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    Good morning all. Its very hot here already but thunder storms are threatened for later on in the day.

    Enfys enjoy Devon and send it my love with a promise that I will return for a visit soon.
    Plant your trip sounded lovely
    Gem I used to shop for mum and then later on for dad and he always had lots of shopping even though he had Farm Foods deliver his frozen dinners once a month and put them in his freezer for him I still had lots of bags of his shopping.

    I was going to plant some pot bound shrubs into the garden at the back of the flat in the hope that something would grow in the one tricky space we have that at the moment nothing seems to thrive but as its unbearably hot here already I think I will wait till another time , perhaps autumn would be a better time to move plants.

    OH and myself went out early this morning to post a letter that the postman put through our door yesterday by mistake. OH took charge and declared himself head postman ( or Pop It In Pete as Larry Grayson used to say) . We found the house and as OH started to lift the letter book a very snappy noisy dog could be heard behind the other side of the door !

    This was enough for OH to try and hand post delivery duties over to me but I declined the offer. By now OH had refused to touch the letter box and with a quick look around he saw an opened widow , pushed the letter through there and then rather hastily made his way down the road worried the dog would be behind him
    Bring me sunshine in your smile.


      Oh poor OH Mimi. Dogs are an occupational hazard for postmen.I bet the letter's recipient wondered why his/her letter had suddenly appeared in their living room.


        Love the graphics Mimi.
        Thunderstroms forecast for us,it does feel very heavy.Sun in one direction and dark clouds in another direction.
        Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


          It was really hot this afternoon, 28°! It rained a little on my way home. Thunderstorms forecast but none so far.

          LOL Mimi, I bet that is why the postman left it at the wrong house!
          As a Christmas Post Girl, aged 17, I put a card in back in the post box rather than enter the garden of a noisy fierce looking dog! I didn't feel too guilty, they should have controlled their dog!
          “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


            Clover, I'm laughing at the thought of them finding a letter so far from the letterbox
            “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


              We had a bit of a shower and a couple of small rumbles of thunder about 5ish.Sun is shining now.
              Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                Originally posted by Nanto2girls View Post
                You and me both Mimi, i get them all the time.
                I got one today asking if i had had my car repaired after my recent accident.
                It's rude i know,but i just hang up on them.
                It's rude of them to ring Nan2 it's not like you gave them your number and said ring me sometime I am afraid I am rude can't even be bothered talking to them just hang up


                  Evening ladies scorchio today well from lunchtime onwards but had to clean fingerprints from the little people, do that ironing I promised yesterday, washload outside drying, bathroom cleaned shopping delivered and now I'm like a wet dishrag, still it's better than naff weather.

                  Gem my neighbours over the road well he does the shopping comes home with one bag occasionally a second one half full for the week just the 2 of them not that I'm nosy lol but how do they do it we always have 3/4 bags and sometimes wonder what I am going to have for lunch .
                  Plant your such a stop out lol sounds a lovely day though bet you took no rocking in your bed last night I would be shattered
                  Enjoy Devon Enfys I have never been it's a bit too far for us we went to Dorset a couple of times and that's far enough in the car for me
                  Hope you enjoyed your lunch Daisy what a lovely day to meet up !


                    Mimi, this morning our postie rang the bell, and handed over a small pile of ordinary sized post. I wondered if he had a parcel as well, but no, he just wanted to let us know that Eva was standing on the grass verge, wagging her tail at him! OH had opened the door to pick the milk up, and she must have slipped out behind him. Fortunately she loves the postie, and not as a snack!

                    We had a lovely time at lunch - seven of us, and had a good old chat. Then I went and did a bit of shopping, and came out of Superdrug with 3 bottles of nail polish. I've no idea how that happened!
                    "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                    (Marianne Williamson)


                      Couldn't you make up your mind which colour you liked Daisy?
                      What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                        Qwerty, we are the same with shopping.Well i am,hubby always says i buy too much.
                        Daisy,pleased you had a lovely meal out with friends.
                        Weather looking good.
                        Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                          No storm here last night, another lovely sunny day. Blood check for me this morning then food shopping. Later I have to pick GD up from station, I hope to fit some tennis in as well.

                          Thinking about dear Rhys, hope he had a good night.
                          What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                            Good morning, everyone. Beautifully warm and sunny here.

                            Plant - the 3 nail polishes were one colour for finger nails, one for toes, and one in case I can't make up my mind!!!

                            I've only just realised it's Rhys' big, big day today - I don't know how I've managed to lose track of something so important. So sorry GJ, but sending love and best wishes. xx

                            I'm going to do a quick dust and tidy round the house this morning - my new resolution is to keep on top of this housework stuff so it doesn't get out of hand again! The washing machine is already churning away.

                            Have a good day ladies.
                            "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                            (Marianne Williamson)


                              Morning ladies ,wasn't around much yesterday had one of those horrid pressure headaches that I couldn't focus on the computer or TV for long , that turned into a massive Migraine during the night that didn't lift till I threw up twice about 4am , I'm ok now just very drained ,.

                              Hope Rhys is ok hes such a lovely little boy so brave , so is his family come to that watching him go through all this GJ give them our love please I'm sure we all feel the same way xxx

                              Dog in garden and I have nothing to do today so just laze around pull myself together , its dull but VERY stuffy hear , have a good day ladies xxx
                              Im not fat just 6ft too small


                                Hi everyone.

                                Oma, that must have felt awful yesterday, I hope an easy day today helps you feel better.

                                Thinking of Rhys, GJ and the whole family today xxx

                                You may be joining the BBs Daisy!

                                My usual busy Friday, with baby GS all day and GD from school. This morning the baby walked 5 steps in the garden, alone not walking to anyone. OH went to get her camera, but of course he didn't repeat it after that. Maybe this afternoon, he's sleeping peacefully in the cot now.
                                Fish and chips for tea, so no cooking
                                “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown

