Morning ladies we are supposed to go out for lunch with DD to a posh place but Brian getting no sleep and his taste buds have gone again so we had to pull out a pity as the food is wonderful , I could have gone on my own but it's not the same without him so it's Pate on Germany bread for lunch instead 😀 then a quiet day let him snooze when he can . Have a lovely day whatever you are all doing xxx
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Agree just save up those treats for when Brian can enjoy. Husband is at work until about 3.30 ish. I have hand washed all my jumpers in readiness for the colder weather. It is bright and warm here so those that need flat drying are on towels on the garden tables. Hope they dry before night.
we will be having roast beef, roasties, broccoli stems, cheesy leeks. I will get the veg ready shortly and will make a bolognaise sauce for spag bog tomorrow. I won't be in until 5.30 ish and my bog is better than his!!
Cystitis is still lurking but it is cope-able. Will see doctor on Tuesday I think.
So has anyone been to Cuba? Husband has said Cuba or Bali. I have looked today and November is rainy season in Bali, I don't want rain. I just hope now that the US have opened friendly relations with Cuba that it isn't full of them. When we went to Punta Cana they were hideous. Not that I don't like Americans I hasten to add, I was once married to one (well in some cases that is probably a good reason not to like them!) it is just that the ones who were at that particular resort were multi tattooed hooligans and once they turned up there was no peace at all. Let me know if anyone has been there please.If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far go together
Having got back from holiday too late to pick up anything except the basics from the M&S convenience shop in Hitchin, I had to do a a Sainbury's shop today! It was very quiet, so quite a pleasnat shopping experience, but the traffic going to and from Ely was very heavy. Done two loads of washing which have both dried and am now supposed to be emptying suitcases and putting stuff away. Luckily the sun has been shining and it has helped to get over post holiday blues!Believe you can and you're halfway there.
Theodore Roosevelt.
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Originally posted by ZIZI View PostSo has anyone been to Cuba? Husband has said Cuba or Bali. I have looked today and November is rainy season in Bali, I don't want rain. I just hope now that the US have opened friendly relations with Cuba that it isn't full of them. When we went to Punta Cana they were hideous. Not that I don't like Americans I hasten to add, I was once married to one (well in some cases that is probably a good reason not to like them!) it is just that the ones who were at that particular resort were multi tattooed hooligans and once they turned up there was no peace at all. Let me know if anyone has been there please.
Zizi - Yes, I've been to Cuba several times. We first went 10 years ago when my DS2 and DIL got married there. They had been on holiday there 2 years previously and fell in love with the place and the people, and went back to the same resort hotel to get married. We have been 5 or 6 times since - to the same hotel. So I guess that means we like it!
I doubt very much there will be many Americans there for a few years, although inevitably it will change. Most visitors are Canadians, escaping their winter. Brits, a few Spanish-speakers and Germans make up the rest of the visitors. When we first went there there were no Cubans holidaying at the resort - now there are some, but very much in the minority.
We go mainly for a relaxing holiday with fabulous weather, a hotel where staff are genuinely friendly, kind and helpful. But we have been to Havana and several other places. Havana is amazing - so many contrasts and its history is laid out in every street, every building, every vehicle on the road. There is opulence and poverty, beauty and decay, but 99% of the Cubans you meet are delighted you are there, are happy people who will share all that they have - and they like the Brits.
We go to the Melia hotel on Cayo Guillermo - an archipeligo on the northern coast of the island. The hotel is everything it says it is, but 5 star in Cuba really isn't anything like anywhere else! They are currently refurbing some of the bedrooms and bathrooms, but like everything in Cuba work can grind to a halt because they've run out of nails (or something) and have to wait until more can be imported. One of the advantages of the improvement in American/Cuban relations is that the trade embargo should be eased, but nothing happens overnight! Generally, we like the food - you can have lots of things cooked to order exactly how you want them, but if they run out of something, it's like the nail situation!!! One time we were there they ran out of mint for mojitos! The all-inclusive drinks etc are branded ones, and the bar staff make fantastic cocktails - all served with a smile. The beach is beautiful. It's cleaned and raked early every morning and there are plenty of loungers there and round the pool. We've never known the hot-tub to work though!
So if you want something a bit different, but not too polished and perfect, and are prepared for some things not to work or be available for a few days, in a fabulous location with great people you'll love it!
We usually go end of October/beginning of November and the weather is great. Any rain comes down in bucketsful, you can get soaked in seconds, but it's warm rain and dries up as quickly as it arrives. Then the sun comes out again!
"Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "
(Marianne Williamson)
Oma a lot of meds for Brian, hope you managed to get some rest today...
OH went to Magaluf on Friday 6am with 12 lads, comes home Tuesday, had the GC Friday night was lovely, T was on his best behaviour, strange, but lovely, yes Grandma, your welcome Grandma, don't know what he was after lol, so they wanted to sleep in my bed with OH being away, they all slept with me 2 at the top and 1 and me at the bottom, topping and tailing, never again, but they enjoyed it, S slept for the first time and slept with DD2 so all happy...
Today DD2 asked me if I wanted to go out to our local pub for lunch, so we did, popped into see MIL first, OH normally does on a Sunday with her newspaper, so not being here we called in, then off too lunch, DD went to the bar to order lunch when the barman who we know and is a very good friend, his dad went to school with me, and knows OH well, same age as DD asked her where her dad was, she said in Magaluf with 12 mates, he said is he not too old for that now, she said NO but maybe to old to be getting dressed up as a Minion, good job she is not phased, he just laughed, so if you hear anything on the news about 12 Minions being arrested in Magaluff its him....
Seriously missing him this time don't normally just enjoy the peace but Tuesday cant come quick enough, by Wednesday I will be telling him to go back.....How does a child spell Love..........T.I.M.E
Morning everyone. I wonder if any other Grans are still awake?. I've had nights where I cant get to sleep but eventually drop off around 3am. Not this time. I've come back downstairs & I'm listening to the radio. Just thought I'd be the first to wish you all a good day, whatever it is that you're doing. Hope the sun shines."Good friends help you to find important things when you have lost them....your smile, your hope, and your courage."
(Doe Zantamata.)
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Nana hope you got some sleep eventually xxxxxxxxxxx
I have a fun day , off to pick a new bedroom carpet , the present one is 50 years old, then DD and I pick up DGS from school and go visit Jim , he is still in the care home because Social Worker have difficulties setting up a care package . We took him in pictures of his new ground floor bedroom and en suite , he is beginning to think he is in the care home for good ! but we think the pictures reassured him . We bring chocolate to cheer him up and he has also lost loads of weight
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Morning just anyway ,a quiet day here washing and a bit of cleaning trying to do what the doctor ordered and relax more,
Aggie at least they are making sure Jim gets the right package
I slept like a log last night I don't know how you ladies that cant sleep function
Oma a quiet day and you are getting eyes tested and shopping I don't call that quiet hope Mr B s coming round a bit
I get my blood results back poss tomorrow wonder what nuggets they have for meLast edited by Qwerty; 14-09-2015, 10:43 AM.
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