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    Good Morning ladies,I'm feeling so much better the tests are now negative thank goodness.
    Nanto2 what a beautiful baby she is just a dream and such a pretty name.

    Oma poor you and that nasty tongue infection I bet it is so sore do you have to paint on the medication I remember something similar yrs ago happening to my sister.

    The hot weather is not too bad here not as hot as I thought it would be just touching 30 so its bearable at the minute I've closed all the blinds in all the rooms but with us being close to the River we do have a slight breeze which I am glad of.

    Little DGD was going to Chester Zoo today but it has been closed until Wednesday due to heat its not a place I would like to visit when its so hot there is not a lot of shade for visitors when walking around.

    My DD is coming over today we where going to Dunelm but not bothering now with the weather being as it is,I have been to Morrisons early this morning for fresh salad for our lunch thats as far as I am going.
    Plant when I got my Waitrose delivery yesterday I received a free bunch of flowers what a lovely gesture from them I thought mind you I've probably paid for them many times over ??

    Off now to hang the whites to dry and may even think of doing some ironing if I do I shall put on the fan in the lounge for an hour or so,does anyone know if standard fans use lots of electric ?

    Talk soon take care everyone

    Glamma x
    Keep Calm,You're Fabulous


      I slept well, had the fan on in the bedroom. As I have said before, bedrooms in bungalows keep cooler than in houses. I have a telephone call due from my doctor at 9.20 to discuss my blood pressure. I kept a chart of blood pressure readings for her some weeks ago. I expect to see GD1 and baby H sometime today. It seems very quiet here, no traffic noise and no noise from the school across the way.

      Gemini, I do hope your Sil hasn’t passed the dreaded on to you. I expect your GD will be excited to be going on a school trip. I gave my plants a good drink after the sun went down yesterday evening.

      Oma, very sensible not to do too much if it is going to be so hot.

      Lizzie, well done for getting back to the gym before it gets too warm. I hope the Dr will be able to help you.

      Enjoy your meal out Nanto, find somewhere with air-con.

      What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


        Our posts must have crossed Glamm, I was wondering how much electricity my fan uses, I have had mine on quite a lot recently and it was on all night in my bedroom. Pleased you are now over your covid infection. Enjoy your time with your DD. although my DD lives next door, we don’t do much together, I would love a day out with her, now she has retired perhaps we will. How is your neighbour, I bet he missed your meals when you were poorly.
        What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


          Hi Glamma, so good to hear you are feeling better.

          Thank goodness for cooler bedrooms Plant!
          “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown


            so pleased you are feeling better ,
            we have just been to Aldi for fresh salad for tea , it’s too hot to cook and it’s hard to muster up a appetite when your hot isn’t it .
            The mouth treatment is drops on my tongue 4 times a day

            Henry will appreciate the shade in the garden , don’t get too hot out there even in the shade you can get heat stroke
            Have you heard from S has it been ok on the open golf course ?
            I hope SIL hasn’t passed the covid on to you , you don’t need that again xxx

            in this weather I wouldn’t worry about the cost of electricity for your fan
            It’s more important you stay cool and comfy

            How is baby H with the heat ? Does it make her grumpy xx

            Its far too hot for the gym 😱🔥 you brave woman ,
            There is a warning out for people to stay indoors here , do take care xx

            J has gave himself a job and a half there in this heat ,
            Its very quiet here too , usually lots of BBQs but none at the minute

            Phoned Dentist they cancelled my appointment till I have finished the meds ,
            to be honest I’m secretly pleased , I didn’t fancy sitting in a hot Dentist surgery .

            Im not fat just 6ft too small


              Oma, I was there at 6-30am and not warm, I only did what I felt I could do then went early to the Lidl!
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                Hello everyone. My routine is all to pot - I usually pop on here while I have a cup of tea first thing, but with this hot weather I've been taking Eva out first thing - about 7.15 this morning and by the time we were on our way back just before 8, she was panting hard. OH had gone to Screwfix - still struggling with the sink in the bathroom - and the new washing machine is coming to morrow morning. We need to get the old one out and clean behind it! It seems to be all go. GD1 went to school first thing, but is coming home at 2.30. The last lesson is PE which she can't do anyway, and I'm sure she'll be tired and hot by then. They don't have a summer uniform so they're wearing skirts, blouses and - blazers! They've been allowed to take their blazers off and untuck their blouses.

                Lizzie - we are currently getting the cables laid for glass fibre - there's lots of drilling etc right outside our house. We don't know when the connection will be fitted though. Are you eating little and often - does that help? Take care in those temperatures. xx

                Oma - poor you. What an awful night you must have had. Housework - and most other things - can wait until it cools down. I don't think the dentist will want to see you either. And I'm sure you'd rather not go in this heat. Does it affect B a lot as well?

