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Time to Chat Day by Day

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    Good morning.
    We haven't had any snow, I'm pleased to say.

    Not much happening today. Hubby and DS1 will be finishing something on GD2 car later this morning.

    I think it will be jacket potatoes for dinner, I haven't taken anything out of the freezer.

    Just seen the weather forecast on TV and apparently its going to be milder, windy and wetter next week.
    Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


      Good morning!
      Another cold one. My car looks like a little icebox! The temperature is set to rise a few degrees, so I shouldn't need to defrost for the school run later.
      I saw that forecast too Nan2.

      GS2 from school this afternoon. I never know if it's GD as well until the day, but usually she just goes home now. Last week GS was bemoaning (yet again) the length of the drive from school. 'Why do you have to live so far from school?' he demanded. I pointed out that he wasn't even born when we moved here and his sister a baby, so schools didn't figure into our choice

      Keep warm everyone.

      β€œA grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


        Morning everyone
        It must seem so long a journey to him 😁

        Our car is the same and we have a layer of snow .
        I opened the back door this morning and the cold air hit so B got the job of going to the bin 😁

        We hope the weather is milder too and the forecasters have it right.

        Dog Today , we have swapped Wednesday for Friday as DD has reduced her days to 4 , doing longer days but has a Wednesday off now to break the week up ,
        Works good for us .

        Going to give the kitchen cupboard doors a wash but having a cup of tea first ,
        I will pop back later see what everyone is doing ,xx
        Im not fat just 6ft too small


          Lovely and sunny here, I need to pop out some time to get some cash. GD1 just FaceTimed me, she might pop over later.

          I suppose your Gs just wants to get home and relax after a day in school Gemini.

          Oma, I hope you will not be climbing to wash those cupboards. Enjoy your day with Storm.

          ​​​​​​​Nanto, jacket potatoes sounds good to me. Pleased to hear you haven’t had more snow

          I will have a look in later after others have posted.
          What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


            Good morning, just when we thought the snow was clearing, it came again! I have been to do coffee but walked, safer. The sun is out now, warmer next week according to the forecast.

            Gem, how long is the drive to GS school?

            I think I will clean my settee etc, the weather for work in the house.

            I went next door yesterday for coffee and she gave me some of her homemade sauerkraut, the best I have tasted!


              Good Friday morning everyone. It's sunny here as well, and the temperature has risen to 0C now. I'll be getting my shorts out at this rate!

              Nanto, thank you for the striking graphic - what an amazing colour. It's cold to be working outside on a car, or is your GD2's car in a garage? I hope we get the promised milder weather as well.

              Gem, thank you for the warm hug. I suppose at the end of the school day GS2 is tired and just wants the journey to be over. I hope your little ice-box car is defrosting for you. I'm glad S enjoyed her golf, despite the cold weather. At least the course probably wasn't muddy. Could they take trolleys/buggies on?

              Is baby E crawling up the stairs himself (with you right behind him, I'm sure)? It's literally a big step forward if he is. I remember teaching sons and GCs to come downstairs backwards on all fours as soon as they were able to crawl up. We had two houses where the stairs were off the living room so it was important they could do it safely, and of course, they thought it was great fun. Three of the 4 GCs had open plan stairs as well, and nowhere to put a stairgate.

              I'm sure GD must be torn between wanting to spend some time with you, but rather enjoying being grown up enough to go home and have some time to herself.

              Plant, did you hear from the doctor eventually? Wrap up warm when you go out - my weather app says it's still zero in Bracknell. Is H OK now? I bet she would love some snow. How are they settling down in their new home? You must miss them not being so close.

              Oma, is the snow melting? I'm sure it will work better for your DD to do 4 longer days and have a day to herself. Are they finding it quiet with GS1 being away at Uni? Did your kitchen doors really need a wash? Still, if you feel better for doing them fair enough. If you feel the urge, ours could do with a going over.

              Lizzie, I hope it wasn't icy under the new snow. Hopefully it will get warmer as forecast and you can get your bike out again. You're right about it being the weather for indoor work. Even I am going to do some housework today. Does your neighbour always make her own sauerkraut?

              "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

              (Marianne Williamson)


                Daisy, it wasn't icy as the paths were almost clear yesterday, the sun it out now, 20+ in the sun on the balcony, my washing is almost dry!

                My neighbour does a lot of fermenteren? Including the sauerkraut.



                  Lizzie, it's a 25 to 30 minute drive, but as it's a Friday afternoon there is invariably more traffic and it can take us 40 minutes or more to get back. He's used to being in a car as they live in a village so I don't know why he has a problem with this journey! As Daisy says, probably just Friday and wants to be out of the car doing something more interesting!

                  Daisy yes I was right behind the baby and we counted as we went and he was happy and enthusiastic to do it
                  β€œA grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                    Lizzie, my SIL3 is very into fermentation. There are always various jars about!
                    β€œA grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                      Gem, that what it is like next door! I do think it is very tasty though.


                        Afternoon one and all

                        It looks lovely out but its bitter cold but on the plus side the washing is blowing in the very cold wind

                        Tesco arrived this morning to discover that I had ordered 1 apple instead of the usual 4 we generally have and I had also forgotten to order coffee!
                        So I went to the Co-op to get some coffee. It was my first day using my walking stick. OH kept calling me Diana from tv series Waiting for God (hopefully I'm not as grumpy as her )

                        Keep warm everyone
                        Bring me sunshine in your smile.


                          I quite liked Diana she was my kind of lady took no stick from other geriatrics or management 😁
                          I wonder what the picker thought when she/he saw 1 apple on the list 😁

                          I adore Sauerkraut, I can just eat it from the jar 😁
                          Bs aunt used to make her own , she had a cellar and she preserved and fermented lots of stuff ,
                          Her bottled peaches were to die for .

                          I was thinking the same as Daisy , how are they settling in their new home ?

                          He comes home so much they don’t have time to miss him 😁
                          DD is getting used to it and she knows he can look after himself fine.
                          She constantly checks her phone though just in case he texts 😁

                          The snow and ice have gone it seemed to just disappear .

                          I got all my cupboard doors cleaned
                          The tops were done a couple of weeks ago so. Didn’t do them today
                          I then I tackled the utility ,
                          I needed to stand on the work top to clean those cupboard tops but B stood behind me .

                          B has been replacing the landing light with a more modern LED one it’s very bright I now want the same one for my hall
                          when I said that he rolled his eyes you could just tell he was thinking why did I change this one I should have known she would want the other one changing 🀣🀣🀣
                          Im not fat just 6ft too small


                            Just spoke to Glamms DD they got the medical report today ,
                            Glamm died of
                            Multiple Organ Failure
                            Covid 19
                            With contributing factors of COPD .
                            Poor woman had no chance of fighting that did she x
                            Im not fat just 6ft too small


                              Poor woman.


                                No experience into this fermentation, is it good for your body and digestion?

                                Daisy to answer your question, no, I didn’t hear from the hospital until this afternoon. It was a pre-assessment before the procedure next week. All that done now just need the jollop I have to take. I should have had a prescription email, but no, not arrived! So we now have to go to the hospital to collect it, will they be there tomorrow? who knows!
                                A right mess up all round, I hope the medic who will carry out the procedure knows what he is doing.

                                Oma, poor Glamm she didn’t stand a chance.

                                Nanto, thanks for the warm hug. I really like jacket potatoes, I think I could eat them every day with different fillings.

                                ​​​​​​​Oma, you two are naughty, fancy B letting you climb up to clean the cupboards, I wonder who makes them dirty? Is it those little gremlins?

                                What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare

