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Time to Chat Day by Day

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    I love fish pies Oma.

    Home made pies are nicest Nan2.

    You are busy Daisy, we don't blame you for not making it to chat box!

    Well it was very nice to get out to the library, see some of the staff, have a hot chocolate in the cafe and do a circuit of the library. OH popped into the local card shop for a roll of wrapping paper on the way home. Tesco order has arrived so she is now putting that away.
    “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


      Fish Pie is my favourite meal
      What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


        Good morning. Had a few spots of rain not long ago. I thought it was a good forecast for today, not to worry.

        Shopping being delivered between 9 and 10.

        Oma, it's been on the national news about the man who died after the dog attack.

        I think dinner today will be crispy sliced potatoes, fish fingers and beans.

        Ordered a Christmas present for Tommie a couple of days ago. Its being delivered to the post office this morning. Having it delivered there was free delivery, 4.95 if it was delivered here. The post office is only 2 short streets away.
        Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


          Good morning everyone.

          Nan2, I often have things delivered to the post office or Sainsbury's in the village ( 5 minutes walk , 2 minutes by car ) if it avoids the delivery charge.

          Not too bad a night. 2 episodes of 5 am One Foot in the Grave then I went back to sleep until almost 8 once painkillers kicked in.

          DD3 and baby are due today. Golf for OH but it's so wet I will be surprised if they play.
          “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


            Good morning, I have just had my hair cut, I went to the next village on the bike and managed the bridge! I am now going for coffee in the village with my (cat)!!! neighbour from the corner.,

            Gem, I spoke to the friend in the UK, she had her op 3 weeks ago today, no more painkillers and hardly swollen so she is doing well. I hope you can say the same next week.xxxx

            I am trying to sort my clothes out, I did get rid of 2 items yesterday so will see how it goes today.


              She is doing well Lizzie! She is only 5 days ahead of me. Is she slim? No one has said this to me, but it makes sense that swelling would be worse when you carry more weight.
              “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                Good Thursday morning, everyone.

                We're having a slow start today so I thought I'd grab a few minutes to say 'hello' on here.

                No plans so far for the day - there is someone doing something with the kit car at the moment (possibly the brakes, so quite important!) and OH and BIL are both in the garage with their heads under the bonnet!

                The sun's shining and it's not cold, so great for the time of year. We'll see how our visitors feel about going out later.

                I'll try and get back when I've got a few minutes. xx

                Gem - lovely to see you out and about on FB. Sorry not had chance to comment on there. xx
                "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                (Marianne Williamson)


                  That could be it Gem, A is very slim! I know when they wanted to replace my knee, must be 13 or 14 years ago now, my physio said that with the lipedema he was worried about how it would go.

                  I forgot to post this, just got back from coffee in the village.


                    Afternoon ladies
                    had our usual Thursday at MILs , usual moans , Got me to text Gardener tell him not to come today he's shite anyway 🙄 told her yet again she won't get anyone cheaper and we think he does a good job, then she moaned about the cleaner, she hadn't made her bed right again not the way she likes it made. then her hair, i said well get appointment with hairdresser but she wants to wait to get her perm in December, doesnt stop her getting a trim now its only October .
                    Just one thing after another.
                    She was happy with the food we took shes having her fish pie then apple crumble for tea so that was a bonus I suppose 😁
                    Im not fat just 6ft too small


                      Although that could be the case my Sister in laws sister is a very thin woman and she’s having the same problems as you
                      Her leg is very swollen to the point she can’t get her trousers on ,
                      SIL had to go out and buy her some wide leg trousers and a skirt ,
                      She said it was the same with her first knee replacement but not as bad.
                      Sounds like it’s the luck of the draw doesn’t it.
                      Hope the pain eases soon getting no sleep is no fun xx

                      Always feels nice to have your hair cut doesn’t it 😁

                      Sometimes it’s cheaper to pick up isn’t it ,
                      Our main sorting office is just at the bottom of our estate so easy to get too
                      our local shop does deliveries and returns also.
                      We undecided what to have for tea but I do enjoy Fish fingers and beans .
                      Everyone is talking about that poor man and the dog attack .

                      Hope the weather stays good for you and your visitors
                      Its rained none stop here a bit chilly but supposed to be lovely at the weekend ,

                      We have been to Farmfoods
                      GS 1 wants crispy duck tomorrow so got that and a few bits and bobs ,
                      We are trying to run both freezers down to get them defrosted and cleaned out so I’m resisting the urge to buy more to put in but it’s difficult when you see a bargain isn’t it 😁

                      GS2 has another kick boxing match on Saturday , I can’t say I’m thrilled I hate the sport but he loves it .
                      GD has qualified for the National finals of modern dancing taking place soon much safer in my opinion 😁
                      Im not fat just 6ft too small


                        As you say Oma, the luck of the draw! I expect it is the same with all surgery really. One heals much faster than another.

                        Yes, a different person when my hair is cut!

                        I am busy with a present for GD1 for her 18th, we have a silver smith in the village and she does workshops where you can make a ring or hanger etc, I asked DS1 and he thought it a great idea, the lady has a place for her on Saturday but she will probably be working so it will be next year, if she wants to do it that is.


                          Well I had a lovely day.

                          DD3 and baby here for the day . We took the baby to the library and had lunch in the cafe there.

                          This evening friends came round and have just gone.

                          I bet GD is excited Oma.
                          “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


                            Lizzie, that sounds a lovely present for your GD. I would like to do that.

                            Gemini, I hope things are improving day by day. Love the pic on FB

                            Oma, I don’t think I would like my GS indulging in that sport. How lovely for your GD, she might be on strictly one day or is it a different sort of dancing.

                            Daisy, It sounds like a nice enjoyable time with your guests, not too hectic, weather looks good for the next two days.

                            Had my Covid jab today, arm feels okay so far. The doctor told me I had to wait for 15 minutes before I drove home, I couldn’t go before that because she could see my car and waved to me once. Popped into a garden centre after and had a lovely scone and coffee. Stopped at a farm shop and bought some lovely veg and some Halibut from the meat and fish shop. I think I deserved the very expensive Halibut and am going to cook it very carefully with love.
                            What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                              Breezy this morning.

                              Plans for me today is catch up with what i didn't get done yesterday as I was babysitting.

                              Dinner will be what I had planned for yesterday.

                              Have a good day ladies.
                              Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                                Good morning Nan2, and everyone.

                                Plant you certainly deserved the best halibut! I hope it is delicious.
                                OH and I have booked our Covid jabs for later this month.

                                Lizzie the silver workshop sounds a lovely idea.

                                No plans today. GS1 may come round for a bit while his mum has a work meeting. He was off school yesterday, and she asked me for today if he wasn't back. It won't be the whole day and at 10 he is zero trouble, plus OH is here. So I will wait to hear if he is coming.
                                We need to get GD's birthday present and card to her before Sunday. I'm not sure if they can collect it, but if not we may go over today or tomorrow and drop it off. My knee is less uncomfortable in the car now, so I could do that length of journey.
                                “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown

