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    Good morning everyone,
    Daisy have a wonderful, much needed break! Don't worry about us. We will be fine, and possibly good

    Busy day here. Friends of the library meeting in the local Costa at 9.30 am. GS2 from nursery at 1, then GD from school. Looking after them at their house today. This is instead of my regular Friday as I am meeting GRU friends that day
    OH in an away golf competition all day today.

    Talk to you all later, have a nice day whatever you are up to.
    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


      Morning ladies .
      Daisy have a wonderful time enjoy the sunshine
      Gem Fridays almost hear
      Been to Asda, Aldi and pick the dog up , he's currently flat out asleep on the patio , my job today will be spraying some little weeds on the drive before its cleaned at the weekend , it never looks clean even when its just been done I think its because we don't get much light at the front so the shade makes it look dull , but the other side of the coin is thankfully the sitting room is cool in the summer so cant have everything .
      Went to B&Q yesterday to buy know sealer for the wooden posts that keep the porch up ,they need painting but we have sap keeps coming through the paint from the knots , a tiny little tin was £10 I know it goes a long way but for £10 it should be made with gold , then £15 for a tin of Metal paint for the railings that are about 6ft long at the side of the door . They have to be done so no point in complaining is there I suppose
      Im not fat just 6ft too small


        Qwerty my Remote holder arrived today a bit fiddly to slot together but its so cute and looks the part I'm well pleased with mine xx
        Im not fat just 6ft too small


          Daisy have a lovely trip, hope you have a good journey with your house behind you. The weather forecast is good so definitely pack the sunscreen. Never been to Weston.

          I have a doctors appt this morning and off to visit a friend who I found out yesterday has gone into a home. New television stand was delivered yesterday so all I need is someone to put it in place and reconnect all those wires. Phoned DS and he said he would pop in but not sure when, will get back to me, so it is sitting in the Lounge, I am very pleased with it, Just under 800 to just under £300, it is a very nice polished cabinet with glass doors. Took the car to Sytners to get an estimate for the damage and it is just over £1,000, not sure whether to put it through the insurance as my excess is £600 and they will put my premiums up a lot next year. Will talk to DS.

          Have a good day everyone although there is still a cloud over us thinking about the sad families in Manchester

          What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


            Daisy,I hope you're well on your way now but I hope you have a safe journey and lovely break.The tide goes out a looooong way at Weston.
            Plant I'm glad you're pleased with your new TV stand. buy.There's a certain satisfaction in getting a good bargain.
            To those ladies who have had family members or know of people involved in Monday's atrocities ,I do hope the affected people recover as soon as they possibly can though I'm sure it will stay with them for ever.


              Originally posted by Oma View Post
              Qwerty my Remote holder arrived today a bit fiddly to slot together but its so cute and looks the part I'm well pleased with mine xx
              NEVER !!! That must be mine they have sent to the wrong address lol boo hoo 😪 Fiddly it might be but I have the best fiddler in the world , oohh that' sounds so wrong on so many levels but I know what I mean 😉
              Last edited by Qwerty; 24-05-2017, 04:59 PM.


                Resting after twins yesterday apart from picking up new glasses today I shall expect to be seasick for a few days 🤓


                  Afternoon ladies I must have been flipping tired last night had a glass of wine with my tea a nice piece of salmon asparagus and new potatoes, drank half of it and switched tv on .Got up this morning and my glass of wine was still on the dining table , I'm not wasting it but it's a bit early for me yet 🍷 but slept well last night even on a half glass of wine 🙄
                  Thinking of all those In Manchester 😥
                  Last edited by Qwerty; 24-05-2017, 12:37 PM.


                    Qwerty there are so many things I could say about your Fiddler
                    Im not fat just 6ft too small


                      Ladies, behave!
                      What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                        It's that Qwerty she's naughty 😂
                        Im not fat just 6ft too small


                          Ha ha Oma
                          enjoy your trip Daisy a small rest I hope for you, or is it the calm before the storm next week school hols 😠


                            I have just nearly knocked myself out , I walked straight into the edge of a open cupboard door , have a lump on my forehead but so far it hasn't bruised I put a ice pack on but boy did it hurt , talk about seeing stars ,I have no idea why I didn't notice it open but I soon found out
                            Im not fat just 6ft too small


                              Evening everyone, it's been a glorious day here.
                              I managed to catch up with all the washing , I stripped the bed and finely managed to persuade OH that it was time to put the summer duvet on the bed. The winter one is bagged up ready to take to the cleaners for a wash. It's far to big to put in my machine. I can manage to wash the summer one myself as it's so much smaller.
                              We were able to eat outside this lunch time , in fact we have spent most of the day outside. OH has been messing about with the solar lights ( no surprise there ) and I have been generally acting like lady of the manor nipping of dead flower heads and watering hanging baskets.
                              Hope everyone is well
                              Bring me sunshine in your smile.


                                Oma your a flipping liability, wasnt the cupboard big enough to see. It's been wonderfully hot here, a bit warm for housework. I clean for youngest DD on a wednesday and I must have lost half a stone in perspiration doing the ironing. Planted up her tubs and baskets as well. Last day tomorrow of school runs, half term yippee.
                                "What doesn't kill us,makes us stronger."

