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    Went to see my very new GGC this afternoon, took two crumbles and some little cakes. He is just gorgeous, He slept all the time whilst DD and I were there, DD is besotted. They have two beautiful male tabby cats that imitate birds, they lurk under garden furniture and twitter away
    What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


      It does have that lovely new smell Daisy , I've always had cream carpets even when boys were little , last one was sort of Brown I never liked it to dark for me , now having the dog it's a case of catching him coming in but he has been good once or twice he has came in but as soon as I say stay when he gets to living room door he sits down and waits then obediently lifts each paw in turn 😊
      Plant I bet they were pleased with the crumbles something nice to eat without having to cook it , pity he didn't wake he is a beautiful baby , tiny but perfect 😊
      Im not fat just 6ft too small


        Morning ladies it's been a long night lots of heat packs and hot water bottles , we have Hospital at 9 so have to leave house at 7.45 no chance to rest this morning fingers crossed we will be home by lunch time ,
        Have a good day ladies xx
        Im not fat just 6ft too small


          Oma, carpet looks the new carpet smell. Hope your hip has calmed down a bit, and hope all goes well at the hospital.
          Had a bit of rain during the night,but i heard on the weather forecast, it will be the warmest March day for 5 years.
          Plant, a pity the baby slept through your visit, bet you didn't get a cuddle then. Your crumbles and cakes would be much appreciated.

          Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


            Lovely morning here. We are getting ready to go "up country" for our little break at DGD's place. We are going to Avebury (NT) then on to Hungerford this afternoon. It will be nice to spend some time with her this evening, she has the day off luckily. Back home via Winchester tomorrow. Weather forecast is good, looking forward to it.

            Lovely carpet Oma, new carpet smell...lovely. Hope your hip is feeling easier.

            have a good day everyone 🌞
            "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." - Dr Seuss


              Good morning everyone.
              Oma I'm so sorry about your hip.I presume it is arthritis?. What does your doctor say and are you a candidate for hip replacement? As you remember I had mine "done" several years ago and it was like a miracle to be free from pain.
              Your carpet is very smart. I wouldn't dare have a really light carpet.Our mid green one is enough of a nlghtmare for me and we don't even have any pets.

              Enfyys enjoy your little break. Here in the West it is overcast and rain forecast.I think we had our Spring last week.

              Yesterday we went to the cinema to see "Another Mother's Son" It's based on a true story set in Jersy during the German Occupation..With regard to the subject matter it would be wrong to say I "enjoyed " it but it was interesting and moving.


                Good morning, ladies. Nanto - It's a nice sunny morning here, too. I really want to get out in the garden, but must get on with clearing kitchen and dining room for workmen. I'm going to have a good sort out while I'm doing that!

                Oma - I'm so sorry you've had such a bad night. Like Clover, I was wondering if you were due for a hip replacement. Constant pain is exhausting.

                Plant - I'm sure the family appreciated your cooking. Although it's lovely to see babies awake, I'm sure Mum and Dad enjoy his sleeps nearly as much.

                Enfys - have a lovely time. I don't go to Winchester very often, but always enjoy it.

                Clover - I would worry about keeping such a light carpet clean - DIL2 has off white carpets with 2 boys, a dog and a cat. She's just bought a new Vax carpet cleaner - I think the other one wore out. She said rather wryly it came in handy at 1.30 the other night when the dog had a reaction to a flea treatment and had an 'accident'!!! We've got carpets on the stairs landing and all the bedroom except ours, but they are all quite dark, although I'd much prefer lighter ones.

                I read a review of the film "Another Mother's Son" and it did sound very moving. We've got quite a lot of friends who have lived in the Channel Islands at times, and the WWII history is still very evident.

                "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                (Marianne Williamson)


                  Good morning everyone.
                  I have been struggling a lot with the breath hold radiotherapy idea, and really letting it get to me. I am hoping, like many things, that the reality of this isn't as bad as my anticipation. I really don't think I can do it, but I just have to go tomorrow and try I suppose.
                  I think I am suffering from the combination of jetlag, lack of sleep, that after-holiday low, plus anxiety about the treatment. I feel pretty rubbish. I don't know where I would be without all of you to talk to!

