines
                              Hope everyone has a good day ,no accidents ,
                              Qwerty not to much decorating its too hot already xxx
                              Im not fat just 6ft too small


                                I'm out Oma today retail therapy and lunch with DD 😀