                Gem - where is your GD going for her residential? Wouldn't it be wonderful if there is a swimming pool there! I hope she enjoys it. I'm glad you haven't got to pick up GS2 today, much as you love seeing him. Stay cool and tea sounds perfect. I made a red lentil dhal last night, and actually it was just right - I felt cooler after eating it!

                Nanto - lovely no cooking for you today.

                "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                (Marianne Williamson)


                  Daisy, yes, I try to eat little and often, the same with drinking. I had it in my head I wanted to lose another kilo before August 1st, that is the date I started this way of eating a year ago, I have lost the last kilo and more!!

                  I can't see them young men getting to my flat today with the wires, we shall see, they are working so hard in the heat!!


                    We enjoyed our meal at the pub. Even had a pudding.
                    Sat inside,it was a bit cooler.

                    Hope you feel better soon Oma.
                    We don't worry about the cost of running a fan either.

                    Glamma,good to hear you are better.
                    Sometimes I forget to like posts,but that doesn't mean I don't like them.


                      My DD has just run a cool bath for Harriet, she was getting so warm and sweaty in just a nappy. They have all their curtains drawn but it is still warm in there except for the kitchen. They would have a job to buy a fan now, I expect they are all sold out. Our houses are just not built for this heat. They are asking us not to water the garden, I will give it a miss today, see what tomorrow brings. What a waste of time, just sitting indoors, too hot outside even in the shade until the evening. I must find some sewing to do. Keep cool everyone.

                      Daisy, so pleased GD is still managing some time at school. Long may it continue. Try not to overdo things.

                      Had an arranged call from my doctor this morning, she said my calcium is too high so she is altering my prescription, she isn’t concerned about my blood pressure. I have to make an appt to have a blood test in a month. I am very impressed with my new doctor, she is very nice and very much on the ball. I would really like her to get someone to clear up the psoriasis, then I would be very happy.

                      Gemini, I do hope that baby will not be too long now, your DD must be suffering in this heat.
                      Last edited by Plantaholic; 18-07-2022, 03:59 PM.
                      What is life if full of care we have no time to stand and stare


                        it doesn’t bother B as much as me
                        I am sitting in front of the fan and the windows are all open but it’s still so hot .

                        GS1 has been, came about 1 ish had his tea early about 3.30 as he is off to play golf with his friend and SIL .
                        Ordered him a couple of golf shirts he had seen was going to ask his Mam for them for his birthday as they were a bit pricey but his birthday isn’t till September so Nana to the rescue , I don’t mind he’s worth it .
                        Im not fat just 6ft too small


                          I'm sorry I missed some posts earlier - not intentional, I assure you.

                          Glamm, I hope you had a lovely time with your DD. There's usually a breeze off the Mersey, isn't there.

                          Plant - I feel sorry for little ones in this weather. It's harder for them to regulate their body temp, and I'm sure even a nappy feels too much to wear.

                          Oma - I hope it's not too hot on the golf curse for GS1! Has he broken up for the summer yet? My GS2 broke up last Friday.

                          I've no idea what to get for tea tonight. It's 34C in our back garden. We must be the only people who haven't even got a fan! OH has had to go to yet another plumbing place to get the bits for the sink. The last ones were ok till you tired to connect it all up and then it just fell apart. He's fed up with it!

                          "Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognise how good things really are. "

                          (Marianne Williamson)


                            Daisy they break up on Friday ,

                            Plant Harriet will enjoy playing in the bath , it will cool her down a bit ,
                            M&C put Finn in the bath this afternoon he was sticky with the heat but is doing ok ,

                            Your Dr sounds a good Dr as you say shame she can’t cure your psoriasis it must be a nuisance in this weather ,
                            my DS used to have it on his arms and elbows but hasn’t had any for a few years now , no idea why .
                            Im not fat just 6ft too small


                              Finley cooling down in the bath 😁
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                              Im not fat just 6ft too small


                                Hello Finley

                                What did you have for tea Daisy? It's really too hot for cooking isn't it?!

                                It's hard to make yourself eat and drink when you don't feel like it Lizzie. You need to keep your strength up though xx

                                Plant, it's great when you have a good GP.

                                OH was home mid afternoon. Instead of the planned 18 holes they only played 7 due to the heat. Luckily her car's air con works so they had a comfortable drive home.

                                It's been too hot to be outdoors today even in the shade. I tried a couple of times but was driven in by the heat.
                                It's due to even hotter tomorrow. Roll on Wednesday and more normal temperatures!
                                “A grandchild fills a space in your heart that you never knew was empty.” – Unknown