                  Usual Thursday with my mum today.

                  Oma, I do hope you are not suffering too much with your poor hip.
                  Enfys, have a lovely time!
                  Good luck with the sorting Daisy.
                  Nan2, I heard reports of a really warm day as well. It is very dull and gloomy so far though!
                  How lovely that your DD is so besotted with her new GS Plant. We grannies know how she is feeling, don't we?
                  Clover our carpets are quite light - we inherited them with the house. I am not the type to maintain a light carpet. When we change them they will be darker (but not too dark as that will show the bits!)
                  “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                    So sorry you are feeling pretty rubbish Gemini, good thing to get the treatment over, you will probably feel relieved and more relaxed.

                    I have the colour of red wine when spilt but having a lighter one fitted in August after the decorator is finished, it will take me that long to make up my mind.

                    GGS is either asleep, feeding or crying so quite pleased he was relaxed so we could have a hold, I don't think my GS has stopped smiling, he will be pleased when he is less fragile.
                    What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                      Hope you start to feel better soon Gem, I'm sure the staff will be understanding and reassuring about your concerns. Oma carpets look lovely, but wouldn't last a day that colour in my house, the only place I have carpet is in the bedrooms. IBS still annoying with regular trips to the smallest room in the house. I am supposed to be going to a friends for dinner and drinks Saturday evening, a girly catch up. So fingers crossed the tummy settles by then as I am looking forward to seeing her . My new phone should arrive today and Matthew will set it up for me later. It's very mild today but no sun school run later. Plant I bet your GS appreciated those lovely crumbles, he is a bit like my husband, pprefers babies when their not so bendy and fragile.
                      "What doesn't kill us,makes us stronger."


                        Clover had physio , injections etc but Dr said I'm too young to have a replacement just yet , it has big flair ups like now when it's very painful then it will subside and just be a ache in the background that I can cope with no bother , it's the flair ups and not being able to lie down that's a problem thankfully it's not too often it happens ,
                        Gem the worry about the breathing and being afraid you can't do it is making you worse , sounds like your in a panic , remember they do this every day and they treat people with lung problems so they will have ways and means of supporting you ,try to relax easier said than done I know ,
                        Enfys enjoy your visit 😊
                        Libra IBS must be nasty and a nuisance does anything help with the pain ? My brother has Divicultists(sp) and is in agony when it flares up xx
                        Im not fat just 6ft too small


                          No Oma I had meds from the Doctor,but didn't really work, I know what affects me,but sadly it's all the things I like.
                          "What doesn't kill us,makes us stronger."


                            Libra, hope the IBS calms down soon.
                            Enfys, have a lovely break.
                            Gem, maybe you will feel less anxious when you get there tomorrow.I do hope so.
                            Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                              Oh Gem you sound so down.Once you get these ideas in your head it's difficult to think straight. As someone else said the people at the Radiology department are bound to have come across nervous patients before. In fact I should think everyone is apprehensive,It wouldn't be normal if they weren't. Perhaps they could even give very mild sedation.It WILL be okay,Perhaps you can try and visualise yourself somewhere nice,back in Florida perhaps.
                              I'll be thinking of you and willing you on.xx

                              Libra I'm sorry you are suffering too and hope this episode soon passes.xx

                              Oma ,perhaps the doctor might reconsider a hip replacement if you stress how painful it is especially at night. I think the latter is the criteria they go by when deciding.xx


                                Well had a surprise visit from DS and two youngest GC ,They rolled in at 4.30pm wanting feeding so sausage chips and beans quickly made and jelly and fruit for pudding , then GS2 had to have a shower no idea why but he was in there 15 minutes 😊 . The sitting room and dining room looked like a tornado had hit by the time they went home at 7 , toys everywhere Nerff gun bullets behind telly and sofa 😊 a lot to clean up but sooo worth it to hear them laughing and playing
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                                Im not fat just 6ft too small

